Behind The Scenes…Country Woman Magazine

Being Behind The Scenes of a photo shoot doesn’t happen every day but when it does, it is very interesting. You might remember my post, Fashion Alert last year where I had come across a fashion photo shoot in Kitzbühel, Austria. Little did I know then that a month later I would be part of another shoot but this time in my own kitchen.

Behind The Scenes Of A Photo Shoot
Behind The Scenes Of A Photo Shoot

While still in Austria on holiday last year, I received an email from the editor of Country Woman magazine. She wrote that while surfing the web one day, she had come across my blog and a post about my kitchen. She thought the magazine’s readers would enjoy seeing the kitchen in our 1730’s home. She wanted to know if I would be interested in writing a story for their 2014 Christmas issue. Be still my heart!

While the story wouldn’t be published until more than a year later, the magazine wanted to see if they could plan a photo shoot before my annual Christmas party. It would be extremely exciting to have our home featured in a national magazine but I seriously wondered if everything could be accomplished in a month’s time.

After much debate and encouragement from my husband, I decided to accept the exciting challenge and sent a story to the magazine. They were happy with what I had written and the art director found a photographer, Greg West, who happened to live in Dover, New Hampshire, less than an hour away from our home. Greg is well known for his architectural and interior photos and has been featured in magazines such as Accent Home & Garden and New England Food and Wine.

Pondering The Shot
Pondering The Shot

Unlike the photo shoot in Austria with lots of assists, Greg came alone. I pointed out items in the kitchen that I had written about and Greg then spent the entire day taking photos. My husband and I stood out of the way and watched Greg as he maneuvered his camera and lights.

Photos Taken And Emailed To The Art Director For Approval
Photos Taken And Emailed To The Magazine’s Art Director For Approval

It is easy to see why a magazine’s photos are so good when you see the equipment that a professional photographer uses and how it is used. After Greg took each shot, he would email the photo to the magazine’s art director. Some photos were accepted on the spot, others needed to be tweaked. Little details like the placement of pinecones, the reflection of light on the stainless steel stove, the distance a drawer was opened would be changed just a smidgen and the photo retaken.

The Refrigerator And Freezer Doors Open To Show How They Were Camouflaged
Cabinetry Hides The Modern Refrigerator/Freezer Until The Doors And Drawers Are Open

During the shoot, I asked Greg if he would mind if I took a few photos of him and what he was photographing as he worked and he kindly agreed. My modest photos in no way compare to Greg’s professional shots. The last photo of the day was of myself, taken just as it was starting to turn dark. My husband and I helped Greg load up his equipment and waved goodbye as Greg munched on one of my Christmas cookies.

Christmas Issue Of Country Woman
Christmas Issue Of Country Woman

Even though I was paid for my story last December, I haven’t mentioned this experience in my blog until now as I didn’t want to “count my chickens before they hatched”. What if I got an email from the magazine saying they were sorry but they had reconsidered doing the story? Of course, that was not the case and this week I was pleasantly surprised when I received a copy of the December/January issue of Country Woman magazine and there it was…five pages featuring my story and Greg’s wonderful photos of our kitchen decorated for Christmas.

Christmas Past & Present…How Exciting To See My Story Featured In The Christmas Issue Of Country Woman Magazine
Christmas Past & Present…How Exciting To See My Story Featured In The Christmas Issue Of Country Woman Magazine

For those of you that won’t been able to find copies of Country Woman in your part of the world, I’m pleased that you can read the article on the Country Woman website if you are interested. It has additional photos that Greg took that weren’t able to be put in the magazine story. In December, I’ll share some of the wonderful photos that Greg took and show you the book he sent to me as a remembrance of this experience. “Thank you” Greg.

Never in my wildest imagination would I have guessed that I would be behind the scenes of another photo shoot let alone one in my own home. The experience of being featured in a national magazine is a dream come true. I’ll never look at a home magazine again without thinking of all that it takes to put each edition of a magazine together…lots of time, energy and talented people are involved in the process before it can be published. I want to give a big “thank you” to Country Woman magazine for the chance to contribute to their magazine with the story about the restoration of our 1730’s home in keeping with its historic nature. I hope the magazine’s readers as well as my own will enjoy the story.


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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

273 thoughts on “Behind The Scenes…Country Woman Magazine

  1. Fantastic Karen! No wonder you are thrilled and your “country kitchen” is so deserving to be featured in a magazine such as this. Congratulations and I will have to get an issue. I like to read/look at the holiday magazines 🙂

  2. How absolutely wonderful Karen! What fun and a privilege to have your magnificent kitchen featured. The bits I have seen and of the rest of your home are truly wonderful! Looking forward to seeing Greg’s other shots.
    Have a beautiful day.
    🙂 Mandy xo

    1. Hi Mandy, It really was a fun experience watching Greg…now I have the magazine to see how it was all put together. I appreciate you nice compliment about our home, thank you!

  3. Karen, congratulations from the bottom of my heart – the pictures are amazing and warm and wonderful and Christmassy – I can only try to imagine what it must mean to you and your husband that your breathtakingly beautiful kitchen in your historic home is featured in the current Christmas edition of “Country Woman” – I am extremely happy for you!
    All the best from afar – I shall continue to marvel at the pictures!

    1. I appreciate your sweet words, Andrea…thank you! When you look at a home magazine, you never envision that your own home could ever be featured. Being in the Christmas issue was special as it is my favorite season. 🙂

  4. Karen, I am thrilled for you. But then your beautiful restoration deserves to be in a magazine. I love your kitchen and can appreciate all of the thought that went into making it into a cook’s dream.

    1. Thank you Penny, for your lovely thought. I was so thrilled to have our kitchen featured. It is historic in its appearance as all the modern appliances are hidden from view except the stove.

  5. So excited for you Karen! Congratulations!! I am hoping this is one of the many magazines my mama subscribes to. If not, I am going to buy a copy, just because you are featured. Your kitchen is beautiful! 🙂

  6. What a beautiful house Karen. No doubt a lot of thought and love went into it and it shows. You must be so thrilled to have been contacted and now to see the fruits of your labour in full glossy glory! Last but not least what a lovely picture of you at the end of the article.

    1. I appreciate your lovely compliment, Maria. Four years of restoration work went into our home before we could move in. I can’t begin to tell you how thrilled I was to see the story in print. Greg’s photo of me did turn out well…thank you for saying so. 🙂

    1. Hi Kiki, Our kitchen is large because of its historic nature. A keeping room as it was called was the center of activity in the home. It truly is the heart of our home. Thank you for your wishes.

  7. Fantastic for you Karen to have your home shown in a magazine, I know what it’s like, some years ago our home in France was included in an English TV program about English people buying property in France. It took all day to film and we were shown for 3 mins. in an hour long show. As I won’t be able to buy the magazine I’m now going to have a look at the link you gave, & later the extra photos from your lovely photographer. Your kitchen looks fabulous. Enjoy the joy of seeing your home featured in the Christmas Country magazine.

    1. Hi Barbara, You do know how I must feel…having your home on an English TV program is exciting. I’m glad there is a link I could send to my friends in other parts of the world to and next month I’ll share the photos.

  8. Karen – this is so exciting!! Your house is very special and you have excellent taste. I’m not one bit surprised ‘Country Woman’ magazine wanted to print an article about your kitchen during the Christmas season. Congratulations!! I very much enjoyed this post and I’m – fer sur’ – going to go to the website to see everything! As an aside, when we had our farm in Quebec, the ‘Association of Quebec’s Milk Producers’ chose our home for their commercial, which is done in a different village in Quebec each year. A small crew came a few days before and set up old-fashioned swing in the tree next to our house AND I was told not to mow the small field near our house because they wanted it full of dandelions in seed. The day of the shoot two trucks showed up and about 12 people. It was fascinating – as you well know. The crew spent several hours filming (all outside), then they went to film some other locations in our village. It was such a thrill to see our home on TV!! Following that, different people would show up to ‘check out’ our farm. Once I was sitting in a little kiddie pool with my grandchildren & up drives a couple who wanted to see our farm… Everyone who dropped by was lovely…and of course, most of them spoke only French! ‘ o )

    1. I appreciate your kind words and wishes, Cecile. It sounds like you have had a similar experience in the past…it is exciting, isn’t it. 🙂

  9. Congratulations on the photo shoot and article. You have a gorgeous home and the recognition is well deserved after all the time and effort spent in restoration and modernization while keeping the best elements of the past. Best of luck for future endeavours.

    1. You are so sweet Boleyn, thank you…restoring our home was a labor of love. We were so fortunate to have a talented group of men that are involved in saving historic properties work on our home.

  10. It is a beautiful kitchen!
    Well deserved article and photos..
    Happy to see how well it gracious you were..and that you were pleased with the whole process.

    1. Thank you for your compliment, Monique. I really was happy with the whole process from being to the end. I appreciate your nice thoughts about the article. 🙂

    1. You gave me such a chuckle, Tin Man. In my mind, I can see us holding hands and doing a happy dance…along with a lot of giggling I think. 😀 Thank you for your wishes, they are much appreciated.

    1. I appreciate all your kind words, Tin Man. I was really pleased with the photos…Greg did a great job. The one of me did turn out good, especially at the end of a long day. It may become my new gravatar photo in the feature. 🙂

  11. I’d guess it was hard to keep the excitement contained for an entire year – it’s great you saved the old place. Well done on the article and your home looks terrific.

    1. You are so right, Larry. It was hard not mentioning anything about the photo shoot. You never know what will happen when something has such a long lead time so I thought it best not to say anything about it. I’m happy to know that you liked the article and photos…thank you so much.

    1. It is exciting, Linda…thank you so much. I’m glad that you have enjoyed seeing photos of our home in the past and appreciate your lovely thoughts.

  12. I just looked at all the wonderful pics, Karen. Congratulations on the article, and also on having created such a gorgeous kitchen. It’s the perfect setting for Christmas decorations; so warm and inviting. Love the photo of you too. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Sylvia for your wishes and compliment. Our kitchen, with its red walls and large cooking hearth is the perfect place to decorate for Christmas. I’m glad you liked the photo of me, I was happy with it…thank you. 🙂

  13. Congratulations Karen, your kitchen and house looks beautiful and I love the picture of you. I’m leaving for Germany on Wednesday and will look for the magazine at the airport.

    1. I appreciate your kind wish and compliment, Gerlinde. I was happy with the photo that Greg took of me…I’m glad you liked it. Have a wonderful visit in Germany with your mother. I know she will be happy to see you. 🙂

    1. Thank you Didi, I’m glad you enjoyed the story…it was an exciting experience. Christmas will be here before we know it…it is my favorite season. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your lovely sentiments Ksenia. I hope it will be interesting to others because of the history of our home and how we worked with it in the design of our kitchen.

  14. OMG!!!! So excited for you, Karen! You have such a beautiful home and you and your husband have done a wonderful job with maintaining an historic home without sacrificing modern comforts. Congratulations! 🙂

  15. Wow!! How exciting! I’m so very very happy for you , Karen. It couldn’t happen to a more special lady. I”ll be searching high and low for a copy of that magazine—I like to read something “solid”–but will look at the online version as well.
    Just from your photos I can see that it is just such a marvelous space. What a wonderful spot to spend on those cold and drizzly days (like what I’m having right now—ooooooh, what a great day to bake!)
    Have a wonderful week. And again—hooray!! Many hugs and congrats!

    1. I appreciate your sweet thoughts, wishes and hugs Sue. I was told that the magazine is sold at Barnes and Noble and Walmart but there is also the online version. We’ve had cold, wet days as well but luckily today is nice. Unfortunately…it is not going to last too long. Stay warm and enjoy your baking. 😀

  16. Bravo – Well Done! wonderful post also about your experience. Thank you for providing a link to the feature in the magazine so I can read it. Your home is stunning and your photographs as well.

    1. Thank you Jovina, I’m happy that you enjoyed the post and seeing my photos of the behind the scenes photography session. I’m glad that I could provide my readers with a link to the article as I know the magazine in not available everywhere.

    1. Thank you for your kind words, David. I do think my kitchen is at its best during Christmas…I love decorating it. As to the rest of the house, I think I’ll show that to my readers myself. 😀

  17. What a wonderful experience! Congrats on the article! How nice to have your kitchen featured. Your house is beautiful — definitely worthy of being published. Thanks for sharing this with us — off to read the online article in the magazine.

    1. Hi John, It truly was an unexpected and exciting experience. You can imagine my surprise when I got the inquiry while I was on holiday in Europe last year. I’m happy that you enjoyed this post and hope you like the article. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. You are so sweet, Rosemary. You are so right, the experience well always be something to remember. I’m happy that you can tell your friends that you know me but that works both ways…I’m happy to call you my friend. 🙂 Thank you!

  18. That is exciting — your home and inviting kitchen were a perfect match for that magazine! I think it’s amazing to consider how technology has changed all we do — to think the photographer is able to instantaneously receive feedback and tweak photos on the set, versus years ago having to develop film and hope for the best.

    1. Hi Kat, It does appear that my 1730’s home surrounded by our orchards and our kitchen decorated for Christmas really was a good fit for the magazine. It is so true about how technology played such a part in photographing our kitchen. It was such an interesting experience to be part of. Thank you for your nice compliment, I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

    1. Thank you Sam, for your nice wish. 🙂 My husband and I have always enjoyed our home so I was very excited to do this project with the magazine.

    1. Thank you Karen, It makes me happy to know that you and my other readers find our home to be as interesting as we do. I appreciate your kind words.

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Charlie. I agree with you about how wood gives a home warm feeling…especially with the use of the historic milk paints we used in the kitchen.

    1. Hi Amy, The photo shoot was almost a year ago and it has been hard not to share the information before now. I’m happy that you enjoyed the post, thank you!

  19. This is so cool Karen! Congratulations. What an honor and what a fun treasure to have to pass along to your children someday. The photos are gorgeous and the kitchen is just beautiful. I always love to see your home at the holidays. You just do such an amazing job decorating. Congrats again!

    1. Cool is right, Kristy…I can’t tell you how exciting it is to have our home featured in a national magazine. I’ve always enjoyed your comments about our home and appreciate your kind words.

  20. How lovely for you Karen! Your kitchen really is gorgeous (the cake and cookies looked tasty!) and will surely be inspiration for so many people who read about it now! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your lovely compliment, Cathy. I hope you are right…perhaps the article will inspire others thinking of remodeling their kitchen.

  21. Wow, how exciting, Karen. What an honor and your kitchen looks great in the magazine. Nice of Greg to let you photograph him as well. With all your great recipes, having your kitchen featured is wonderful thing to have happened.

    1. Hi Donna, I was so flattered when the magazine contacted me on doing a story about our kitchen. Working with Greg was a pleasure…he was kind to let me take the behind the scene photos of him. I found his work to be very interesting and thought my readers would as well. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. Hi Helen, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the story and appreciate your nice compliment. It was a wonderful experience that I won’t forget.

  22. I do remember the other photo shoot! Can’t remember why it made me chuckle so much. Probably the clothes – hoping that doesn’t make me sound too old. Anyway, your kitchen is beautiful. And can understand why it’s been featured.

    1. Hi Johnny, I’m glad you remember the post about the fashion photo shoot in Kitzbühel. It got so many comments because of the outfit the model was wearing. Her onesie and her hat with the goggles is what made everyone chuckle. 😀 Thank you for your nice compliment about our kitchen…it is much appreciated. By the way, it is very nice to see you out and about in the blogging world.

  23. I am so happy that your beautiful home has had the chance to be displayed in a national magazine . . . I am certain every one of us reading your posts have so enjoyed your photos of Christmases past and now the rest of the world has had/will have the chance to do so also. Have been to the magazine site and thoroughly enjoyed it! [And it being a very small world, one of our best known designers Down Under, Shaynna Blaze, is featured straight after you 🙂 ]

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Eha. I can’t tell you how happy I am that you and so many of my other readers have left such lovely compliments about our home…I’ve been blushing all day. Thank you as always for your visit and comment.

  24. These are wonderful and exciting news Karen, congratulations .
    Your kitchen and the whole house look so beautiful, no wonder you were chosen.
    Looking forward to see the article printed.

    1. Thank you Daniela, for your compliment…I’m happy that you have enjoyed the posts about our home. This has been a wonderful experience and I’m thrilled to be able to share it with all my blogging friends.

  25. Karen, this is so cool! That’s a wonderful article and of course the photos are magnificent. Of course with that house and how you’ve painstakingly restored it, it would be hard not to get great photos…but as you say, sometimes getting the lighting just right can make a difference. I knew that you had done a lot of restoration work but I had no idea the extent of it. It must have been so hard to wait for it all to be done but certainly well worth the effort – such a gorgeous home and grounds.

    1. Hi Diane, It is definitely cool…I was thrilled when I received my copy of the magazine! I’m so happy that you enjoyed the article and photos. It took over four years and some extremely knowledgeable craftsmen that specialized in the restoration of 17th and 18th century buildings working with us to bring the house back to what it looks like today. I appreciate your nice compliment. 🙂

    1. Thank you Frank, I’m glad you enjoyed the post about the photo shoot and my story in Country Woman magazine. Yes, I photographed the cover and that is what you would look for. I’ve been told the magazine is sold at Barnes and Noble and Walmart. I truly appreciate your interest. 🙂

  26. Hi Karen, congratulations, what a honor!! Looks like you have done a wonderful job of restoring your home, especially the kitchen. Can’t wait to check out the article.

    1. Hurray to you, Jane. You must be hunting and pecking with one hand as I think your hand surgery was today, if I’m not mistaken. You are so sweet…thank you for your compliment. 😀

  27. Congratulations Karen. That is fantastic news. You have done well to have kept the secret for so long. The double spread image of your kitchen looks incredible. I’m sure this article will be well loved in the magazine xx

    1. Hi Charlie, It was so hard not to mention the photo shoot but I felt it was better to keep quiet until the story was published. I had no idea what the article would look like and was thrilled about the double spread image when I received my copy. Thank you so much for your lovely wish and thoughts…I do hope the readers of the magazine will enjoy the story.

    1. Thank you MJ, for your compliment and wish. It really has been a fun experience. Even though this is the oldest home I have ever lived in, the kitchen is the best one I’ve worked been able to work in.

  28. Many, many congratulations, Karen!! So happy for you! And why wouldn’t they feature your kitchen? It’s gorgeous and you’ve done such a fantastic job with it. So exciting! I will look for the magazine at my local bookstore!

    1. Thank you Nazneen, for your lovely thoughts. I’ve linked to the article on the magazine’s website if you can’t find it locally. I’ve been told the magazine can be found at Barnes and Noble and Walmart in certain areas. I appreciate your interest. 🙂

  29. You must just be beside yourself with excitement! This is such a wonderful accomplishment and I’m totally not surprised in the least as I think your house is gorgeous.. always have! There’s something so magical about the style of your home, the exterior gardens and your food adventures! Congratulations!! May there be many more!! xx

    1. I appreciate your lovely words about our home, Barbara. Yes, it is exciting and something I never would have thought would ever happen. I’ve always thought our home had a special quality about it considering its age and surroundings; I’m glad you think so too…thank you!

  30. What a fantastic experience! I have to say, I’m not at all surprised the discerning editor at Country Woman magazine choose to feature your kitchen – it’s so lovely and inviting. I’m off now to check out the article online!

      1. I did enjoy the article, Karen. It’s wonderful to see the love and attention you’ve put into restoring your home. It must be an honour to live in a house with such a long history.

      2. I’m glad you liked the article, Marlene. When you live in a house this old, you do feel that way. We are caretakers…hopefully there will be a long line of us to keep this house a home for many decades to come. 🙂

    1. Oh my goodness! You’ve made me blush, Maureen. I’ve always appreciated your thoughts on our home. Thank you for your lovely compliment about the photograph of me. It was the last photograph that Greg took after a long day of shooting. I think it was the photographer not the subject that made it turn out well. 😀

    1. Thank you Juliana, for your nice wish. When I looked at home magazines in the past, I never ever thought that someday I might be looking at my own home…it is still hard to believe. I hope you will have a nice week, as well. 🙂

  31. that is so cool!!! So excited for you 🙂 A well-deserved honor as you’ve worked so hard for what you have. Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. Off to click on your web link now!

    1. Hi Liz, It really has been an exciting experience from being to end. I’m glad you liked the post and hope you enjoy the article. I appreciate your interest, thank you.

    1. Thank you for your wish, Marigene and I appreciate your interest in the magazine article. I’ve been told it is sold at Barnes and Noble and Walmart and I’ve put a link to it on their website. I hope you have a nice week as well. 🙂

  32. This is so exciting, Karen. I’d be thrilled, too! I am eager to read the article and to see the beautiful photos. And to think you’ve been sitting on this expectation for a whole year. I’m so glad there wasn’t any disappointment. 🙂

    1. I’m glad you think it is exciting too, Debra. It was hard not letting everyone know last December. I hope you will enjoy the article and thank you for your lovely compliment. 😀

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Tandy. I had no idea what the story would look like in print before I received my copy of the magazine. Needless to say, I was very happy.

  33. I will take a look at their website and your story and no doubt lovely home photos after I return from my food photo shoot today! How exciting for you to see your home in print. Life if just full of wonders and goodness isn’t it? Thanks for sharing Karen.

    1. I hope you will enjoy the story about the restoration of our home and kitchen, Teresa. The experience of seeing our kitchen in a magazine was something I never would have imagined.

    1. Hi Jessica, It was indeed a fun experience. I’m happy that you enjoyed the behind the scenes post. Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts…I truly am blessed. 🙂

  34. Wow! How amazing and congratulations. You have an enviable, gorgeous kitchen. But you should with as much as you like to cook!! I, on the other hand, belong in a mess tent. It is very exciting to see your home in print.

    1. You are always so funny, Heather and you gave me such a laugh. A mess tent is being a little harsh on yourself, don’t you think. I appreciate you nice wish and compliment…thank you. 😀

  35. Wow! What an honour! But then again, I am not the least bit surprised: you do have the most beautiful home and it certainly deserves to be shown and admired, not just nationally. Thank you for sharing and I’ll definitely have a look at that link. Well done! 🙂

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Fatima. I was so flattered when I was contacted by the magazine to see if I would like to do a story about our kitchen. I’ve always appreciated your lovely compliments about our home…it is so very nice of you.

  36. Oh my goodness! I’m smiling from ear to ear reading your post! I’m so excited for you and not surprised at all that a great magazine is featuring your beautiful home. Congratulations, Karen!! Well earned and now I’m off to check out the links 🙂

    1. You have me smiling from ear to ear too because of your lovely compliment, Sandra. I absolutely have the sweetest readers. I hope you will enjoy the article…thank you for your interest. 😀

    1. Hi Diane, Thank you for stopping by and your very nice compliment. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed seeing our kitchen and that you are looking forward to reading the story in the magazine. You are right…it was hard waiting for almost a year. 🙂

    1. I appreciate your kind thoughts, Kay. I was very pleased with the article as it appears in the magazine and Country Woman’s website and I’m happy to know of your interest in the magazine story…thank you so much!

    1. Hi Mary, I really never imagined something like this happening. I appreciate your nice wish…thank you. I just went out today and found the magazine at Walmart to send to my daughter. 🙂

  37. Oh WOW! What a wonderful experience for you Karen! I too, would have kept it a secret until it was “in print,” although I have no hope of getting a magazine article published of my kitchen unless someone is interested in the 1982 kitchen we are in the process of remodeling in our new house. 😀 Many congratulations to you! I’m heading over to read the article on the website now…

    1. Hi Kathryn, I felt that it was best not to say anything until it was published…you just never know. If you could have seen what our house and the kitchen looked like when we bought it, you would wonder why we didn’t have the whole thing torn down and built a new home. 😀 I’m sure your kitchen will be lovely when it is done.

  38. I have always loved your home and your kitchen – CONGRATULATIONS Karen !!! How you could have kept that for a whole year is amazing, I would have had to blurt it out immediately !

    1. I’ve always appreciated you nice compliments about our home, Carolyn…thank you for your wish. I would have loved to have mentioned it last December but thought it would be embarrassing if the article ended up on the cutting room floor. 😀

    1. Hi B, The shoot day was not only exciting but so interesting…I had no idea what to expect. I thank you for your kind words about our kitchen. It was fun designing it in a way to fit the history of our house, I’m hoping the readers of the magazine enjoy the story.

  39. CONGRATULATIONS Karen!!!!!! Lovely article and beautiful photographs, my favorite is #10, are the upper cabinets with the cut out designs what are called a pie cabinet or something like that? Am glad the photographer had an enlarged shot of the cut out designs and hinge in #9. Lovely photo of you in #12. Thanks for sharing, what a wonderful Christmas gift from Country Woman magazine.

    1. Thank you for your wish and compliment…I’m so happy that you enjoyed the article. I’m glad you like my baker’s cabinet…I think it is my favorite of all the cabinets that I designed. I believe it really looks like an old piece with its punched tin, antique porcelain knobs and the rat’s tail hinges. I even had the top made from two old slabs of marble.

  40. So very beautiful Karen! What an honour to see your wonderful home with such beautiful care and pride in Country Woman! You’ve spent so much time, love and care over the years, I’ve no doubt it is the absolute pride of your family!!! Congrats!

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Alli…thank you so very much for your compliment. It took a long time to have our home restored but we think it turned out beautifully as do our friends and family who saw the sad shape it was in when we bought it.

  41. Ohh, how absolutely wonderful, Karen!!! Way to be brave and courageous – so proud of you. 🙂 This story and the photos are gorgeous. 🙂

    1. Thanks Krista, I’m happy that I decided to to the article after all. I guess my doubts were unfounded as the magazine was happy with my story. Thank you for your words of encouragement…I probably could have used them when I first got the offer. 😀

  42. That is amazing Karen!!! Wow, your kitchen is really amazing and really deserve to be featured on magazines! Im impressed how long it took to be featured, crazy how in advance they plan their articles, pretty cool. I guess it was hard for you not mentioning it on the blog for such a long time 😀

    1. Hi Allane, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed seeing my kitchen. I knew that magazines planned their articles in advance but had no idea that they were planned a year in advanced. I would have loved to have mentioned about the story in advance but you never know if it might hit the cutting room floor when the issue is being put together. Thank you for your nice wish and compliment.

      1. Yes I did!! A dream kitchen to be more precise, I loved everything about it… I can only imagine that cooking there must be even more fun 😀 my kitchen is too small and I hate that, because me and hubby love to cook together, but sometimes is just too crowded with the 2 of us there plus the dog hahaha… when we move to our real place, then it will be better 😀

    1. Hi Deb, I appreciate your kind words…thank you for your lovely compliment. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post about our kitchen.

  43. ACK!! You aren’t going to believe this but my mom has gotten this magazine for years and I am thrilled you are in this issue because I have always thought you had the most fabulous house I’ve ever seen! Yay for Karen!!

    1. Hi Kelli, I’m happy to know that you and your mother are familiar with Country Woman magazine. I’ve appreciated your lovely compliments about our home in the past and your kind thoughts about being featured in the magazine now. Thank you…I’ve got a big smile on my face. 🙂

  44. What a fabulous experience! And what a lovely kitchen you have, Karen. I just love that it is so roomy and cozy at the same time. You really have styled it beautifully!

    1. Hi Afra, I thought it was too…I never would have dreamed our kitchen would be featured in a magazine. I appreciate your lovely compliment about how the kitchen is styled. You are right, the kitchen (keeping room as it was referred to years ago) is quite large, but having traditional colors does give it a warm feeling.

  45. Karen – how wonderful. Congratulations!
    So interesting how the photographs are emailed back directly and then things are tweaked on the spot. I write for an interiors magazine here in Kingston and yet I’ve never been a photo shoot. Now I’m going to make sure that changes.

    1. Hi Lindy, I did find it interesting how the Greg worked from his computer when taking the photo and kept in touch with the art directory through emails. I know you would find a photo shoot very interesting. Thank you for your nice wish.

  46. Karen–what wonderful news! An honor well deserved–your kitchen is really special. (the wide plank floors alone have me agog.) I’ll have to look for the magazine and get a copy. Holding it in your hands is much more fun than viewing it online. congratulations.

    1. Hi Nancy, This was a true adventure that I never would have thought would happen to me. I was able to buy two copies of the magazine at Walmart and was told it is also sold at Barnes and Noble. The pumpkin pine floors are all original and some are more than 20 inches wide. I believe they add so much character to our home and I’m glad you noticed them. Thank you for your nice wish and compliment.

  47. That is AWESOME, Karen! Way to go girl! You have the most beautiful kitchen and I always imagine you making those Snowflake Cookies with the Royal Icing for the holidays. Can’t wait to pick up my copy! Well deserved!

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Jan…I thought it was amazing when I was contacted by the magazine. Those snowflake cookies took a lot of time to decorate but all the guests at our Christmas party loved them. Thank you for your compliment.

  48. What a fabulous honour!! And your kitchen looks stunning in the photo in the magazine. I wish we got it here. You wrote a very interesting article and the photos were lovely, especially the one of you smiling.

    1. Hi Suzanne, It really was an honor to have our kitchen featured in Country Woman. I’m happy that you enjoyed my story and the photos that Greg took. I thought the photo of myself turned out good and appreciate you lovely compliment…thank you.

    1. Thank you Sissi, for your nice compliment about our home. It really is different from most homes in that we restored it back to the way it was a couple hundred years ago but with all the modern conveniences.

    1. Thank you Amy, I appreciate your nice compliment. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to write a story about our kitchen for the magazine and I think Greg did a great job with the photographs.

    1. Hi Grace, I can’t tell you how exciting this experience was…something I never would have imagined. Thank you for your nice compliment about our kitchen.

  49. I don’t even know what to say Karen, I’m speechless. You must have been sooooooo excited. But of course, your kitchen is stunningly beautiful so no doubt that’s why they wanted to feature you. But what a thrill! How fun it must have been to get that call (or whatever) from Country Women Magazine. Maybe someday I’ll get sent a pair of gardening gloves or something =) hehe.

    1. Hi Laura, I know what you mean, I was to when I got the email last year while we were in Europe. I couldn’t wait to get back home and learn more. The whole experience was wonderful. Thank you for your compliment.

    1. Hi Pam, Thank you for your visit and nice compliment. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post about our kitchen. Hope you stop by again. 🙂

    1. Hi Timelesslady, Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I appreciate your nice compliment and I’m happy that you enjoyed the behind the scenes peek of the photo shoot for Country Woman magazine.

  50. Congratulations. You have a dream kitchen,no doubt about it. How grand to be able to share it with everyone. It is pretty amazing what goes into one of these shoots, and the lead time is pretty astounding. Those magazine folks really have their act together. Thank you for letting us into your home.

    1. Hi Adri, I really do think I’ve got a dream kitchen…it is a pleasure to work in. Being able to watch as the photo shoot was taking place was very interesting. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and appreciate your lovely compliment, thank you.

    1. Thank you Liz, for your lovely compliment about our home, it is greatly appreciated. I’m glad it did work out…it was hard not to let my readers know before now. 😀

  51. Oh wow Karen! That’s SO exciting! Congratulations. Really interesting having a sneak peek behind the scenes. Amazed that the photographer emailed the photos to the mag’s art director for on the spot feedback! Just checked out the website. Your writing is great! Your kitchen is such a labor of love. The photos are amazing – love the rich reds, the exposed beams and your Christmas tree! Merry Christmas.

    1. Hi Saskia, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post. I thought it was very interesting how Greg and the art director could make decisions about each shot taken almost instantly. I appreciate your lovely compliment about the story I wrote for the magazine and that you enjoyed the photos of our kitchen. It was a labor of love designing our kitchen…I do think it has a lot of character. Thank you!

    1. Thank you for your wish and compliment, Donna. I never would have dreamed something like this would have happened to me and a home I designed. Country Woman magazine is sold at Walmart…that is where I found two copies and at Barnes and Noble. I appreciate your interest. 🙂

  52. My goodness! what a fan club! And such well deserving accolades. I can’t wait to read and learn more about you. in the meantime I am drooling over that kitchen. Whatever took me so long to get here? However I am really glad i did!

    1. Hi Abbe, I appreciate your visit…glad you stopped by. I’m happy that you enjoyed the post about our kitchen, thank you. Hope to see you again. 😀

  53. Oh Karen, I am absolutely thrilled for you, your family and of course that amazing home of yours!!! It is just wonderful to be recognized for your keen sense of taste and talent. Congratulations!!!

    I love Country Woman Magazine and will definitely find a copy of it ASAP. I would like to kick back and enjoy each and every page with magazine in hand rather than online. It just makes it feel a bit more personal.

    Thank you so much for sharing your expereince with us Karen…

    1. I appreciate your kind words, Louise…thank you so much. I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post about my experience with Country Woman magazine and will be looking for the issue…I thank you for your interest. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment about our kitchen, Joanne. It was a labor of love designing it and I was thrilled when I learned that Country Woman magazine was interested in featuring it in their Christmas issue.

    1. Thank you Denise, for your nice compliment about our kitchen…I do think it is comfy, thank you! I appreciate you nice wish, I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving. 🙂

  54. Congratulations, Karen! What a lovely feature. I can just imagine the gorgeous aromas that you have conjured up in that kitchen. Do you know if there are any recipes in the history of the house jotted down by other cooks who have lived there over the centuries? Another feature perhaps.

    1. I appreciate your nice wish Hester, thank you. We didn’t find any written history when we restored the house. We did find a few shards of blue and white pottery and a knife when the floorboards were removed to repair the beams in the kitchen (keeping room).

  55. I almost have tears in my eyes I am so excited for you. I always knew you had a very special home and I am so glad that it is finally featured in a magazine. I think anyone of us would love to be in that gorgeous kitchen of yours! Congratulation Karen! Your home looks so warm and inviting!

    1. Hi Carol, It was a real thrill when I was asked to write an article about our kitchen for Country Woman Magazine. I’ll really miss that kitchen as I designed it to have everything a cook would ever want. It has been a challenge to make everything fit into my new kitchen.

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