A Diagnosis Of Colon Cancer

a diagnosis of colon cancer

I’ve been very healthy, usually having to see a doctor only for routine checkups. However, this spring I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. Other than problematic fatigue, I was doing well. Blood tests revealed the fatigue was from iron deficiency anemia and a colonoscopy led to a colon cancer diagnosis.

After my diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease earlier this year, my neurologist prescribed two medications that would help treat my symptoms. They made a noticeable difference but I started having some issues with drowsiness, lightheaded, dizziness and fatigue which are known to be side effects that can occur from taking the two medicines. I’ve also had a decreased appetite and lost weight without really trying but who complains about loosing some unwanted pounds. Most of the time, side effects from medications are mild and go away after a few weeks but I experienced fatigue and dizziness for months. Trying to eliminate the problems, the medications were adjusted to a lower dosage but the symptoms persisted.

The fatigue became problematic when I couldn’t finish simple cooking tasks in the kitchen. After standing 20 or 30 minutes, I would start to get lightheaded and have to ask my husband to help. Thankfully, he is a very good cook and has basically taken over the kitchen. That explains why you haven’t seen much from this food and travel blogger this year. We are not traveling and I’m sitting on the sidelines, watching my husband prepare wonderful meals for us. He jokes that his cooking might put a couple of pounds back on me.

The day came recently when I knew my fatigue couldn’t be just side effects from the medications I was taking, something really wasn’t right. I started my usual morning walk but was out of breath after a mere 250 feet and had to turn around. When I got in the house, the first thing I did was call our Nurse Practitioner and made an appointment for the next morning..

Upon arrival, she mentioned how pale I was and did several tests, noting a sudden drop in my blood pressure when I stood up from a sitting or lying position. She ordered a complete blood count (CBC) that is used to detect a wide range of disorders. She said she suspected anemia because of my loss of appetite, weight loss, drowsiness, low blood pressure and shortness of breath. I was surprised that these were all the same symptoms that I had been blaming on my Parkinson medications.

test for anemia

She told me that she didn’t want to alarm me but iron deficiency anemia is one of the first suspected symptoms of colon cancer. She had been told that the head of Colorectal Surgery at Cleveland Clinic was taking new patients and to be on the safe side, she wanted me to get an appointment with her for a colonoscopy as soon as possible.

Within hours of leaving her office, my Nurse Partitioner called to confirmed that I had iron deficiency anemia. My hemoglobin, as well as my iron count, were so low that I needed to get to the hospital emergency room as soon as possible. After more blood tests at the hospital, I was admitted, given blood and iron transfusions and observed overnight until the counts improved.

A week later, I had a colonoscopy and my doctor found colon cancer. She explained that it probably had been bleeding so slightly that it wouldn’t have been noticeable. Within two days, she scheduled three CT scans to see if there were any signs of the cancer spreading to other parts of my body. Good news came from her that the “CT scans show that the tumor is limited to the colon and therefore curable”. Surgery is planned in two weeks.

While Back Road Journal is the place where I like to share what I “discover on the back roads of life“, sometimes the roads can have an unexpected bump or two. I felt that it is important to let you know that if something doesn’t feel right with your body, perhaps it is time to see a doctor. If you are told that you have anemia, you might want to talk to your healthcare provider about screening for colon cancer because most people with early stage colon cancer don’t have any symptoms.

I’m very fortunate to live in a town with a good healthcare system, surrounded by friends and a wonderful husband that are at my side as I take this new journey. It certainly isn’t one of my usual travel adventures but hopefully it will bring me back to good health and I can once again travel and share new discoveries, beautiful scenery and delicious food with all of you.

My computer needs to go in for some need maintenance, the same as I do. Once we are both in good working order, I’ll write about my road to recovery. Perhaps sharing this new journey will help others faced with a cancer diagnosis such as colorectal cancer and will be facing the same issues. In the meantime, please think of this foodie over the months ahead and the lifestyle changes I’ll be making to bring me back to good health.

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

176 thoughts on “A Diagnosis Of Colon Cancer

  1. I wish you a speedy recovery from your surgery and a healthy future. I look forward to reading your future wonderful essays about your good travels and your good food.

  2. So sorry to hear this! Hoping everything turns out well for you. You have my very best wishes. And thanks for letting us know — I was wondering about your absence from blogging.

  3. Oh Karen, this is such disheartening news. We’ve reached the age where we need to check for everything, and if it isn’t one thing it is another; if it isn’t us ourselves, it is friends. I hope you continue to find joy in your kitchen and beautiful Florida garden.

  4. OMG – that must be very stressful! I noticed you’d been a bit quiet lately. I wish you (as everyone else has said) a very speedy recovery. I’m sure you will be back here soon with more fabulous pictures of food and the world. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Hi Mad Dog, I’m so lucky to have friends from around the world offering me words of encouragement. Hopefully I’ll be back to traveling and eating great dishes that I can share with my friends soon. Thank you 😊

  5. Oh my goodness. So scary. I’m really glad you didn’t wait too long… it’s tough when we don’t have a playbook for our lives. We just don’t know what’s going to happen and when. I’m glad you have good health care. That’s important. Hang in there!

    1. Hi Mimi, I’ve always believed that we need to live every day as if it is your last as there is no guarantee about tomorrow. Thank you for your kind words.

  6. Ohhhh…What can one say? I am so very sorry you are dealing with all this Karen but, in your usual informative way, you encourage us all to take care of ourselves. I wish you the speediest recovery and send warm hugs! Jane

  7. So sorry to hear this news. Thank goodness for excellent healthcare and hoping you are back on the mend soon. And thank you for telling us those symptoms of colon cancer – I didn’t know. Best wishes and sending healing thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you for your healing thoughts Pam, that is so kind. I’m happy to know that my story let you and others know a little more about some of the symptoms of colon cancer. I feel I’m very lucky to live where excellent health care is available.

    1. Knowing that I have the support from so many friends in the blogging world makes me feel so happy. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your kind words, thank you.

  8. Thank you for the warning. I know I so often just brush these things aside, but we should pay attention. Sending positive thoughts your way and a virtual hug. xo

    1. Hi Darlene, if my story encourages people to pay attention to their health and helps just one person to seek medical care early when they feel that something is wrong, I will be happy. Your kind thoughts and hugs are very welcomed.

    1. Thank you Kay, yes my doctor feels very confident that the cancer was caught early and doesn’t seem to have spread. Thank you for your encouragement from across the pond. 😊

    1. That is exactly how I felt when talking with my doctor. “You’ve got cancer” are words that none of us ever want to hear but we feel good about the prognosis. The wonderful words that I have received from blogging friends such as yourself Susan, help so much. Thank you 💕

  9. Surrounded by family, friends, and excellent healthcare is what it’s all about during this stage in our lives. Earlier this year I had a Cologuard test that came back positive for cancer then had the colonoscopy in May. Last week I had a follow-up with my GI, and he said the large polyp was less than 2 years away from turning into full-blown colon cancer. Scary words to hear as you well know. How fortunate your diagnosis was caught before it spread, and I know you’ll be on the mends soon. I’m currently on a Low FODMAP diet trying to figure out my issues… sigh 😒

    Thank you for sharing your story and the important information. We’ll be here when you’re ready to continue sharing this new kind of adventure. Sending hugs and healing vibes your way. 🙏

    1. Hi Ingrid, thank you for sharing what you have gone through as well. I hope our stories encourage others to get tested for colon cancer early. Prayers and support from others means so much. 🙏

  10. So sorry to learn of your medical issues but glad the colon cancer was discovered in time. With an immediate family history of colon cancer I began having colonoscopies in my late 40’s and have another one in Sep. Best of luck with your treatment.

    1. Thank you Larry for your support. ☺️ Good luck with your upcoming test as well, it is especially important with your family background.

  11. Karen, I am so sorry that you are dealing with this right now. I will pray for you and for a full recovery. It was rather providencial that I read your blog post today, really. I just happened to be thinking (about an hour ago) of all the blogs that I used to follow and haven’t looked at in a long time so I started clicking through the blogs in my blogroll to see if anyone is an active blogger anymore when I happened upon your latest post. The timing of it really struck me… I’m really glad that you found out what was wrong early on and are getting treatment right away. I hope you will be back on your feet again soon cooking, traveling, perhaps blogging and doing whatever it is that you love best. Lots of love and well wishes. Laura Valetutto

    1. Hi Laura, It is funny that I had recently stopped by your blog as well wondering how your family was. Good i hope. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear from you and very much appreciated your well wishes. Thank you 💕

  12. So sorry to hear about this Karen. I will keep you in my heart as you walk a new road….know we are all with you and supporting you. Much love!

    1. Donna, I can’t begin to tell you how very much the support I am receiving from all my friends means to me. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

  13. Hi Karen. I’m so sorry to hear about all you’ve been going through. Thank goodness for modern medicine, and that this is curable in your case. I’ll be sending lots of healing thoughts and warm hugs your way. In the meantime, sounds like your husband will be making all kinds of delicious meals for you. 🙂 ~Valentina

    1. Your healing thoughts and hugs are wonderful, thank you Valentina. My husband is special and is spoiling me with his good cooking. I’m very lucky. 😊

  14. Dear Karen,
    We’ve followed each other’s blog for so many years now and I know this will continue.
    My Mum at 82 had a similar diagnosis and after a total colectomy is free of the malignancy. Her life now at 86 is about as good as it can be albeit with a few other age-related problems.
    Noting your staging, the prospects are good and in some ways it maybe your computer is in worse shape if it needs to be sent in for maintenance.
    All the best with the procedure and see you back here when you’re well enough.

    1. Hi Gary, you are my best friend from Down Under and yes, we have been following each other since I first started out. Thank you, appreciate you sharing about your mom’s health and encouragement concerning my own in regards to the staging.You gave me a laugh about me and my computer, especially with your professional background. 😊

  15. Karen, I am sorry to hear about your cancer. I am on the same road and just started my second round of chemo. I know it is a shock, I also know you are in good hands and will conquer this and learn some new recipes to share. Best of luck with surgery and treatment. Looking forward to seeing you back.

    1. Hi Amelia, I’m sorry to hear that we are traveling the same road. I do hope you are doing well. 🙏 I will think of you as we make this journey along a path that will lead us back to good health. Take care my friend. Hopefully I’ll have good recipes to share soon.

  16. Karen, thank you for sharing your passages with us; you are in my heart and in my prayers as you start this new journey! I think it’s going to lead you to a good place —

    1. You are so sweet Kiki and I appreciate all the support you have been giving me. Thank you for the kind words and prayers you have been sending my way, you are a wonderful friend.

  17. Dear Karen, I was thinking of you and wondering why there wasn’t a post from your blog in my inbox. I am glad they found your cancer before it spread beyond the colon. My mother had the same diagnosis, she had an operation and recovered. I was with her the entire time. You will be fine . Hugs to you.

  18. You must have given a lot of thought to sharing this personal information, and I applaud your bravery and kindness in doing it. I hope your surgery goes well, and you have a full recovery and are back at your station in the kitchen. While you are recuperating please think about the fact that you may have saved another person or three by being so frank about your medical issues. Best wishes and prayers from NH.

    1. Hi Judy, I did indeed give a lot of thought about sharing my story here. Readers come to my blog to read about beautiful places and good food not about how I am doing. But as you said, sharing my story with so many people from around the world may end up saving someone’s life and I felt that was important. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. 😊

  19. Karen, positive thoughts and prayers coming your way. I know this is all very overwhelming. Please take on day at a time. Your hubby sounds like he is a great caregiver to help you recover asap. Always here for you dear friend. ❤❤❤

    1. Thank you so much Bobbi, for your positive thoughts and prayers. You are so right about my husband being a great caregiver. The hospital refers to him as my healing partner and I don’t know what I would do without his help and encouragement. I’m very lucky!

    1. I feel so very lucky to have so many wonderful friends from around the world sending me their words of encouragement. Thank you Mandy. I hope you are doing well.

  20. Karen, I don’t know what to say, other than get well. We miss your journeys, but we know that once you’re past this challenge, we’ll travel virtually together again.

    1. Get well is perfect Ron and much appreciated. I hope you are also good as well,my friend. I am looking forward to once again being able to travel and share my adventures with my friends. Thank you.

  21. Hugs to and for you Karen as you travel through this medical journey. ❤️‍🩹Rest assured of my prayers for healing. 🥰 I look forward to reading about all the blessings you will receive along the way; which may not look as you imagined , but will definitely accompany you. 😘

    1. How very kind Dawn. It is comforting to know that I have so many friends sending their prayers my way. When I read the heartfelt messages from friends such as yourself, it brings peace to my day. Thank you so much. 🙏

    1. Thank you Tania, it was a bump in the road I didn’t see coming but with all the lovely wishes I have been receiving I should do well. 😊

    1. Hi Angie, I think I was very lucky for getting an early diagnosis, hopefully all the tests are right and the cancer has not spread. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  22. So sorry to hear what you have been going through, Karen. It’s good they diagonosed the problem and be able to treat it. Hope you will recover soon and get your energy back. Thank you for sharing your experience with your blog friends. Take care.

    1. Thank you Amy, hopefully my story will help others who might end up having some of the same symptoms. By discovering the cancer before it spreads, my doctor feels it is curable.

  23. So sorry you are dealing with this now. Although we are very sad about your diagnosis, we’re happy about the prognosis. You will be in our prayers … and we wish you a full speedy recovery!! Please keep us posted and we look forward to more stories and delicious recipes soon. Sending you lots of hugs.

  24. Sending you a big hug and good thoughts for a speedy recovery. You are so courageous and I know you will be back soon sharing your experience as well as new recipes and travel adventures. Take care.

  25. Dang, Karen, I hate to hear this news but being aware of your spunk I know you will take whatever challenge in good stride with a positive attitude. Having Mickey at your side is a plus as it will ensure good care and some tasty Italian meals. Take good care and know that I am thinking of you.

    1. Thank you Linda, I really do think that a positive attitude helps people get through times like this. I’m really lucky to have a husband that enjoys cooking as much as I do and I am indeed eating some delicious meals. 😊

  26. I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. Sending you prayers for a successful operating and cure.

  27. Darling Karen, I love your optimistic outlook. Ive often been told that it’s an effective tool, and vital to the road to recovery. My love. 😘😘😘😘

    1. Thank you Mary, I do agree with you about being positive when it comes to something like cancer. It does no good to worry and it won’t change a thing.

  28. Karen, thank you so much for sharing this. It might possibly save someone’s life. You were so smart to be proactive and have your symptoms checked with your Doctor. We so often ignore our body’s signals and something that starts out as manageable becomes life-threatening. I am happy that your cancer was caught in time and is isolated to one area. I’m sure your recovery will not be easy, but it sounds like you have the best caretaker – a man who cooks! All the best to you.

    1. Thank you Suzanne, I appreciate your friendship and encouragement. I do hope that my story makes people be more aware that when something doesn’t feel right to see a doctor.

  29. Dearest Karen, what a bright, brave soul you are. Someone in my family (a man of 66 years of age) very recently was similarly diagnosed and operated upon – this was around November of last year. He was put on some medication, for some months, a kind of chemo that is in pill-form, but the regular checks have shown that all is well. I wanted to give you this encouraging news. And wish you all the super best best best. xoxoxo

    1. Hi Jo, sometimes you are braver than you thought you could be, especially when you don’t have any other choice. Thank you for sharing your encouraging words about one of your family members who has been going through the same thing and doing well. That is much appreciated.

  30. Hi Karen, I’m so glad you took charge when things didn’t feel right, and that you had a health care provided who was on the ball. Thank you for sharing your diagnosis, and helping to educate us for our own benefit and the benefit of our loved ones. I wish you many blessings on your new journey, and pray for a safe and quick recovery. (and I’m so glad your husband is a good cook!) Xx Dana

    1. Thank you Dana for your words of support. I do feel lucky that when I went for medical advice, that our nurse practitioner was so aware of what could possibly be wrong and wasted no time in getting me the proper care.

  31. Dear Karen, I’m so sorry to read of your latest medical problems. Thank you so much for sharing so that we may all be aware of what can happen to any of us. You are obviously very in tune with your body and an early diagnosis is surely a life saver. I wish you a good outcome from the surgery and a speedy recovery. Sending hugs and love your way. xxx

    1. Hi Sylvia, I appreciate your well wishes and hugs. After being so healthy all my life, I knew something was very wrong when I got exhausted so easily. I had no idea that I had anemia and that it’s one of the first signs of cancer. Thank goodness for a good health care system that discovered it so quickly.

    1. Hi Tandy, while this was a bump in the road I wasn’t expecting, I feel I am in good hands and hopefully will have a good outcome. Thank you for your concern, it is nice knowing I have so many friends sending me good wishes.

  32. Oh my gosh, Karen. I’m so sorry to hear about this. I know you will come out of this on the other side stronger than before, though. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and I look forward to seeing your post on the recovery! Hang in there, my friend!

  33. Dear Karen, such terrible news, but it sounds as if it was caught in time and I do hope the operation goes well so you can get back to health again soon. Wishing you best wishes for a speedy recovery. Sending you hugs and positive thoughts across the miles! 🤗

    1. Thank you Cathy, your positive thoughts and hugs are most welcome. We were hoping that we could return to Germany again this fall but it appears we will have to wait a bit longer.

  34. I am so sorry, Karen. A friend recently wrote and suggested I book my mammogram (which I’ve been putting off since covid) because her sister was just diagnosed with breast cancer! It’s certainly a sign. Fortunately, I just had a routine colonoscopy so all good there. I will keep you in my thoughts and send positive energy while you traverse this difficult road. I do hope you recover quickly.

    1. Definitely don’t put off important tests that catch cancer early Eva. I’m sure your positive thoughts will help in this journey, thank you.

  35. Karen – my heart goes out to you and I am truly sorry you have to deal with a dual diagnosis. However, I am so glad you discovered this at a time when it is treatable. It is a horrible disease, as is Parkinson’s. You deserve a good break… (both the rest kind, as well as the “gimme a break” kind.) Mark and I send our strongest healing thoughts your way. Big hugs from Tucson.

    1. Hi David, I so appreciate your comment and words of encouragement. I was handling the Parkinson’s well with medication but was blaming my new symptoms on those medicines. Now to find out that I have to deal with cancer as well. Yes I could do with a break but hopefully this new challenge will be behind me soon. Thanks for the hugs from both of you. 💕

  36. I’ve been following your blog a long time – I think we started about the same time – 2011? I’ve enjoyed all the trips especially when it brought back my own memories and always your creative recipes you shared. I know you will be returning with lots of healthy recipes and more trips abroad. You are fortunate to have a sweet hubby, friends and family – which is an important part of your journey. Hey, maybe you can get your hubby to start posting – could be fun for you both 🙂 Know that many bloggers are supporting you too!

    1. Thank you Judy, I’m lucky to have so many wonderful blogging friends like yourself who are sending support my way. I appreciate your kind words and hope to soon be back to sharing travel adventures and food with you.

  37. Sending you lots of love and prayers for healing! I appreciate you sharing your prognosis as it might inspire others to get tested or pay attention to their health! Wishing you a speedy recovery Karen, hugs, C

    1. Hi Cheryl,I do hope that my story does make everyone aware of how important tests can be when you know that something is not right with your body. Early detection is so important when it comes to cancer. Thank you for your kind wishes and prayers.

  38. Praying for you, Karen! So sorry to hear about your colon cancer diagnosis but thankful it is curable–praying the surgery goes well and every bit of cancer is removed, and that you have a quick recovery.

    1. I thank you for your kind wishes, Jean. Itotally agree with you about how important a caring husband is at a time like this, the doctors call him my healing partner and he is. He gives me words of encouragement and is trying to keep me happy through his good meals. 😊

  39. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s never easy to disclose something so personal and affecting. You are brave for doing so. And you are wise and considerate for urging everyone not to ignore that voice in your head or that unusual ache or tiredness that tells you something just isn’t right. May your journey through this be as smooth, uncomplicated, and hopeful as can be.

    1. Hello, I want to thank you for leaving such a lovely comment. I do hope my story can help others that may face the same situation some day.Your words of support about my health mean so much to me and I appreciate your concern. Thank you!

  40. Dear Karen!! I am so sorry to hear this diagnosis and at the same time so very thankful that you were diagnosed and have a plan forward. I’m sure the Parkinson’s issues could have kept you wondering, but not moving ahead with your doctor, for too long. Instead, as you’ve described, you bravely asked the questions. I hate waiting on diagnostics and I’m sure this has been incredibly stressful. Now I just hope you’ll move through the steps required and be feeling so much better soon. I’m really pulling for you to be back to your favorite pastimes, travel and cooking at the very least, sooner than you can even imagine at this point. I hope you really will feel you can share with us. I truly care.

    1. Hi Debra, I feel that we are very important when it comes to our own health and we should be more diligent sometimes. We are fortunate to live in a town with a wonderful health care system and my diagnosis came very quickly. I’m looking forward to a time when I will be back sharing my travel adventures and good food again. Thank you for your wishes.

  41. So sorry to hear. Yes, we go on in blissful ignorance that our lives will stay the same. But there are always surprises – good and bad – around the corner. I wish you well with your challenges ahead and glad you are getting good care.
    I have not found time to blog the past year or two, but hope to get back to it one day. It is nice to hear from my old blogging friends.

    1. I do wish I knew which one of my old blogging friends left me this kind message. I often wonder what is happening in all of your lives but understand how busy life can be and blogging takes a lot of time. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your good wishes with me, they are much appreciated.

  42. I don’t even know what to say, I feel so mad you’re even having to go through this! And yet, your willingness to teach others what to look for and how to listen to their bodies is filled with such tender grace. It’s a message we all desperately need. I’m thankful that you are getting good healthcare and that your support system is right by your side. I’m thankful we’re part of that support system and can cheer you on! Thank you for including us in all of your adventures. Your beauty never ceases to amaze me and I know your message will help change lives! Sending you hugs and adding my prayers to all the others, CoCo

    1. Hi CoCo, thank your for sharing your sweet comment. I do hope my story will remind people to make time to care for themselves and be sure to get tests as they are needed. In my case, finding the cancer early will hopefully bring good results with the surgery. Know how much you thoughts and prayers mean. 😊

  43. Karen, your fans appreciate you sharing this difficult journey with us. Sending you much love. You are in good hands with your medical team. Wishing you the very best. I will be checking in often to check on you.

    Lots of extra hugs.


    1. Thank you Velva, I appreciate your encouragement and prayers. I do feel lucky to have friends such as yourself giving me such wonderful support.

  44. Oh, I’m so, so sorry you’re dealing with this scary diagnosis, Karen. But I’m thrilled you caught it early (I’m a former hematology-oncology RN) and am optimistic that with the excellent care you’re receiving, you’ll be fine. Hang in there—I’ll keep you in my prayers as you navigate the path to a clean bill of health. xoxo

    1. Hi Liz, thank you for sharing your optimism about dealing with my diagnosis of colon cancer, that is very encouraging. We are lucky to live in a town that has good health care. We feel confident that this was caught in time and I am in good hands. I appreciate your prayers.

  45. so very sorry to hear this karen. what a shock for you. sending you many good wishes for a good recovery. hope everything goes well/has gone well in your surgery. all the best, sherry x

    1. Hi Sherry, I think none of us ever expects a diagnosis like this but I have faith that the cancer was caught in time. My surgeon is very optimistic about it being curable. Thank you for your encouragement.

  46. Karen, I was saddened to read about your diagnosis, but I am glad to learn that you will be ok.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers! Normally I do not reach out like this to strangers, but I felt compelled to thank you for your courage to share your experience with us. Like you, I am also in the process of undergoing some overdue check-ups and I admire your candor in reminding us that no one can ever be too vigilant in regard to one’s health.
    I wish you serenity as you prepare to undergo the procedure and hope you’ll have a rapid and complete recovery.
    Looking forward to read the good news on your blog.

    1. Thank you Paola, for taking the time to leave your lovely comment. It means so much coming from someone I don’t know but wish I did. Your kindness and words of encouragement are very special to me. I do hope you stop by again. ☺️

  47. Karen – So sorry to hear you are going through this. Wishing you a journey as smooth as it can be. Keeping you in my thoughts and well-wishes. I know no one wants to join the club of those of us who’ve had cancer, but know there are so many of us in your corner! Glad your prognosis is very positive!

    1. Thank you Laura for sharing that you have been down this path as well. That means a lot and your encouragement and those from others will help so much during this unexpected journey.

  48. I’m so sorry to read this! But thank you so much for sharing. I thinks its good for you to have a space in which to express your thoughts and feelings about all of this, but it’s also important for us to embrace all of life’s realities. I’m so glad you have a supportive husband.

    1. Hi Jeff, my husband feels the same way as you. He felt that if I shared how I was getting through this diagnosis as well as what lies ahead, that it would not only be good for me but might help others that are faced with cancer, Thank you for your wise words, they are much appreciated.

  49. Karen, I know you are in good hands and on your way to recovery. Dream about the beautiful trips you are going to have with your family!!!….I will keep you in my prayers…..God is taking care of you……Abrazotes, Marcela

  50. Oh Karen, you will definitely be in my thoughts. I’ve always been able to tell from your adventures and writings that you are a very strong person, physically and emotionally. Your positive attitude, a good team of doctors and more importantly, the support of your loving husband and friends will get you through this. My thoughts are with you Darlin.

    1. Hi MJ, Sometimes you find out that you are stronger than you ever believed possible and it certainly helps in dealing with this unexpected diagnosis of cancer. With the help of my family and friends such as yourself, I believe that I will get through this. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, they are much appreciated.

  51. Good luck with the surgery. Sorry to hear you’ve had these health issues but, as you say, the cancer is curable and after the op you’ll be able to get on with your life.

    1. Hi Helen, thank you for your kind wishes and words of encouragement. I noticed that you took your blog private. I hope you are well and that your garden is OK after such a hot and dry summer.

  52. Ciao Karen! I am sorry to hear about your health troubles. Thank you for sharing as I have no doubt that you have helped someone else with very important advice from your experiences! Take care of yourself and allow others to take care of you also. This journey will be hard, but know you are loved and admired!

  53. Be well and take good care of yourself. Thank you for sharing these scary problems but it is a courages thing to do. You sound like you are in good hands. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  54. It’s always a surprise mixed with sadness to hear about your diagnosis. I admire your courage and enjoyed your travels very much. May you be protected and heal through these trying times. God Bless you my dear! ❤️

  55. So sorry for what you are going thru… I am starting my journey down a similar road…. terrified that I will make the wrong choices…. I’m not sure I want treatment…. keep us posted on your journey… blessings to you

  56. Oh, Karen, thank you for sharing your very personal journey with all of us. You have been in my thoughts. So very grateful for the wisdom of your medical team and the love and support of your husband, family and friends, near and far. Your positive attitude played a huge part, too!! Heartfelt hugs, dear Karen!💗Love, Dawn

  57. Dear Karen,
    Wow, this news is a double whammy! So glad you had a rapid diagnosis, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that your surgery goes well.
    I too am facing issues…as an active senior and active gardener, during the past two years, both hips began hurting…making walking, standing, bending nearly impossible. I reduced my activities and business by 50%, and following two years of various MD visits, I am finally headed for a hip replacement the end of October.
    As a single woman with no family, balancing this event is challenging. Fortunately, I have two women who will help with transportation and PT at home. This was not in my life plan…and at present, I am pushing to get many garden chores completed before surgery. Many balls in the air. Painting, pruning, planting, mulching, washing, mowing to name a few.
    I must remember, “what does not kill me will make me stronger.”
    At least we both survived/avoided Covid, and now must forge ahead.
    Best to you and hubs, Diane

  58. Cancer can be mean 😰 I entered the hospital with Gallstone pain which was passed with little pain. However, several Doctors came to visit me explaining that I also have Stomach Cancer. Gulp! So this was the end of February 2023. Gee thanks God, what did do to deserve this? Silence 😞. So I have two treatments a month. YUCK! But, my cancer has reduced significantly 🙏😃. I live in Yuma Arizona and the Cancer Center is fantastic. Our summer home is in Show Low Arizona and thanks to my cancer doctors in Yuma I have two treatments to go. What a journey 🙂 , Thank you God and Jesus and the cancer center in Yuma.

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