Let’s “take a ride”

So many people wish they could have a little place to escape to…by a lake, in the mountains, on a sandy beach or wherever their dreams take them. No matter where, no matter how small a place we find, we all enjoy a little freedom from our everyday life.

One day out of the blue, my husband suggested that we “take a ride” up to the lakes region of New Hampshire. That  is not an unusual thing for us to do. We grew up with our parents taking us for a ride on a weekend day to visit a friend, relative or just to see what was happening in our neighborhood. It seemed like a nice idea to drive up to the lakes on a pretty Saturday morning. New England has so many beautiful back roads on which to travel. Winding through the wooded hills, open fields, and quaint small towns is always a pleasurable way to spend a day.

marine summer cottage
Summer cottage needs a little work

Little did I know that my husband had given a lot of thought to our ride that day. He had been talking to his friends who either owned or rented a place on one of the lakes to spend the summertime with family and friends. My husband was looking for a place to enjoy a little freedom from everyday life.

While driving around one of the lakes, my husband asked me to put an address into the GPS. He said we were going to see if we could find a spot where one of his friends had been renting for a week each summer and knew of a new little house next door that was for sale. Of course, the new little house on the lake was perfect but it was also perfect for another couple who had just made an acceptable offer.

What a surprise that day. I had no idea that my husband wanted a little place on the lake and a boat to go along with it. We had moved from Florida where we had lived in two houses on the water and had owned boats. The happiest days of his life at that time…each time he bought a boat and each time he sold it. As the saying goes, “been there, done that”.

And so our saga began. We searched real estate books, the Internet and met with agents. We eventually did find a small little cottage which was located in the lakes region of Maine. The spot was perfect but the cottage needed “just a little work”.

But that is another story…to be continued.

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

7 thoughts on “Let’s “take a ride”

  1. Karen, Welcome to the blogosphere — and thanks so much for visiting my blog. I, too, grew up in a New England world of Sunday afternoon drives. We used to joke about “Daddy’s long cuts,” since my father would never take the most direct route from point A to point B if there were a more meandering back roads route available. I’m looking forward to reading more about your lake cottage and your backroads journeys.

  2. LOL – I just joined this “party” and literally laughed out loud at the term “long cuts!” My family is a family of “don’t take the highway! Too boring” so whenever we go anywhere we have to take the scenic route and growing up in NH myself, that always meant scenic but longer -but I love it!

    1. Hello, Thank you for visiting my blog and going back to the beginning. The nice thing about living in New England is there are so many beautiful roads to discover. I’m glad you enjoyed the story and hope you return often.

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    Happy weekend!

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