A Blogger’s Anniversary

Five years ago, I sat at my laptop and wrote “Little treasures discovered while exploring the back roads of life” as a tag line for Back Road Journal. I asked you to spend a few minutes of your day with me and I would share life’s little discoveries I’ve enjoyed while traveling the back roads of New England and beyond.

Along the Wine Road In Alsace
A Back Road Through The Wine Region Of Alsace

I’ll never know how many people have even noticed the tag line in my header but something has brought many thousands of readers like yourself to Back Road Journal and for that I’m very thankful. Some of you leave thoughtful comments letting me know that I have inspired you to try something new in your kitchen or to plan a vacation to a place that I have visited during my travels and that always makes me smile.

For this anniversary, I thought I’d share some of my photos from the past five years for those readers who may have just started following Back Road Journal. For those of you who have been here from the early years, I hope you will enjoy looking back as well.

I’ve written about my passion for food, whether it was a seven course meal prepared by a famous three star Michelin chef in Europe or a simple dinner I’ve made in my kitchen.

You have followed along as I’ve traveled the east coast of America from the seacoast of New Hampshire down through Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

I’ve hopped on a plane to show you Germany and to prove that there is much more to the country than sausages and sauerkraut, you really must visit someday.

I’ve taken you to Austria where the beauty of the countryside can almost take your breath away. It makes you want to start signing “The hills are alive with the sound of music“.

I’ve shown you Italy, from Portofino with its grand yachts to the majestic Dolomites in the north.

Last but certainly not least, there was France where we visited its sunny coast and the wonderful Alsace region that is featured in my header photo.

Our historic home in New Hampshire was featured many times on the blog. The keeping room kitchen decorated for Christmas was in Country Woman magazine  but everyone’s favorite photos seemed to be the snow covered house at Christmas time.

No matter the season our apple orchard was always of interest, both in the spring when the trees were in bloom and in the fall when the apples were ready to pick.

I shared Monet’s beautiful gardens and others not nearly as famous as well as my own efforts growing both vegetables and flowers in New Hampshire and in Maine.

Summers at our lake cottage in Maine can never be forgotten…they were fun and we enjoyed the beautiful scenery everywhere we visited in the state.

Before I started writing my journal, I had no idea of the friendships that would be made with people who I will probably never get a chance to meet in person yet each of you feel like part of an extended family. You’ve wanted to hop into my suitcase and follow along on my journeys, you’ve shared your prayers and sympathy at my mother’s passing and you’ve all wished me happiness when my husband retired and we moved to Florida to start a new adventure in our lives. I can’t tell you how much all of that has meant to me.

Hopefully you will continue to follow along as I start my sixth year of blogging. I’ll be showing you around Florida in case you would like to plan a trip here to enjoy the beaches or escape winter’s cold. My husband and I are heading back to Germany and Austria for almost a month this fall and I’ll be sharing those adventures. And of course, you know that I’ll be cooking up a storm and sharing my recipes with you.



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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

349 thoughts on “A Blogger’s Anniversary

  1. Congratulations on 5 years of fabulous blogging. I don’t remember how I found you but I am so glad I did! Thanks for the nice walk down memory lane.

    1. Hi Darlene, However it came to be…I’m happy that we discovered each others blogs. I’m glad you enjoyed the post. Thank you for your wish and compliment.

  2. Happy anniversary Karen! It’s lovely to have this overview of all you’ve shared. I think I’ve been there for most of the time, certainly quite a while, and I’m still always delighted when a new post drops into my e-mailbox. Wishing you many more happy blogging years to come 🙂

    1. I appreciate your nice wish Kay, thank you. We both like good food and travel so I’m glad you enjoy my posts. Perhaps after reading about our trip to Germany this coming fall, you will think about adding it to you travel list. 😀

    1. Thank you Tanya, for your wish. I’ll enjoy having you follow along on my travels this year. I’ve got some lovely places to share with you.

  3. I don’t know when I started following your blog but it was several years ago. You have become a friend in the blogging world and I enjoy reading your posts and travel tips. You made my Munich visit so much more enjoyable with all the great tips you gave me. I am about to make your recipe for scallops with bacon and corn again. It’s one of my favorite recipes. I enjoy following your blog and thank you for sharing part of your life with us.

    1. Hi Gerlinde, I’m glad that we have become friends. I was happy that I was able to give you suggestions for your visit to Munich, it is one of my favorite cities in Germany. I’m always thrilled when one of my recipes gets tried and I learn that it was enjoyed, thank you.

  4. Congrats Karen. Indeed I live vicariously through your blog posts, as I remain tethered to my central Virginia gardens…keep on blogging! Diane

    1. Hi Diane, I know that my posts about our decision to downsize and move to Florida have made you think about your own situation. It is never easy to leave behind a home that you love but our choice was a good one, we really like Vero Beach and our new lifestyle. I’ll be sharing more of our Florida adventures over the months to come and appreciate your following along.

  5. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I know how hard it is to keep going – my fifth anniversary is only a month away. I’ve always enjoyed your great recipes, your travels, your beautiful images and your literate writing. Keep posting.

    1. Thank you Darryl, I appreciate your kind words and congratulations to you too! Yes, it is hard trying to keep a blog interesting, wondering what followers would like to read about next. For me…will it be another recipe or a place someone might like to visit someday.

    1. Hi Gary, I think you probably have and I so appreciate it. You are usually the first one to hit the like button when I write a post. 😀

    1. Hi Bishop, It was fun to look back at the posts over the last five years, I’m glad to know that you enjoyed the recap. Thank you my Texas friend.

  6. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary.
    Looking forward to traveling along with you as you enter year six! Yes, your snow covered house is a favorite for sure. I enjoyed your anniversary post today.

    1. Thank you Ruth, for your nice compliment and wish. I think the photos of our yellow house in New Hampshire on sunny day with a deep blue sky and surrounded with white snow were favorites of most of my readers. The photos reminded many of the prints by Currier and Ives of rural New England.

    1. Welcome Kathryn, I’m always so happy when I hear from a new follower as not everyone leaves comments. I hope you will enjoy my blog, thank you!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary. I have enjoyed every post with its beautiful photos, sentiments and recipes. Here’s to many more posts to come!

    1. Hi Karen, We have a lot in common…our names and Texas to name a few. 🙂 I’m happy that you have enjoyed following along over the years, thank you.

  8. Congrats! Wow, 5 years? Time flies. And I have indeed noticed your tag line. Looking forward to the next 5 years — and beyond.

    1. Thank you Judy, my New Hampshire friend. It is nice that I have your blog to keep me in touch with what is happening in my old neck of the woods. 😀

  9. What a wonderful recap of your blog, Karen, and Happy Anniversary!!! I passed my 5th year too recently. I don’t even remember how I found you at first but all I can say is the entire ride with you has been a joy! How’s that leg/foot doing these days? I’m sure with your warmer weather it doesn’t bother you like my broken leg from 15 years ago does me when the weather gets cold and wet. I will be happy to follow you along for many more years!

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Kathryn. I’ve definitely enjoyed having you follow along on my adventures. Thanks for asking about my foot, if I do much walking it bothers me but not too bad. I’ll never be able to wear girly shoes with heels anymore…flats for me from now on.

      1. Yep, breaking my leg (compression fracture on top of the shin bone) put heels out of my life forever too (one leg is now even shorter than the other!). Flats for me too. 🙂

  10. I think I’ve been with you, perhaps, almost from the beginning. Congratulations on a fabulous, unfailingly interesting and beautiful blog. And thanks for sharing not only your travels but also you life with all of us.
    I love, love today’s photos, esp. the ones of Monet’s garden in Giverny & those of Alsace because they bring back wonderful memories for me.)
    Oh, I forgot to mention, your photos are always wonderful as well !!! Happy Anniversary!! ; o )

    1. Hi Cecile, I’m happy that we discovered each other but how could we not…each of us having a love for an old yellow farmhouse. 😀 I appreciate your lovely compliments, thank you ever so much for your kind words about my blog and photography.

  11. Warmest congratulations on your five years: since most of your collage is familiar and has brought a renewed smile on my face, I must have been along for quite awhile 🙂 ! Love both your recipes [many of which have become favourites] and your travel stories: have just clapped anew at my favourite Wieskirche and Linderfhof in Bavaria . . . hope there are many food ideas and travel experiences-to-share ahead!!!

    1. Hi Eha, You have been following along for a long time and I thank you for that. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos from Bavaria. We will be going to that lovely region again this fall…it is a part of Germany that we just love.

  12. Wow! Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for 5 years of your delicious recipes and travel experiences. Looking forward to the next fantastic 5 years with you! Take care

    1. I appreciate your wish Bobbie and I’m happy that you will be following along from Hong Kong as I share my cooking and travel adventures. Thank you!

    1. Hi Gloria, Gracias mucho por su cumplido, es muy apreciada. I have very few followers in South America and I think you are the only one from Chile. I’m happy that you enjoy my photos. 😀

    1. Thank you Boleyn, for your lovely compliment. I had a good time looking back at the photos from the last five years to put this post together, I’m happy that you enjoyed them as well. 🙂

    1. Hi Sylvia, You know I don’t know either but what I find interesting is that we have both moved to Florida while blogging. 😀 Thank you for your nice compliment, I’m glad you enjoyed the post and photos.

  13. What a beautiful celebration of your blog! My only regret is I didn’t get started sooner reading your blog! Looking forward to visiting again ! Blessings, Shelba

    1. Thank you Shelba, I’ve not met many of my followers in person but I’m happy that we got to meet over lunch with our mutual friend Nancy. I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed my blog.

    1. Hi Julie, I feel the same way…thank you. You gave me a chuckle about your laundry room. We will see what everyone thinks about one of my future posts about our garage, another spot often neglected. 🙂

      1. Ugh Karen—you’re killing me—I’m still working on this laundry room issue and now you’re throwing in the garage!!!—gees louise–I can only do one catastrophe at a time…HA 🙂
        We’ve actually just built a free standing 3 bay garage with a complete room above—it looks like a mini me of the house–brick, dormers….but alas, my husband has all sorts of minimal plans—like storing the boats, the tractor, the lawn mowers, all the yard equipment….nothing fun…or at least fun in my book 🙂
        and so now I wait to see what my latest project needs to be according to Karen….
        Happy projects Karen

      2. Hi Julie, I’m sorry I’ve taken so long to reply…I found your comment in my spam file and I don’t know why. You gave me a real laugh…yes, the garage is organized but in a very manly way. Perhaps it will give you and your husband some ideas for your garage when I do the post. If the garage is a mini me of your house it must be lovely.

      3. the exterior is indeed nice…perhaps a bit misleading as it looks like a mini home complete with dormer windows… the interior however I fear will be shades machinery with a scent of au du gasoline 🙂

    1. Thanks Jeff, I’m always happy to hear from the witty man in the kitchen. I’m glad you enjoy my blog, I enjoy your comments. 😀

    1. Hi Ronit, I can’t believe how fast the years have gone by. They certainly have been fun for me and I’m happy that you have been following along. Thank you!

  14. Congrats on 5 years of blogging, Karen. Your photos are all magazine worthy. I look forward to a tour through Florida with you! Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thank you Angie, Although a lot of hard work went into the orchard, it was beautiful and the 100 varieties of apples we grew there were delicious.

  15. I loved taking a trip down memory lane with you, revisiting some of the beautiful places you had visited. I can’t remember how I found you , but I’m so glad I did. It meant I could see places I’d love to visit but probably won’t get the chance to. Please keep on blogging and I’ll look forward to seeing the pictures from yor next visit to Austria, Take care and keep enjoying life.

    1. Hi Barbara, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post, it was fun to look back at the past five years. I’m happy we’ve met too as I love seeing your part of the world and those lovely gardens you so carefully tend.

  16. Happy anniversary, Karen! I can’t remember how I found your blog, but I’ve been a follower since 2011. It’s hard to believe that that was five years ago already…doesn’t time fly? I love reading about your back road adventures and seeing your beautiful photos. Here’s to the next five years of blogging! 🙂

    1. Hi Grace, Yes you have been one of my longtime followers and I thank you for that. I do know that you always enjoyed the posts I did about our time spent in Maine each summer. I’m glad you will be following along on my new adventures.

  17. I’m bookmarking this page to look at when we are travelling–my crummy internet will not load the photos and I well know how beautiful they are and don’t want to miss out! Happy Blog-versary and I’m so looking forward to more in the coming years.

    1. Hi Sue, Thank you for bookmarking, I hope you will enjoy the photos when you get a chance to see them. Good luck with your wonderful gardens this year, not too many critters and a bountiful crop.

  18. Congratulations, Karen – to the next five years (at least)!
    And thanks for promoting Germany, there is definitely more to it than sauerkraut & sausages 😀
    Looking forward to your future travel and culinary adventures.

    1. Hi Kiki, thank you for your nice wish and compliment. We are looking forward to returning to Germany again this fall, it is a wonderful country to visit and has outstanding food. I don’t think most people realize that Germany is ranked second after France with the most awarded Michelin stars. 🙂

    1. Thank you Larry, for your nice compliment. When we first found each other’s blog, we had our summer cottage on the lake in Maine both had boating and lakeside living in common.

  19. Congratulations Karen. I have enjoyed being a blogging friend and reading about all of your travels and moves. I look forward to going back and reading some of your older posts. I wish you well in Florida. We just packed up a u-haul yesterday and moved our few belongs from our house there to NC. We will miss Florida, but it has opened up new opportunities for travel elsewhere. Keep blogging and I will follow.

    1. I’m glad you are going to be following along as I share another year of travels here in Florida and elsewhere…thank you Penny. I know you will miss your home but you won’t be limited to just one location when you want to travel. I can’t wait to see where you decide to go first. 🙂

  20. Happy Anniversary Karen! And I’m lame, I have to admit, I’ve not noticed that wonderful tag line of yours until now. I’ve truly enjoyed your blog over these years, your photos and your food. I look forward to discovering the little treasures you discover.

    1. Hi Lea Ann, I’m sure a lot of my readers haven’t noticed the tag line until I mentioned it. I appreciate your nice wish and I’m happy that you have enjoyed my posts over the years, thank you.

  21. Bon anniversaire!
    Your travel pics are always outstanding..you travel in such style!
    I am more like a Clampett I think:)Although this year we are flying to Florida..not driving that long haul..so less a Clampett..actually it’s really only going to Fl I can be a Clampett:)
    I enjoy seeing what you have through your eyes:)

    1. Hi Monique, Merci beaucoup pour votre belle compliment. You gave me such a chuckle, you could never be a Clampett with your wonderful taste. It is a long drive from Canada to Florida, I think it is great you are flying this year.

  22. Congratulations on five amazing years of blogging, Karen! This was a wonderful trip back through your adventures, both near and far. We do feel like extended family, as you share life’s moments, big and small, here on Back Road Journal. It’s going to be an exciting year ahead! ♡

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, Dawn it is much appreciated. I’m happy that you too feel like we are an extended family. I hope you enjoy this year’s adventures.

    1. Thank you for your wish Nancy. I have indeed been to some beautiful places and I can’t wait to share some new ones with everyone this year.

  23. Happy anniversary to your amazing blog, Karen! I remember how your gorgeous travel photos lured me in early on, but I have enjoyed your terrific recipes and photos of your homes just as much. xoxo

    1. Hi Liz, I never really know what my readers enjoy the best on my blog. I was worried when we moved from New England that I might loose readers but if they are like you, they visit my blog for a variety of reasons. Thank you so very much for following along. 🙂

  24. WOW!!! I adore your pictures. You have a sense of joy. Sharing your travels is wonderful. I too agree with back road traveling. You find the most interesting people, scenery and good eats. Lovely!!!

    1. Hi Eva, I’m happy that you enjoyed the post and the photos I’ve shared over the years. Thank you for your kind words. I think you will enjoy following along this fall when my husband and I head back to Germany and Austria, we will be visiting some amazingly beautiful countryside.

  25. Happy 5th.anniversary Karen. You have so many beautiful images of your food and travels in this post. I am sure travelling around FL with you will be a delight as well. I have been a few places you have been, but Italy is next on my list according to my friend.

    1. I appreciate your wish, Donna. I’m glad that you are looking forward to seeing a little of Florida. Your compliment about the photos means a lot as you are a wonderful photographer yourself, thank you.

  26. You have shared so much, Karen. Your blog is such a beautiful place to pause and breathe in so many precious parts of life–the flowers, the food, the travels. I am wondering where you are moving in Florida? Anywhere near Fort Myers Beach where my mom has a place? That would be lovely. Also not sure when your mom passed–belated sympathies. My dad died in January this year. Good luck on the next phase of your backroad journey…

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment Kathy, I’m glad that you have enjoyed my posts and photos over the years. We looked at homes on the west coast but moved to Vero Beach on what is called the Treasure Coast of Florida and are very happy with our decision. I’m sorry about the loss of your father, my mother passed away in January as well but in 2015.

  27. Happy congratulations, Karen. Your blog remains one of my very favorites–one I always look forward to reading when it pops into my Inbox. Looking forward to continued journeys with you.

    1. What a sweet thing to say Vicki, thank you so much. I’m happy to know you will be following along as I share more of my travels with everyone. 😀

    1. Thank you Siobhan, I’ve enjoyed having you “in my pocket”. I’m happy you are going along for the ride this year. 🙂

  28. Many congratulations Karen on your five year blogging anniversary. The images you choose to illustrate this post are lovely. I wish you many more happy blogging years. Bx 😉

  29. Dear Karen your pictures take my breath away you are one amazing blogger and you have inspired a lot of us. I always love visting your blog, always and I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart to your five-year anniversary! I will continue to follow all your adventures and I am already looking forward to it!
    You are one gifted lady, my friend! Andrea

    1. Thank you so much Andrea, for your kind words about my blog. I’ve enjoyed having you as a blogging friend and always appreciate your visits. I keep hoping that some year we will be in your part of Germany so that we could meet but southern Germany keeps beckoning us to return. 🙂

  30. I’m sure it must have been hard to chose from all of your amazing photos and adventures, but you certainly picked some beautiful highlights. Your blog is probably one of the most well rounded and interesting blogs out there. It’s been a pleasure to travel along with you on your adventures. Congratulations on this imoressive anniversary.

    1. I really appreciate your lovely compliment, Diane…thank you so much. Thank you for continuing to follow along…I’m hoping some day soon you return to blogging, you are missed.

  31. Happy Anniversary, Karen! I’m happy to have been able to join in on your travel adventures, food explorations and pleasures of home of home and garden for most of the past five years. I didn’t realize that you started blogging just a few months before me; when I discovered your blog back in 2011 I thought you were a seasoned pro, and no wonder — Back Road Journal has been beautifully written and illustrated with great photographs from the beginning! I’m looking to continuing to follow along.

    1. Oh Marlene, you’ve made me blush. Thank you for your lovely compliant and wish. I’m so happy that you have enjoyed following along for all these years.

  32. Congratulations on five years of blogging. This review of lasts posts makes me want to travel and eat the world! Lucky enough we are headed to Europe soon enough, looking forward to showing the boys some good food.

    1. Hi Lorraine, There will be more beautiful distinctions coming up this fall when we return to Europe. Thank you for your nice wish and for following my blog.

    1. Hi Kelli, There will be plenty of backseat room, glad you are ready for a “new vacation” to Europe. To fill out the traveling year, I’ll share some weekend and day trips around Florida. I appreciate your following along over the past years, thank you.

    1. Thank you Ladyfi, for your nice compliment about my blog and photos. I’ll try to share more vegetarian dishes for you in the months ahead. 🙂

  33. I am happy to celebrate five fun years of blogging and friendship. For me it started with your trips to Maine and I look forward to your adventure this fall. I’ve enjoyed following along and with you sharing your thoughts on many subjects I am interested in. Cheers Karen!!

    1. Hi Deb, Yes…my very first post was about our summer cottage in Maine. I was worried I would loose a lot of followers when we left New England but my blogging friends such as yourself seem to be very loyal and for that I say “thank you” for sticking around. 🙂

  34. Gorgeous pictures and lovely to see your gorgeous old house again. Congratulations on your anniversary and may there be many more.

    1. Thank you Tania, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and photos and appreciate your nice wish. I think about our old house often…I know everyone seemed to like it as much as I did.

  35. Congratulations on five years Karen! I always enjoy stopping by, and look forward to reading all about your holiday in Germany and Austria this autumn. I hope you will continue sharing your adventures and recipes for another few years too!

    1. Hi Cathy, Thank you for your wish. It is so nice to have blogging friends from around the world, especially one like yourself from beautiful Bavaria. We are looking forward to returning to your region again this fall…I’m looking forward to a slice of plum tart. 🙂

  36. It is the “road less traveled” that brings us the most joy, the most contentment and the delightfully unexpected. Such a delight to take this journey with you.

    1. Thank you Virginia, it is nice to know that you enjoy those less traveled roads as much as I do. I’m happy you will be following along with me as I share my adventures.

  37. Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging and sharing. What an amazing re-cap this is! Such great adventures and living! Here’s to many more 5-year anniversaries and much happiness and adventures to come. I really enjoyed the photos and your kitchen/home is beautiful.

    1. Hi Monica, I’m glad you enjoyed the post and photos recapping some of the highlights of my past five years of blogging. Thank you for your nice compliment.

  38. Congratulations on five years of blogging! Your photos are absolutely wonderful. I’m longing to visit Alsace, and your pictures made me want to visit even more! I’m looking forward to reading about your next adventure.

    1. Thank you for your nice wish and compliment, Beth. I do hope you get a chance to visit the Alsace region…it is very lovely and of course the food is delicious. My header photo for my blog was taken in that region.

    1. Thank you Barbara, this was a fun post to do and I’m glad you enjoyed it. We are almost neighbors now that I’ve moved to Florida…I’m sure you’ve been to some of the places I’ll be writing about in the future. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your kind words and wish, Denise. I’m very happy that you’ve enjoyed my posts over the years. It is nice having a friend who lives in Texas where I grew up. 🙂

  39. Happy Anniversary Karen, wow! five years good for you. I have enjoyed your posts and look forward to many more new ones. Hope you are having a wonderful long week-end.

    1. Hi Cheri, It certainly doesn’t feel like five years…the time has passed so quickly. I’m happy that you have enjoyed my posts and will continue on as I write about my new adventures.

  40. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging! Commitment and loyalty to others is important for successful blogging. In this post, there were gorgeous photos around the world, which I loved. I guess that Your plans for future German visit are made, but I suggest You to make a visit to Bodensee or in English Lake Constance. It is huge lake, with some nice small towns and villages. Best of it is flower island Maunau.

    We love Germany and have made many road trips to there during years. On German motorways there are no speed limits, but You must know it, I guess. 🙂 From Finland it is easy to reach by boat trips.

    Have a nice day!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Sartenada. I’m happy that you enjoyed this post and photos. You are so right about a blog being a big commitment but I do enjoy it because it has given me the opportunity to meet delightful people such as yourself. Yes I agree with you about Bodensee or Lake Constance, it is a wonderful spot for a holiday. We’ve been there several times, our last visit there was in 2012.

  41. Happy Anniversary, Karen and congratulations on five fabulous years of blogging. I feel fortunate to be one of your admirers and to have vicariously experienced your travels and transitions through your posts. I agree that one of the best parts about blogging is the wonderful community of friends (imaginary people who live in the computer) that forms as we share. I’m looking forward to hearing about your next adventures and fabulous recipes.

    1. Thank you Peter for your lovely thoughts about my blog, they are very much appreciated. You gave me a chuckle about our friends that “live in the computer” as I imagine you to be just like the illustration header for your blog…taking home a new plant for that wonderful garden of yours. 😀

  42. I’m sorry I’m so late in getting here, but it looks like 5 years well spent, Karen. I’ve enjoyed your company whenever I’ve managed to pop by, and the cooking… well! Let’s just say I wouldn’t spurn an invitation. 🙂 🙂 Happy blogging! Long may it continue.

    1. Jo you really weren’t late to the party, everyone is welcomed whenever they make it. 😀 If you every cross the pond to our area, I’d love to extend an invitation to share a meal at our table.

  43. Thanks to our blogs we have been on many wonderful adventures together, and I’m glad that one of them was actually in person.

    1. Hi Linda, It has been such a pleasure to not only share our adventures through our blogs but I’m especially happy that we had the opportunity to spend time together in Maine. Hopefully our paths will cross again. 😀

  44. Congrats on this lovely 5-year celebration! I don’t know your blog since 5 years ago, but I love it so much. It is a little gem!

    Cheers to many more years to come, to our blog friendship & to many cool trips, photos & amazing wonderful recipes for all of us to try! xxx Cheers! Hugs too! 🙂

    1. Hi Sophie, I’m looking forward to sharing my travel adventures and recipes with you. Thank you for your nice wish and following along on this journey.

    1. Hi Chris, I’m glad that you thought that looking back at the past five years was fun…it was for me too. Thank you for your wish.

  45. Congratulations on your anniversary, Karen! I’ve enjoyed following you along the back roads and the main roads! I am grateful for the tips for Germany that I used for my trip this past winter and I hope to use more of your travel tips for future adventures! I also appreciate you being a reader of my own blog and for taking the time to leave such thoughtful comments!

    1. Thank you for your lovely compliment Roz. It was my pleasure to share places in Germany that I thought you would like. I believe you will enjoy seeing the destinations we are headed to this fall, there is going to be some stunning locals and great food on this trip. How could I not love your blog, it a pleasure to visit. 🙂

  46. Hi Karen! I loved this beautiful post. Stunning pictures…I’m so happy I discovered your blog this year and I look very forward to following you on your new adventures 🙂 Thank you for your kind comments over at my blog too, I truly appreciate the support! Congratulations and happy blogger-versary!

    1. Hi Marcelle, Isn’t it nice that in our blogging world that we continue to find new and interesting blogs over the years. I’m happy that you enjoy mine and I yours. 🙂 Thank you for your lovely compliment and I’m glad you will be following along on the back roads with me.

  47. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your photos are stunning! Thanks fo sharing them so we can have the thrill of seeing such gorgeous places through your eyes!

    1. Thank you Julie, for your nice wish and compliment. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the photos. My husband and I have been very fortunate to have traveled to some wonderful places…I think you will enjoy where we are headed to this fall.

  48. Happy Blog Anniversary Karen! Isn’t it funny how a few simple thoughts, photos and words can open a door to a whole new world! I shared similar thoughts today as I reflected Memorial Day, the changes in our world, and how amazing it is that I have a whole new world of friendships through blogging. I have not been a regular follower, which I am amending immediately, and did not realize you have moved to Florida. My husband just retired too, it’s an adjustment! I loved seeing pictures through the years, and I look forward to your new adventures this year! Thank you for visiting me and your nice comments,

    1. Thank you Jenna for your wish. Yes we are friendly Floridians now…moved to Vero Beach last Septmeber. I’m happy that you enjoyed the post and that you will be following along on our new adventures.

  49. I’ve enjoyed reading about your travels and love all the spectacular photos! I’ve been to some of the same places, but was too busy looking to take many photos. How I wish I would have snapped away! Cheers to many more adventures on land and in the kitchen 🙂

    1. Hi Sandra, I’m happy to know that you have enjoyed the post. I’ve always had a camera at the ready when we travel. It makes it nice to have photos to look back on and now I also have my blog to record the adventures as well.

    1. Hi Rhonda, I know just how you feel. We’ve already made our reservations for this fall but when I see wonderful photos from other places, they make me start thinking of new destinations for coming years. 😀 Thank you for your lovely compliment.

  50. Absolutely gorgeous post. In fact one of the best with a gallery of stunning photos and journey of the last 5 years. Happy 5th Blog Anniversary, Karen! I traveled with you, moved with you and dined with you for 5 years, and hope to continue for many more years to come. The number of ‘Likes’ and comments on each each of your posts is a testament to how attractive your vibes are through your writing and presentation. I am honored to know you and to be able to participate in your journey. xoxo 🙂

    1. It is wonderful friends like yourself Fae, that makes blogging such a delight. You have always been so supportive of my blog, even recognizing it with awards. 🙂 I am the one honored and I can’t tell you how much your lovely compliment means to me. Thank you!

  51. Congratulations dear Karen! Happy Anniversary and also I wish more anniversaries… Beautiful blog and and beautiful blogger. Thank you, Love, nia

    1. Thank you Nia, for your sweet compliment. I remembering when you “gifted me symbolic red lentils”…after that I bought some to keep in my kitchen as a reminder of friendship. 😀

    1. Hi Debra, I have a lot of new readers and I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the looking back at some of what I’ve written about. Thank you for your nice wish.

    1. Hi Sarah, My blog truly is a labor of love…it is like having a full time job. I appreciate your kind words and I’m so happy that you are following along, thank you.

  52. Congratulations Karen! It feels like I’ve taken a ride with you through photos across Europe and New England. For a girl who hasn’t traveled nearly as extensively, it’s been a joy to tag along with you on your fabulous journey. Here’s to many more years of stories told with pictures, recipes and adventures!

    1. Hi Jan, I’m glad to have you tag along on my journeys anytime…I’ve got another beautiful trip to Europe this fall and there is plenty of room in the backseat for my readers. 😀 Thank you for your lovely compliment, I’m so happy you enjoy my posts. 🙂

  53. Happy Blog Anniversary Karen…amazing…5 years, and yes, I remember many of the photos…thank you so much for your continuous sharing…
    Have a wonderful week dear 🙂

    1. Thank you Juliana, for your nice wish. This has been an amazing adventure for me and I’m happy you have enjoyed following along.

  54. Happy blog anniversary! I have really enjoyed following you blog over the years. cooking and traveling are two of my passions and I feel connected to your blog. Hope you will be at it for many years to come 🙂 Happy almost summer. Velva

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment and wish Velva. I’m glad that you feel a connection to my blog through my food and travel adventures. We even have another connection now that I’ve moved to Florida. 🙂

  55. Happy blog anniversary, Karen, and the photos from your travels are just stunning!

  56. You’re an old-timer like me 🙂 You’ve been blogging 6 months longer than I have! Like many I have enjoyed your posts on food and travel – I sure did love your home in the East, especially that big kitchen! Congrats and cheers to many more years of blogging 🙂

    1. Thank you for your wish Judi, I’m glad that you have enjoyed my posts over the years. I may have been blogging longer in time but you have me beat with the number of posts. 😀 Our New Hampshire home was indeed special, especially my kitchen.

    1. Thank you Debbie, I’m glad you have enjoyed my posts over the years…there are plenty of back roads yet to discover. I’m happy you will continue along with me.

    1. Thank you Cheyanne, for letting me know that you enjoyed the post and photos…I appreciate your nice compliment. I’m happy that our paths have crossed as well. 🙂

  57. I have dipped in and out of your blog over time and have always enjoyed your writing and felt you were so generous to share your home with us all. I think for me your potting shed with always stand out, it was the potting shed of my dreams! I wish you the very best in your new adventures and the new road you have before you.

    1. I appreciate your kind wish Maria, thank you. I loved sharing our historic home with everyone and yes, that potting shed was a favorite of many. It certainly was the potting shed of my dreams…I brought two of the potting tables with us to Florida. 🙂

  58. Congratulations on your fifth blogging anniversary, Karen! I really enjoyed seeing your pictures of some of the last 5 years. So many beautiful places you have visited. I look forward to reading about your upcoming trips and seeing what year 6 has to bring!

  59. What a wonderful celebration of your blogging years, Karen. Happy Blogoversary.

    It has truly been inspiring tagging along on your adventures abroad and at home, in the kitchen and yes in the orchards too. I especially remember your move to Florida and how you welcomed us in as you gathered the treasures of your home in New England and the excitement in your voice for the anticipation of a new chapter in your life.

    Wishing you many more years of cherished journal memories Karen. Looks like we’ll all be in for the journey…Thank you so much for sharing…

    1. I appreciate your kind words about my journal, Louise. As you said, I’ve shared a lot over the past five years and I’m happy that you have enjoyed following along with me. It is nice to know that you will be with me as I share my new discoveries.

  60. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. This is such an amazing post, highlighting some of the places you’ve traveled and your beautiful home (I will be pinning here) with those amazing photos. I see we’ve traveled to a lot of the same destinations and experienced the wonderful food along the way. Your blog is amazing!
    Happy summer…….

    1. Happy summer to you too Emily. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and some of the photos from the past five years. I think we have a lot in common and I’m happy we are now blogging friends. Thank you for your nice compliment.

  61. Congrats on the anniversary, Karen! I loved this post. It was so fun to be whisked away to all of these wonderful places with you. I might have just spent the last 20 minutes daydreaming about Charleston and then Italy and then Germany and then Maine…the list goes on. It’s been wonderful getting to know you, and I wish you much success in this next year of blogging. See you on the journey! 🙂

    1. Thank you David, I’m glad that I was able to take you away for a brief moment in time to the places I’ve visited. I’m happy that we’ve had the opportunity to “meet” and look forward to you following along on future journeys.

  62. Karen, first of all, congratulations on your blog anniversary. Secondly, I’m so happy you stopped by my blog and that my visit back here (my first! where have I been??) is this one, recapping your past 5 yrs of wonderful subject matter. My husband (just fully retired end of 2015) and I are really trying to get around the entire US, and we’ve made two trips to the NE, both of which I loved (fall, a favorite time of year). I am curious as to where you’re retired in FL, couldn’t readily pick up on that, but I sure hope to learn that and much more in the coming weeks, as I’m signing up for emailed posts. We really love the Naples area of all the places we’ve visited in FL, looking, looking, but so far our one and only home remains in WV. I’m so happy to make your acquaintance! Happy June!
    Rita C at Panoply

    1. Hi Rita, I’m glad that we have gotten together in this blogging world of ours. I appreciate that you will be following along and thank you for your nice wish. We sold our home in New Hampshire and our summer cottage in Maine when I husband retired and had a home built in Vero Beach, Florida last September and love the charming little town. We looked at Naples but thought that the area was just way too crowded, especially during the winter season.

  63. Happy Anniversary, Karen! You have a great blog and I have enjoyed all your travel and food posts. You are a great writer! Your pics are all gorgeous, Austria is one of my favorite places I’ve visited, loved it there! Take care and Happy Blogging@

    1. Thank you Pam for your very lovely compliment, it is much appreciated. I’m totally agree about Austria, it is gorgeous and the people are so nice. We will be going to a couple of new places there this fall that I think you will enjoy seeing.

    1. Hi Abbe, It has definitely been fun for me and I’m happy it has been for for your as well. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. Hi Southern, I’m happy to know that you have enjoyed my posts and photos over the years and appreciate your kind words, thank you.

  64. Happy Anniversary Karen! Thank you for summarizing and sharing your beautiful journey over the past 5 years. I always love living vicariously through your travels and recipes -so inspiring 🙂 And I look forward to hearing about your new home base in Florida and upcoming trip to Europe!

    1. Hi Fuzzy, Thank you for your nice compliment, I’m happy that you enjoyed this recap. I’m glad you will be following along on my new adventures. 🙂 Sorry to have taken so long to reply but your comment had ended up in my spam file.

  65. Well, I’m so glad you left a comment on my blog, allowing me to find your fantastic blog. Congratulations on your blogiversary. I’ll be stopping by often.

  66. I’ve been following your adventures for several years and I always look forward to seeing your pictures from your travels as well as your garden. Well done and here’s to more adventures Karen!

  67. So many gorgeous photos and memories. You certainly have shared a lot with us and congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I really love your blog and enjoy how you not only share with us your travels but your homes and your recipes as well. And as for your travels, do you ever think you will make it Down Under? xx

    1. Hi Charlie, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post and photos…it was fun putting this together. As much as I would love to be able to visit Australia and New Zealand…it is just so very far away. I don’t think I could every get my husband to make that flight. 😦

  68. Wow Karen! Five years of blogging?! Congrats! I’m so jealous, you’ve been to so many beautiful places and must have so many wonderful memories of each and every one! I’ll absolutely keep following along. Can’t wait to see your pics from Germany and Austria. I have made it to both of those wonderful places on a European trip with my husband before our children were born. We did Germany/Austria/Switzerland and it was a trip of a lifetime! I’ll never forget it! Congrats again!

    1. Hi Mary Ann, I appreciate your nice wish…thank you. My husband and I love traveling to Europe and keep returning to Germany and Austria because of the spectacular scenery and wonderful food. I believe you will enjoy following along as we return this fall.

  69. Happy Blogiversary! I’ve enjoyed getting to know you via our blogs. It’s fun to see some of the highlights from the past few years. And, I enjoyed reading the Country Women article. It’s impressive that you’ve had an article published in that lovely magazine.

    1. Hi Sheryl, I’m happy to know you enjoyed the post and that you liked the article I wrote for Country Women magazine…I was honored when they contacted me about writing it. Thank you for your nice wish and compliment.

  70. Karen, you are one of the first bloggers I started following years ago and I have enjoyed every post since! Congrats and I look forward to many more wonderful posts full of great ideas and photos.

  71. Congrats on your blogiversary, and looking forward to following more of your adventures! 🙂

    1. Hi Kate, Thank you for stopping by and your nice wish. I do hope you will enjoy your visits here as I share my discoveries while traveling and of course there will be good food along the way. 🙂

    1. Hi Laura, I’ve been very fortunate to have traveled to so many great places over the years. I hope you will follow along this fall when I return to Germany and Austria, two amazingly beautiful countries.

  72. Happy Anniversary, Karen! What a wonderful recap of your last five years. Austria is one of my favorite places to visit and I’ve been many times. I’m completely mesmerized by the scenery there as well as Switzerland. Germany is wonderful as well and I’ll look forward to your trip in the fall!
    I’ve always loved your creations in the kitchen and now I want to see more so I’ll be digging into your archives. 🙂
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. I appreciate your wish Robyn, thank you and I hope you enjoy looking back at some of my posts. My husband and I tend to travel to less touristy areas so I think you will enjoy following along on our trip this fall.

  73. Karen,
    I am new to your blog, and enjoying your travels and recap of these past five years.
    What a remarkable and beautiful life you live and share!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jemma. I’m always thrilled when I get a new follower as it gives me a chance to discover a new blog…I find yours so much fun. My husband and I are very fortunate to live the life we do and I love sharing it with my blogging friends. 🙂

    1. Hi Fida, I appreciate your nice wish and compliment. I’m happy that you enjoyed the photos. I hope you had nice weather for your visit to Florida. You will be seeing more posts about the state as we moved here last September…before that we were visitors like yourself.

  74. Happy Anniversary Karen, it’s been so lovely reading about your romance with food and travel. Your photos are lovely and your words are joyful to read. May you and I share many more blogging adventures.

    1. Hi Eva, I thank you for following along on all my adventures and for your kind words about my blog, it is very much appreciated.

  75. It’s so nice to meet you and congratulations on five years of blogging! I sure enjoyed all the pictures that you shared. Best of luck with your new home in Florida!

    1. Hi Kitty, thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post and photos. Thank for your wish on our home, we are enjoying our new lifestyle very much. 😀

    1. Thank you Kiran, for your wish. We had a home built in Vero Beach and moved from New England last September. For all the time we have been blogging friends, I didn’t realize you were in Orlando…only two hours away from each other now that we’ve moved.

    1. Thank you Caroline, for your nice wish. I really have had some amazing trips and another one is scheduled this fall…I hope you will be following along.

    1. Hi Serena, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Everything you said about Germany is so true, it is one of our favorite countries to visit. We are headed back and I’ll be sharing the trip with all my readers while we are there and in Austria this fall.

  76. Congratulations! I have enjoyed reading your post, marveled at your beautiful photos, learned a great deal about the places you visited and appreciated the recipes you created. Looking forward to many, many more blogging anniversaries.

    1. Thank you Norma, for your kind words about my blog…we’ve been blogging friends for a long time and I really appreciate when you stop by for a visit. 🙂

  77. Congratulations on your milestone, and what beautiful photos! One of the best things about a blog: looking back at what you’ve recorded and remembering it all over again.

    1. Thank you Liz and Ross for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post and photos. You are right, it was fun looking back. 🙂

    1. Bonjour Mél@nie, Je vous remercie et je vous apprécie agréable souhait. I always appreciate when you stop by to visit…thank you for your nice wish.

    1. Thank you Nancy, for stopping by and your nice compliment. Welcome…it is never too late to find a new blog as far as I’m concerned. I’ll be following along on yours as well.

  78. Best wishes for the next 5 years, Karen! And I have noticed your tagline….the very first time I visited you.
    Here’s to following you for the next few years to come.

    Nazneen xx

    1. Hi Nazneen, It is nice to know that you noticed the tag line, I have a feeling most people don’t see it in the header. Thank you for your nice wish and for following along on my adventures over the years.

  79. Karen, I’m so glad you did sit down and type your first post! I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now, and I have collected a list of places I want to see from your wonderful descriptions and photos. The variety of posts you write for us is what makes your blog so interesting ~~ food, travels, and your homes. I hope you continue for many more years! Linda

    1. I so appreciate you lovely compliment Linda. I’m happy to know that one of the reasons you enjoy my blog is because it is varied…I’ve often wondered how my readers feel about that. I enjoy blogging because of friends like you so I’ll stay around. 😀

  80. Congratulations on your 5th blog anniversary, Karen! I’ve always enjoyed my visit to your blog and I look forward to many more. Life is always evolving and your blog shows that it always to be celebrated!

    1. Hi Pat, Thank you for your nice wish and compliment. Yes, life does evolve and both of our blogs are proof of that…we’ve handle our moves well. 🙂

  81. Beautiful blog and photos! The backroads are usual more rewarding and less stressful to travel, anyway. Especially in Germany – driving on the autobahn is definitely no fahrvergnügen). Where will you visit there in fall?

    1. Hi Karin, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. It seems we both have a love for Maine (where we had a summer home) and Germany. The autobahn is wonderful if you have to travel long distances in a short time but we love all the towns we discover on the back roads. We will be in Austria and Germany for almost a month…most of our time in Germany will be in the regions of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

  82. Happy Blogiversary. Not many blogs have lived to see their fifth year anniversary so congratulations on this memorable and exciting achievement. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful photos and for showing me the tag line. I never noticed it before, but today I did. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you for your wish Liz. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and photos. Yes, I’ve been disappointed when some of my favorite bloggers stop blogging after a year or two. I’ve enjoyed my five years and am in for the long run. 🙂

  83. Congratulations! Happy bloganniversary! 5 years is a really long time! Thanks for sharing all these beautiful photos and thoughts!

    1. Hi Marcela, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed this post and photos. It was fun looking back at the five years…they went by so quickly.

  84. Happy Blogiversary Karen! I’ve truly enjoyed following your food and adventures over the past few years. I had never notices the tagline. I’m glad you pointed it out! I’m looking forward to our blogging friendship for the next five years!

    1. Hi Kristi, It seems that many of my readers hadn’t noticed the tag line in my header. I’m happy to know that you’ve enjoyed my posts and will continue following my adventures, thank you.

    1. I appreciate your nice wish and compliment, Johnny. Yes, we are very happy in Florida although it will take a little time getting used to the hot summers. Now the winters…they are delightful. 😀

    1. Hi Rosita, Gracias, estoy feliz de que hayan disfrutado siguiendo a lo largo de los años. I’m glad you enjoy my posts and photos.

    1. Hi Carol, Thank you for your visit and nice compliment. I’m sorry that I haven’t reply before but I just discovered your comment in my spam file today…it should be fixed now. 🙂

  85. Karen, Happy blogversary! I passed the five year mark last year and just remember being so shocked so much time had gone by. I love seeing your photos of travel near and far. Monet’s gardens, oh my goodness!


    1. Hi Mollie, I appreciate your nice wish and compliment. Isn’t Monet’s garden beautiful…I can just imagine how lovely it is on a sunny day.

    1. Thank you for your wish, Shirley. I’m happy to know that you will be following along on my adventures…I believe you will love our next trip to Austria and Germany this fall. I’ll definitely be sharing more of Florida as well.

    1. Hi Kat, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post. I’m like you about the travel itch, I see travel photos and they make me want to dust off my passport. 😀 I’m happy you will continue to follow my adventures…thank you.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth, I appreciate your nice wish. I’m looking forward to what lies ahead and I’m happy you will be following along.

  86. Catching up on all the posts that I have missed – happy blog anniversary, Karen! I read all of your posts with great pleasure and always love hearing about your travels and kitchen adventures.

  87. Hi Ksenia, You’ve had your traveling shoes on for some time now. Thanks for taking the time to catch up here…I always love your visits and lovely comments.

  88. Not sure how I missed this one, Karen…a huge congrats on one of my favorite blogs. Your photos are all magazine worthy…love the one of the apple trees…makes me wish I were in New England instead of Kansas!
    Looking forward to another 5 years of reading your blog…

  89. Congrtas, dear Karen of 5 years of blogging! yay! I love your cool blog with fabulous photos, fantastic recipes & your lovely personality too! Cheers to many more years of blogging & enjoying yourself doing so! xx

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