Laundry Rooms, A Luxury Or A Necessity

Laundry Rooms, once considered a luxury, are now a necessity as far as most of us are concerned. People looking for a new home today, whether they are a first time home buyer or empty nesters downsizing to a smaller home, usually have a laundry room on their “wish list”, I know I certainly did. We all have laundry to do and whether or not we have a dedicated room for it, we’ve come a long way concerning where and how our dirty laundry gets cleaned.

I have a dedicated laundry room in our new home but that hasn’t always been the case. The washing machine in my first house was located in a cramped storage closet outside in the carport and I dried the wash on a clothesline in the backyard. Over the years, our other homes had small stacked washer/dryer units tucked into a hallway closet near the bedroom. I now have “state of the art” appliances but my laundry room certainly isn’t one of the luxury rooms you might have seen on Pinterest or Houzz. While mine may not be perfect and I think a larger room would truly be a luxury, I’ve maximized every inch and find it works well.

I thought I would share some of the ideas I used to make my basic, standard laundry room a little special.

Basic Laundry Room With Optional Tall Upper Cabinets And Deep Sink
Basic Laundry Room With Optional Tall Upper Cabinets And Deep Sink

My laundry room is small, it’s more like a wide hallway than a room. You either enter it through the garage or directly from the entrance foyer so I wanted it to look nice if the door was left open. After all, who wants to constantly open and close a door  every time you are carrying a load of laundry in or out of the room.

The Laundry Room Is Directly Off The Entrance Foyer As Well As Through The Garage
The Laundry Room Is Directly Off The Entrance Foyer As Well As The Garage
The Laundry Room Can Be Entered Either Through The Garage Or The Front Foyer
The Laundry Room Can Be Entered Either Through The Garage Or The Entrance Foyer

Washing, drying and ironing clothes are often dreaded chores and I believe a pretty, well organized space can make the time you spend doing them a more pleasant experience. I thought some of the laundry memorabilia that I’d collected over the years would make a nice focal point when entering the laundry room. I also have a large collection of pretty baskets that I only use occasionally displayed on the top of the upper cabinets.  I repurposed a beautiful wool carpet into a runner for the tile floor and hung a large painting that came from our summer cottage in Maine on the long wall opposite the cabinets. They both add a pop of color to the room, making it one of the most colorful areas in our home. If you have to spend time washing and ironing, yes…I still iron, then why not have the room be as nice as possible. The warm and vibrant colors throughout the room put a smile on my face every time I’m in there.

Vibrant Colors And Laundry Memorabilia
A Vibrant Colored Runner And Laundry Memorabilia Add Interest To The Laundry Room

I decided on white for the appliances and the cabinetry in the laundry room. All the white gives a fresh, clean look and adds brightness to the windowless room. The optional tall upper cabinets that we had added above the base cabinets when our home was being built provide ample storage in the narrow room with its tall ceilings. The formica countertop is not large but still provides a good place to sort and fold clean laundry. I also use it as a temporary landing spot when my hands are full of grocery bags when I’m coming in through the garage.

The Washer And Dryer On Pedestals With Drawers To Hold Washing Essentials
Front Loading Washer And Dryer On Pedestals Drawers That Hold Laundry Essentials

I decided on a front loading electric washer and gas dryer. Both had Energy Star labels, which mean they are very efficient. They use about half the water and less energy than standard units. They both have wonderful features including steam to sanitize and stop allergens. They also have lots of options regarding temperatures and speeds depending on the soil levels of the fabrics being washed. They even play a nice melody at the end of their cycle instead of a harsh buzzer. I chose pedestals for the machines that have pull out drawers. They are very convenient for holding large bottles of detergents, stain removers, bleach and fabric softeners and are easily wiped out if anything spills or leaks in them.

A Deep Soaking Sink Has Lots Of Uses
A Deep Soaking Sink Has Lots Of Uses

While the washer is a huge step up from rubbing clothes on a washboard, there are still times that I wash some items by hand in the deep, oversized utility sink that is part of the base cabinets. It is perfect when I need to soak a stubborn stain over night before the item gets washed. It is also handy for clean up jobs and arranging flowers. I have an antique drying rack next to the sink which is terrific for air drying delicates. I love its simple design and often wonder why similar ones aren’t available today.

Antique Drying Rack Is Perfect For Air Drying Delicates
Antique Drying Rack Is Perfect For Air Drying Delicates

You may have noticed one other antique piece hanging on the wall. It is a framed old “laundry rules” I found in an antique store in New Hampshire. If you look closely, you will see remedies for some stains that most of us don’t encounter anymore. While I may not use sour milk, kerosene, ether, chloroform, or turpentine as it suggests to remove stains, I sometimes use cornstarch on oily stains and white vinegar as a fabric softener.

An Antique List Of Laundry Rules
An Antique List Of “Laundry Rules”

If you are dreaming of the perfect laundry room, it’s probably a large, multipurpose room close to your kitchen or bedrooms. Besides having a washer and dryer, it would have plenty of room to sort and fold your clothes, a sink for doing hand washing and perhaps even a fold down drying rack. It might also have a place where you could hang your jackets and hats, a hobby or craft area, a gift wrapping station, a home office, and might even include wine or beverage refrigerator.

While I don’t have a dream laundry room, I am pleased with the decisions I’ve made to create a functional and pleasant place to do my laundry. If you are planning to redo your own laundry space or just freshen it up a little, something as simple as a new coat of paint, a couple of framed prints or an arrangement of silk or real flowers might make doing the laundry less of a chore.

Tell me my friends, are your dirty clothes flung across the floor of your bedroom or tossed in the corner of your closet? Perhaps you are organized and keep them in a hamper that is divided into darks, lights, and delicates sitting in your laundry room waiting to be washed. I’d love to know what you think, is a laundry room a luxury or do you think one is a necessity. Do you have any suggestions on what makes doing laundry less of a chore and do you actually have a dream laundry?

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

237 thoughts on “Laundry Rooms, A Luxury Or A Necessity

    1. Thank you Donna, for your nice compliment. I do enjoy all the cabinets. Since downsizing to a smaller home, I’m very appreciative for the storage space. I do hope you get a laundry room filled with cabinets some day. 🙂

  1. Your laundry room is bright, functional, lovely, and I covet your drying rack. 🙂 Over the years, I’ve had laundry areas big and small, up and down, and currently in our down sized living space they are behind louver doors in a half bath. On one wall of the half bath is a floor to ceiling bank of cabinets for storage, and we have shelves above that the washer and dryer that hold laundry baskets for dirty clothes. Not pretty but very functional i a smaller home. Like your new digs. 🙂

    1. Hi Judy, Functional is very important when taking on the tasks of doing the laundry. I’m glad you like the laundry room, thank you. Everyone seems to feel the same way about my drying rack, I bought it at one of the Brimfield antique shows and love it.

  2. Ok Karen—I need you to come to Georgia…roll up your sleeves and help me reclaim my laundry aka storage of all things junk as well as what my husband calls the cat’s bathroom as the litter box is located there as well—there are a washer and dryer and ironing board plus a few (a mountain) other things—your’s is the epitome of functional yet elegant 🙂

    1. Hi Julie, If I’m ever in your area, I’d be happy to help. Getting rid of all the things we accumulate that somehow end up in an area like this is easy…that is if you pack up and move to a smaller home like we did. 😀 Thank you so much for your lovely compliment.

  3. Karen, you did a great job decorating your laundry room. I love the antique drying rack. My laundry room is small , I like my wall – mounted ironing board and the window that lets me look out into my front yard.

    1. I appreciate your lovely compliment, Gerlinde…I’m glad you like how I decorated the laundry. I miss having a window in that room. In our New Hampshire farmhouse, I had views of the mountains and the orchard while I did laundry.

  4. Karen, What a beautiful laundry with lots of good ideas! Also, very creative writing which holds the readers’ attention. Great job!! Hope Micky is doing better with your TLC ! I thoroughly enjoy your posts!

    Blessings, Shelba

    1. Thank you for your kind words and wishes, Shelba. I’m glad to know that you are enjoying my posts. Yes, Mickey is home and well on the road to recovery. 🙂

  5. What a lovely laundry room you have created. I often think the architect sends out his laundry so why waste space. However, I long for a space like yours with the room to set up an ironing board, a sewing machine to mend, and a folding table with baskets underneath for the dirty clothes. That or I should marry a architect and we will both send out our laundry.

    1. Thank you Madonna, for your compliment. I loved your comment about the architect, it gave me a real laugh. 😀 You would have really liked the laundry room in the farmhouse in New Hampshire, it had everything on your wish list except that the folding table was a small antique kitchen table and the sewing machine was from the 1800’s.

  6. Karen, you have such an eye for decorating! I do have a laundry room and love it. Unfortunately it can become the “catch all” room as it is a larger room right off the garage. When we remodeled, the laundry/utility room was left undone until the very last. It was amazing how much more I liked it with a fresh coat of paint, curtains, and a few wall hangings. It was no longer the forgotten room. BTW — I love that antique drying rack and I need one!

    1. I appreciate your lovely compliment, Judy. We tend to drop things off on the first landing spot and laundry/utility rooms are often right off the garage, so you have to be careful they don’t become a catchall. You are right, it doesn’t take much to cheer up the room, it sounds like yours is nice too. I absolutely love my drying rack and it appears that everyone else does as well. 🙂

  7. I love those old-timey images. They reminded me of my college days when I lived in a boarding house where the husband was a tinkerer, and the wife did laundry on the driveway every week. The husband repaired a bunch of old-fashioned washing machines with wringers, but only one part worked on each of several machines so they were lined up in a battery: washing, rinsing, wringing, etc. The lady also made lye soap, and each of the boarders got one fresh bar each week. Your beautiful new laundry room reminds me that I don’t miss those days.

    1. Thank you Darryl, I’m happy that you liked the post and photos about my laundry room. I enjoyed your story about laundry while living in a boarding house during your college days. It sounds like a load of wash was a bit complicated then, I wouldn’t miss that either.

    1. Hi Michelle, I do enjoy the laundry antiques…I wish I could have brought the whole collection from New Hampshire but I knew I only had so much room to display them. Sometimes rooms can get away from us…I’m sure yours is not too messy. 🙂

  8. I am jealous I would love a room like that. That old drying rack is perfect, I agree why do they not make them like that nowadays. You have made it a lovely room in the house as well which is really good. Have a good weekend Diane

    1. Hi Diane, I’m glad you like my laundry room, I’m very happy with it. I love the design of the old drying rack. I think it is like a piece of art on the wall and use it almost every time I do laundry. Thank you for your compliment and wish, I hope your weekend has been nice as well.

  9. Ah, a dream laundry room, sadly my 1928 home does not afford the space for a special room, but as we renovate I will have something more or less like your laundry. Our cloths are never tossed in a corner or on the floor, they are placed in a hamper, collected for laundry day (always on Sunday). I have considered a sectioned hamper for lights and darks but I can’t let go of my hamper that my dear Dad and I made over 40 years ago (Dad made the wooden frame and I sewed the lined fabric basket). JT and I do the laundry (depending on who is less busy) and separating the laundry makes each of us consider each item, whether it can be dried in the drier or hung, whether it requires special pre treatment or not. I do long for beautiful appliances like yours, but it’s not in the budget for the time being.

    1. Hi Eva, Each and every house seems to have special circumstance on where and how we clean our clothes…we just learn to make the most out of what we have. How nice that you still have the hamper that you and your father made.

  10. What a lovely laundry room and you have decorated it well. I love the antique drying rack. Our place in Spain is very small and there is no space for a laundry room. My washer is in the kitchen and I hang everything outside to dry for the first time in my married life. I guess when you move to an old country you go back to the old ways. At least I am not doing laundry like on the first picture!! My mom had sad irons. Do we know why they were called that?

    1. Thank you for your compliment Darlene, I’m glad you like the way I’ve decorated my laundry room. From our travels to Europe, it seems that a washer in the kitchen is a very common practice. Drying outside on a line has its pros and cons. Wet laundry is heavy when you are carrying it outside and weather is always a factor. What I do love though is the wonderful clean smell you get from drying it out in the sunshine. Thank goodness that none of us are having to do our laundry like in the first photo. 😀

  11. I admit having new house envy…
    In my condo I had a stack in a dedicated closet. In this house, I have a stack in my basement. When I redid the kitchen in 2006, I had the SS guy install a laundry shoot in one base cabinet, which was over the basement. I figured it would be easy to kill myself going down the stairs with laundry, so now I just manage not to trip going up the stairs with clean clothes.
    I so much want to leave this house, as the yard chores are endless, expensive, and exhausting. I found a perfect newish cottage in SC, yet moving there (where I know only one person) would be a challenge. When to pull the plug???
    Knowing that you would soon imprint your style in FLA, I see a fine laundry room that is tidy, cheerful, and efficient. Your collectibles are perfect. Glad that they made the move.
    Thanks for reminding me of the carrot that dangles just beyond the hedge…Diane

    1. Hi Diane, I do have to say that as much as I miss our wonderful 1730’s home, I am enjoying all the conveniences of our newly built house…just wish I could have made certain design choices. Thank you for your kind words about my decorating style, it is much appreciated. Who knows, perhaps you’ll make that move. I know we are happy with our decision and life is much easier now.

      1. Karen, you keep me hopeful that I earn my escape before my end. Look forward to your sunny posts. Diane

  12. I love your laundry room Karen. When our house was built the trend was to put a separate laundry room on the 2nd floor near the bedrooms. While this makes sense to the people who say that your clothes are on the 2nd floor, I’m usually on the first floor during the day so changing over loads still would require running up and down stairs (plus there are many times that I’ve come in from gardening and stripped in the back hall throwing everything right into the washer). I decided on a first floor laundry because of how much room was taken away from the bedrooms so mine is part of the downstairs half bath.

    Is it a dream laundry? No because I don’t like having it in the bath but it’s not worth changing around at this point.

    1. I’m glad you like our laundry room, thank you Diane. We put the laundry on the second floor in our house in New Hampshire and I liked that it was just off our bathrooms and in between the master and guest bedrooms. Going up and down the stairs has a benefit you might not have thought about…I’ve gained several pounds since moving to a one story house. Sometimes stairs are a good thing. 😀

    1. Hi Cynthia, I’m glad that you like the laundry room and the memorabilia I’ve collected over the years. They remind me that doing laundry has gotten a lot simpler. Thank you for your nice compliment.

  13. Your new laundry room is so pretty and just what I would expect from you after seeing your other house. You really have a touch that makes a house a beautiful home. Oh, yeah, I think a laundry room is definitely a necessity. Mine is located in my basement and although not very pretty (yet) it gives me lots of room to stretch out. I love it.

    1. Your kind words are very flattering Karen and much appreciated, thank you! Basements are a very good thing and I’m sure you like having plenty of room there for doing your laundry.

  14. Karen, you are just amazing. Your eye and talent for decorating are superb. You see things that so many of us would never even dream of. Our old houses had basement w/d. It would be a stretch to say laundry room. As you know, the cottage has the hallway stackables in a closet. I love the ease of doing laundry there but not a laundry room. Our condo in FL has a designated laundry room. Love it! It was the best feature of the unit. Too small and loaded with shelf units to decorate. This room serves us well. Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas. Say hello to Micky for us. Be well, your friends from Naples, ME and Naples, FL, Linda and John Hoadley

    1. Hi Linda, It is always good to hear from you. I really appreciate your lovely compliment about my decorating, thank you so much. I smiled remembering closet that we had built for the stacked washer/dryer at the cottage in Maine. I don’t know if you knew that when we first bought the cottage that those stackables were out in the main living area next to the front door. We turned a useless hallway into the master closet and the laundry closet. Miss that sweet cottage and hope that you are enjoying it as much as we did. Hope you are both well, say “hello” to the rest of the family.

  15. You have a lovely laundry room and I hope all those chores will be all the more pleasant from now on. Well done.
    I only have a washing machine fitted under the sink area in my kitchen. I don’t use tumble driers, as I find they are not environmentally friendly. I still prefer to hang my washing outside on the line: to me they smell better that way. In winter, they dry indoors in a spare room.

    1. Hi Fatima, I am happy with the laundry room, thank you. Even if the chores aren’t any easier at least they are done in a pleasant place. From my travels, it seems that many European homes have the washer in the kitchen and people do without a dryer. In the new community where we live now, outdoor clotheslines are not permitted.

      1. That’s a shame: it’s good exercise and the sun in Florida would dry your laundry in no time. I don’t understand why people are not allowed to dry their clothes outside in their own backyards. That is definitely Not democratic!!! 😔

    1. Hi Boleyn, I’m glad you like the laundry room. If I had to do laundry in an unfinished basement during your winters, I wouldn’t spend much time there either. 🙂

  16. What a great laundry room! We’ve had dedicated ones in the past, and loved them. At the moment we’ve renovated a closet close to the kitchen — are able to stack full size frontloaders in there. And use the kitchen counter for folding space. 🙂 But your solution is ideal — really nice.

    1. Hi John, I’m glad you like the laundry room, thank you. It sounds like you have figured out a good solution concerning your laundry. The stacked front loaders are nice…one of our sons did the same thing because of limited space.

    1. Thank you Mad Dog, I’m glad you enjoyed the post about my laundry room. Don’t you love those laundry rules…thank goodness we have easier solutions for stains or should I say safer ways of getting our clothes clean. 😀

  17. The antique drying rack is wonderful! My dream laundry room would have a long, high counter with tons of folding space and tall enough that I wouldn’t have to bend over to fold. Your laundry room is warm and inviting (for a laundry room, that is.) 🙂

    1. Don’t you just love the drying rack Kathryn? The buyers of our home in New Hampshire wanted me to leave it but I’ll never part with it…it’s like a piece of art and I use it all the time. Thank you for your lovely compliment about my laundry room, I’m glad you like it.

  18. Your laundry room looks lovely Karen, I especially like the runner. I haven’t heard of or seen a machine that plays a tune at the end of a cycle but it sounds oh so much nicer than a buzzer. 😉

    1. Hi B, I’m glad you like the runner. It is a wool carpet that was in the family room at our cottage in Maine. I had it cut in half and bound to use as a runner. When it gets soiled and can’t be cleaned anymore, I’ll replace it with the other half. Yes, I don’t like buzzers…pretty music is much nicer to let you know your machine has finished its cycle.

  19. Once upon a time (I was a young bride) there was a communal laundry where I lived and the most beautiful copper. No space in my flat for a washing machine. I’d go down the road to the laundrette if I didn’t want to ruin my delicates, but the copper was great for sheets.

    1. Hi Mary, I loved your comment. I think this will be one of my most interesting posts because of my readers inputs into their own laundry stories. I had to google what a copper was and guess what, I had one that was built into the fireplace of my 1730’s home in New England. Small world isn’t it. 🙂

  20. A laundry definitely isn’t a luxury. Don’t know about now but a couple of decades ago, arcitects were designing flats (apartments) without kitchens as people were eating out moe than in. 🙂

    1. I have to agree with you Mary about a laundry rooms not being a luxury. As far as kitchens go, I know some people that could do without one if they had a place for a microwave and a small fridge. 😀

  21. In Australia, a “laundry” is separate room in the house and, in most cases, only units or small apartments have a “closet” style of laundry. My own is more of a galley style utility room… I have loads of bench and storage space in there, as well as the washing machine and clothes dryer. It leads out to a fernery and outdoor area where the clothesline is situated. Interesting post, Karen, thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Liz, This post has been fun for me hearing from everyone about where and how their laundry is cleaned depending on where you live. I’m glad that you have enjoyed the post as well and thank you for your compliment.

  22. Our home in the UK isn’t big enough for a laundry room, and in the Algarve clothes are dry outside in not very much time. I’m happy to read a book and ‘watch them dry’ 🙂

    1. Hi Jo, Even though we downsized to a smaller home here in Florida, I was happy that I was able to have a laundry but I too have had many homes without one. A nice thing about drying the clothes outside is the wonderful nice fresh smell they have.

  23. What a lovely space! I just made laundry soap recently, which is my latest laundry update since moving to this house two years ago which gave us an indoor laundry room. Previously the washer and dryer were in the detached garage…not fun when the weather is weather, the baby was crying, or you really didn’t want to get dressed to rotate laundry.

    1. Hi Plumdirt, Your previous home sounds similar to my first one, I’m sure you are enjoying having an indoor laundry room now. BTW, I can’t believe that it has been two years since you moved…time passes so quickly.

      1. It really does! Of course humans being humans, this house having two stories makes me wonder what an upstairs laundry room would be like…

  24. I LOVE your laundry room, Karen. You’ve certaily added your uniquie panache to a utilitarian space. I currently have an upstairs (tiny) laundry room but I do love the fact that it’s upstairs!

    1. Thank you Rosemary. I’m sure you do like having the laundry upstairs. I had an upstairs laundry at our home in New Hampshire and found that it was very convenient having the laundry on the same for as our bedrooms.

  25. My laundry room is a much used space, but I must confess that it is not as neat as yours unless I make an effort to have it so. Somehow stuff just gets piled in there. Hmmm, wonder if P has anything to do with that. Oh well, I’d rather have stuff piled there than in other places.

    1. Hi Linda, Laundry rooms can sometimes end up being more of a storeroom than a place to clean our clothes but I have a feeling yours isn’t bad at all. 🙂

  26. My laundry room seemed a nice size in 1975, but quite small by today’s standards. I really enjoyed seeing what you’ve done to make your room inviting, and that’s what it is! It holds all the conveniences I need. I love the antique drying rack. That’s a find! And I love your appliances. We have been waiting for our older washer and dryer to give us trouble before we replace, but with the extended drought and the way we’re penalized for water usage we have been looking at these front loading water-savers and may be purchasing them sooner than intended. Your laundry room is very appealing, Karen, and if one must do some ironing, this would be a very nice place to spend time!

    1. Thank you Debra, for your nice compliment. Moving into a new home gave me the opportunity to get new appliances and I’m very happy with my front loaders with all their features…especially the refresh feature. I was very surprised how very little water is used in the washer but everything comes out clean.

  27. When I designed our last house I wanted tall closets and ample room for folding along with a big sink capable of doing double duty as a dog washer. I loved it. The one I have now is huge but poorly designed. I love yours and the antique dryer is wonderful!

    1. Hi Maureen, Your earlier home laundry sounds like it was a dream…to bad your new one isn’t as nice. As Madonna said above, some architects don’t put much thought into the actual design of a room that is used so much in our lives.

  28. Your new laundry room is so ideal, Karen, from the machines to your clever decorating. I personally wouldn’t want anything larger—who needs to keep the floors, etc., clean?

    The laundry room in our city house is in a dark basement. I try to keep it as neat as possible but I get in and out! At the lakehouse we are redoing the laundry room as we had a ton of water damage there (it’s been discussed in many of my blog posts). Its long and narrow like yours. I’m putting in white cabinets and having it painted a pale mint green. Very excited. I’m inspired by your pretty area rug. Definitely going to look for one once I get measurements.

    Great post!


    1. You made me smile with your comment, Jane. Yes, the larger the room the more there is to keep clean. Since we’ve downsized from our large New England home, I’ve got a real easy keeper. 😀 The laundry room at your cottage sounds like it is going to be nice. You have waited patiently for a long time…I know you will be excited when the cottage is ready for your return this summer.

  29. Such an interesting post! I love the practicality of your laundry and the fact there are ‘art pieces’ to decorate! Since I moved into a prebuilt cottage in a gated community some 23 years ago, my washing machine and tub are very much part of my L-shaped bathroom . . . and that is also the room for many of my small etchings at different heights all around the walls as it is relatively dark: thus, similar idea. My Hills’ Hoist [square set of drying lines: pretty Australian feature methinks] is a short walk down from the back porch: I planted mostly jasmine + other perfumed flowers around it – in addition to very fresh smelling sheets mine are also lightly perfumed: lovely 🙂 !

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post Eha. I’ve found this one to be interesting myself since everyone is commenting on how they do their laundry. Your laundry room and your outside drying lines sound quite pleasant.

    1. Hi Gallivanta, I’m glad that you agree with my thinking about making a laundry room as pretty as possible as we do spend quite a bit of our lives in one. I’m sure once your done with yours it will be nice as well.

  30. Hi Karen:)
    How interesting to get a peek into your bright, efficient laundry room. It seems you haven’t missed anything. Personally, I’m drooling over that drying rack and those laundry rules. I often see “rules” like those in antique household cookbooks which usually include recipes, lol…I’ve thought about sharing them but have never gotten around to it. That poster pretty much sums them up.

    My laundry room is one room away from the garage but since that room is overflowing with plants, the laundry room works for when the packages are just about to fall right out of my hands, lol…It isn’t a big room but since I no longer iron, it works.

    Thanks so much for sharing, Karen…

    1. Hi Louise, I’m glad enjoyed the post and that you like my laundry memorabilia. I use my drying rack almost every time I wash clothes and the laundry rules remind me how far we have come in getting our clothes clean.

  31. That looks really nice with your pictures and decoration, and very useful having all those cabinets too. We also have a very deep sink in our laundry room, something I never thought I would need, but it was here when we moved in and now I find it indispensable!

    1. Hi Cathy, Don’t you just love the deep sink. I find I use mine for so many things. If I have a large party, I fill it up with ice and use it to hold beverages until they are needed. If someone brings me a bouquet of flowers right before dinner, I’ll partially fill the sink and keep the bouquet there until I can arrange them in a vase.

  32. I remember the laundry set-up in my grandfather’s house in his basement back in the 1950’s. We used to squeeze the clothes through the ‘wringer’ with the handle- I wonder where that old machine is now? Your post sure does highlight how things have changed over the years!

    1. Hi Fran, Yes times certainly have changed where laundry is concerned. We have it way better than our grandparents. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post, thank you for your visit and nice compliment.

  33. I would kill for a space like this and look at the size of those huge front loader washers and dryers. I have go the whole Asian thing going on with a 3.5 kg max washer dryer combo that sounds like a 747 taking off for flight when she starts up. We still have to hang dry everything as it would take hours to 3 pairs of underwear. Actually my whole process seems quite similar to the little old ladies washing their clothes by hand… I am So ready for the Western world again!!!!

    1. Hi Bobbie, I’m crazy about my new front loaders, they have so many nice features that I’ve never had before. I’m sorry that your Asian combo is almost the same as doing laundry like the ladies in the photo. That makes having clean clothes for your family a real challenge.

  34. Hi Karen–love your laundry room. Mine, unfortunately, is in the entryway-the ONLY place we could put it besides the basement and I’m not hauling laundry up and down steep stairs.

    Hubby got me my first antique drying rack at an auction and I’ve been “hooked” ever since. I found the Amish in our area make lots of designs-even one similar to yours , which I absolutely love and use weekly.

    So happy that your new home is working well for you.
    Happy Spring, Karen

    1. Hi Sue, I’m happy to know that someone else has and uses an antique drying rack…they are so practical. Thank you for your nice compliment and wish. Yes, we are enjoying our new home. I know you are anxious to be back in your beautiful gardens with spring just around the corner.

  35. What a lovely and modern laundry room. You’re so right, you don’t want to have to constantly close doors, no matter which room it is. You’ve done an exception job to incorporate the look into your house. Love the vintage drying rack too. So glad you’re enjoying your new home Karen. Maybe someday we can find a way to get together.

    1. I’m glad you like my laundry room Sam, thank you. You are right, no matter what the room is opening and closing the doors all the time really isn’t practical. Yes I do hope we can get together now that we both live in Florida…we do seem to have a lot in common. 🙂

  36. Your laundry room is beautiful – I love it! While reading your post, I was reminded of my grandma’s laundry room. It was in the cellar of her farmhouse and as a kid in the ’60’s, I watched her scrub on a wash board and manually take the clothes through a wringer. She certainly would have loved your gorgeous laundry room!

    1. Hi Julie, I appreciate your visit and nice compliment, thank you! I look at my antique washboards often and know how luck we are when it comes getting our clothes and linens clean. 🙂

  37. Love that carpet! Since we bought a new apartment recently, all of my appliances are new and integrated behind shiny white doors. I love it. There is no space for a separate laundry room so the “hidden” kind is second best I think. I have a stack of manuals to read and understand…. I do not want to use the appliances just With the badic settings, I need to ” master” these things to get to the full potential which sometimes require a separate degree in rocket science! So far so good. I keep the laundry in pretty laundry bags. Piled up laundry in a corner will kill me for sure….. Love your sunny room!

    1. Hi Elmarie, Yes, hiding the appliances behind doors sounds perfect. I had to read the manuals too as the machines do so much more than any I’ve had before. I’m glad you like the room. I was happy that I could get the carpet cut down and bound to use in the laundry room…I love the colors. Thank you for your nice compliment.

  38. You have done a great job w/ the eclectic charm:)
    Ours is like that too from the garage/screened in porch to inside..2 doors:) Then onto the kitchen.
    I call it the mud room..remeber winter?OY.

    1. Oh yes Monique, I remember winter and the necessity for a mud room. I would say that every home I’ve ever had has been designed with an eclectic look. I love mixing old treasured items with new ones. Thank you as always for your nice compliment.

  39. I wish I had a laundry room…our old washer and dryer are in the unfinished basement. I love that antique drying rack. If I ever see one, I’m snatching it! Your laundry room is beautiful, Karen.

    1. Thank you Betsy, for your nice compliment. Sometimes the design of our homes limit where a laundry can be placed. Don’t you just love the drying rack…it’s so convenient, I hope you will be able to find one.

  40. Your laundry room looks delightful, Karen. We’ve also gone for Samsung washer and dryer, but mine are stacked. Hubby just had time to tile the floor the day before they arrived, and the ceiling and walls have yet to be completed. Love that set of rules, and your colourful runner. 🙂 P.S. I also iron. I think we’re a dying breed. 😕

    1. Hi Sylvia, I’m really pleased with the Samsung washer and dryer, I know you will be too. Yes, I do believe that we might be a dying breed although a couple of others have said they still do ironing as well. Thank you for your nice compliment about the laundry room.

  41. I dream of a bigger laundry room! Mine is incredibly small and nit user friendly, the door has to shut to use the washer and dryer. There is nowhere to stand since the washer door opens almost to the wall. As much laundry as I do I’m miserable in there.

    1. Hi Gretchen, It does sound like your laundry room is a bit of a challenge. Perhaps your sweet husband could figure out a workable solution…he is so handy with the things he has built for you.

  42. I would love a laundry room like yours. Ours is kinda a large cupboard, with room for the washing machine, dryer ( on top of one another) and a laundry basket. I do like that these do not take up room in the Kitchen and I can shove the clothes awaiting washing like disgusting sweaty rugby gear or muddy boiler suits away from sight! Although back in the olden days when the cottage was actually two I think the laundry room was part of the very small kitchen, so I try to think how lucky I am!

    1. Thank you for your visit and nice compliment Kelly, I’m glad you like my laundry room. I do like the idea of stacked machines as they take up less space. I agree with you about how lucky we are, we’ve come a long way as far as getting our clothes clean.

      1. We definitely have come a long way. I got given an old washboard from my Nannie and I can’t believe that people used to use them to wash all there clothes. It would take forever! My hubby says that one of the buildings in our garden, part of which we use to store logs used to be a laundry house for all the cottages!

  43. Our last home had a laundry room, but it was not as spacious as your new one. Just a huge closet type room with hook-ups for a the machines and one overhead cabinet that was hard to reach. Our current home was built in the late 50’s and the laundry area was originally part of the kitchen. Over the years it was moved into the garage. While I have new appliances, room for hampers and more storage I love your bright room with the vintage laundry decor! (BTW, I still iron too, but not as much as I used to.)

    1. Thank you Deb, I’m glad you like the room…I am happy with its bright and colorful look.Your last home’s laundry room sounds just like what we had at our summer cottage in Maine. Another ironer, that makes a couple of us. 🙂

    1. I appreciate your nice compliment, Susan…thank you! I do think it is a nice size although I wish it would have been a little wider for when I’m doing the ironing. Although as Jane mentioned, larger just means more to keep clean. 😀

    1. Hi Judi, I’m glad you like the drying rack…it seems that most all my readers wish they had one. I don’t blame everyone, I use it all the time. A mud room/laundry room was very common when we lived up north. Size wise, unless you are having a party in your laundry room, I guess it doesn’t have to be as big as some you see on Pinterst. 😀

  44. Hi Karen, your laundry room is beautiful, love the rug, the vintage hanging rack everything, my laundry room is very small but functional, though it would be nice if it was bigger.

    1. Thank you for your lovely compliment Cheri, I’m glad that you like how I’ve decorated my laundry room. Even when we have a functional laundry room, I guess we all wish they might be a little large if for no other reason than having extra storage. 🙂

  45. You have made a classy space for doing laundry Karen. Love the antique drying rack. My laundry room here in Florida is similar to yours, being entered from the garage. But it is not as large. The one thing I love about it is the closet off the side. Let’s me store large appliances and paper products. We are working on selling this house. As you know, it is hard to get rid of good stuff.

    1. I’m happy to know that you think my room is classy, thank you Penny. Having a closet in your laundry is great…we can never have too much storage room. Boy do I know how hard it is to get rid of the good stuff and I know what you are going through. Good luck!

  46. I never had a dedicated laundry room until we moved into this home about 11 years ago. It’s narrow like yours and looks remarkably like your room except I do not have a sink in mine. I have shelves that hold all my seldom-used kitchen appliances. I love my front loading washer and dryer – the first couple of months when we got the water and electric bill (both ours are electric) I thought they had made mistakes on both bills because it lowered them both so much………..I went as far as to call the water company! You have decorated your room very nicely and mine remains plain Jane although you have inspired me to spruce it up now!

    1. Hi Kelli, I know what you mean about the front loaders being so energy efficient. It is remarkable how little water is needed to get our clothes clean. I’m glad you like how I decorated my laundry room, thank you. You and your husband are so clever, I bet you will come up with some good ideas for yours. 🙂

  47. I have a separate laundry room, but it looks like a laundry room, you know what I mean. Your post has inspired me to “pretty it up”, thanks. I too still do some ironing.

    1. Hi Norma, You gave me a smile…yes I do know what you mean.. I’m glad to know that I’ve inspired you as a pretty room makes doing the laundry chores a little more pleasant especially since you still do ironing like me.

  48. Karen, Your laundry room is so pretty and inviting! I was thinking that my worst laundry experience was just after college, living in Cambridge, where I had to run through a rabbit warren of unfinished rooms in a large pre-war building, past a room sized boiler that would open to reveal huge flames just as I went near. But actually, it was much worse living in NYC and having to take all the laundry out to a laundromat or dry cleaner. Now I have my dream room and it is one thing I will miss when we move someday. Linda

    1. Thank you Linda, for your nice compliment. I can remember having to take clothes to a laundromat…that wasn’t fun because not only was it the clothing and linens but detergents, etc. that you had to pack up as well. You’ve got great taste and when you make your move, I have a feeling you will find another lovely home with the possibility of another dream laundry room. 🙂

  49. I do laundry and dishes, Judy does shopping and cooking. Sometimes dirty clothes go in the hamper, sometimes they fall on the floor. It’s just the two of us, so the quantity of laundry isn’t so bad.

    1. Hi Jason, It sounds like you and Judy are a real team, it is really nice to have a partner that helps out. 🙂 While my husband doesn’t do the laundry, he does all the dishes and keeps the kitchen spotless after I’ve been in the kitchen.

  50. I think a beautiful and comfortable laundry room is a luxurious necessity and no house (especially one with kids and/or pets) can properly function without one. We are very neat and organized in the house mostly due to the fact that I’m kind of obsessed with cleaniless. I taught Her Majesty a long time ago to put her dirty laundry in the proper hamper. No dirty laundry on the floor is accepted. I spend countless hours taking care of stains and doing laundry and everything gets ironed including underwear. :–)
    I think you did a marvelous job with your laundry room. And I love those baskets!

    1. I like your thinking Francesca and totally agree with you. You sound like my husband, he too is a little obsessed. 🙂 I’m happy to know that Her Majesty has learned to be neat as well…that is so important. Thank you for your lovely compliment about my laundry room. I sold a lot of my basket collection when we moved but kept the ones that were special and thought the top of the cabinets would be a good place to display them. By the way, welcome to the club of ironers…there are a few of us now.

  51. Laundry room is a necessity and we have the one that is a garage pass through. Since I do most of the ironing in the family, I set up my own and dedicated ironing room aka family room so I could watch football or basketball while ironing. Hahaha! I like the laundry rules by the way. 🙂

    1. Hi Ray, From the comments here, I believe most of us are in agreement about a laundry room being a necessity. Your comment about your ironing room gave me a chuckle. Good for you for tackling a chore that many have decided to forgo altogether. I’m glad you liked the laundry rules…times certainly have changed in how we get stains out.

  52. Our laundry/mud room is also our entrance from the garage. In fact it used to be the garage. Best thing we ever did was making the laundry room. now if I could only get to the ironing and the post a little poster of laundry rules! Love that!

    1. Hi Abbe, I bet you are indeed happy to have your nice laundry/mud room. I’m glad you like the laundry rules, I think they are priceless. Thank you for your nice comment.

  53. I live in an 90 plus year-old house. As long as I’ve lived in it there has been a laundry room, but when we remodeled the kitchen we found out that wasn’t always the case. In fact we discovered evidence that the laundry used to be done in a series of large basins sitting outside in a breezeway between the kitchen and the spare room below the garage. I always thought they were planters. The conveniences we take for granted these days are many! GREG

    1. Hi Greg, One thing I discovered while living in our 1730’s home in New Hampshire was all the history just waiting to be discovered when restoring or remodeling. Yes indeed, we really do take for granted how well off we are compared to what others used to have to do to have clean clothes and linens. I enjoyed your interesting comment, thank you.

  54. Karen, you call this a small laundry room?!! It is almost as double as mine :)… ours only fits a washer and dryer but it is ok, although I would prefer it to be in the second floor where bedrooms and most of the bathrooms are but this seems to be something impossible to find in homes here!!. Loved your laundry so much.

    1. Hi Amira, While I don’t think my laundry room is small, I do wish it was a little wider for when I’m in there doing my ironing. I think we all probably wish for rooms in our homes to be a little bigger yet as Jane pointed out, it means more floors, etc. to clean. 🙂 My laundry room at our farm in New Hampshire was on the second floor where our bedrooms were so I understand why you would enjoy a second floor laundry room…not having to climb stairs is a real convenience. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, thank you so much.

  55. It would be a pleasure to do laundry there, Karen. I’ve had the stacked….and confess I really liked it, but there’s only me, so that makes a difference. My last house had a dedicated room…sink and all. My new apt has a room, if you wan to call it that and so wish they had put in stacked on one side and storage on the other!

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Barbara. Yes, having a stacked washer/dryer does give you extra space for storage. That’s what I had at our cottage in Maine where every square foot of storage space was a blessing. 🙂

  56. Your room looks really fantastic! You are right to make it most pleasant possible… I don’t think laundry rooms are popular even in big European houses, so I’m always very interested to see them in every house in US films. Actually, in several European countries I know most people don’t have a drier…. and I can imagine the shock people moving from US must have in Switzerland if they live in a city, not countryside: most apartments don’t have washing machines installed and in many buildings washing machines and driers are legal only in communal spaces… it’s a shock for most Europeans too!

    1. I’ve really enjoyed everyones comments on this post Sissi and thank you for yours. It is so interesting to read about how and where laundry is done in other parts of the world. i do know that dryers are not common in Europe but I didn’t know about washing machines not being that common in Switzerland unless they are in communal spaces. Yes, that would be a shock if I was looking for a home there.

      1. It certainly was a shock for me… Coming from Poland, considered by many a”2n rate European country”, I have never heard about anyone NOT having his/her own washing machine. I am lucky to share mine with only two nice neighbours I know and appreciate (but I always handwash underwear) and I can wash whenever I want, so somehow I survive avoiding the huge cost of both the new washing machine and especially its horrendously expensive installation… but many people I know live in big buildings where they have only one laundry day a week (they don’t choose moreover)… (or I even knew someone who could wash only every two weeks!). If they miss their laundry day, the washing machine is used by other neighbours, so they wait next week… It’s a nightmare! I have a friend who can never go out on Wednesdays because it’s her laundry day… And all those people are really well off… but most of the time they are not allowed to have their own machine. After ten years in Switzerland I still cannot understand why…. And, strangely, it concerns both old and new buildings.
        Some things are really weird even seen from another European country… no to mention another continent.
        PS thank you once again for your kind comments on my blog!

  57. Karen, I love this post… I love your laundry room! How true about everything you mentioned. I love the antiques you have on the wall. You are creating another home that will be on a home decorating magazine in no time. 🙂

    1. Hi Fae, I’m so happy to know that you enjoyed the post and really appreciate your kind words about our home. Thank you so much. 😀

  58. Hi Karen, What a great post! I wish I could say my LDRY room looked nice, but it’s so crowded and I can’t even imagine leaving the door open. You’ve given me hope and inspiration.
    Happy March.

    1. Hi Emily, I’m so happy to have you stop by for a visit and appreciate your lovely compliment. I’m glad that you enjoy the post and that it has inspired you to perhaps rethink your laundry room. Thank you!

    1. Oh yes, Denise…I think a laundry room is a real blessing when you have children. As you say, even when traveling laundry still needs to be done.

  59. What a lovely, well organized space. I wish I had the drawers under my machines for extra storage, plus the added height is nice for loading and unloading. It looks like you’re really settled in your new home 🙂

    1. Thank you Liz, I’m glad you like my laundry room. I’m really happy that I decided to add the storage drawers as they are so convenient. I like that they hold all my laundry supplies and are leakproof if something should spill. I also like the added height. Actually it is a lot easier to get clothes out of the machines than it was trying to reach down into a top loaders I’ve had in the past because I’m short. We are getting settled in nicely…a little more to do but it feels like home. 🙂

  60. Ah, a laundry room is one of those things I dream of having – probably like every woman living in New York City 🙂 How lovely to see more of your new home, as ever, Karen!

  61. Hi Ksenia, While living in NYC is something that many of us would love to do, it also would mean giving up some things and I’m sure that laundry rooms aren’t that common. I’m glad that you enjoyed seeing a little of our new home. I thought I’d start with the laundry room as laundry is something we all have in common no matter where in the world we live. Thank you for your lovely comment.

  62. Your laundry room is much better than the kitchen in my rented house!. I am intrued by the huge machines you guys have over there. Great ideas Karen

  63. Oh Karen, I wouldn’t mind doing laundry at all if I had a room like yours. My husband does our laundry since our laundry is in the basement of our 1920 brick home 🙂

    1. Hi Deb, Aren’t we lucky when our husbands help with the chores. Carrying laundry up and down stairs can be hard work. Kudos to your husband…I know you are most appreciative. I’m glad you like my laundry, thank you.

  64. Thank goodness we don’t have to wash everything using a washboard and mangle! It must have been very hard work.

    Your laundry room looks great! I have a small space at the back of the house for the washing machine and tumble dryer. It’s near the back door, so it’s also where we keep our wellies and hiking boots (and where the cat sleeps at night). And it’s ideal for taking laundry out to dry on the washing line on sunny days. 🙂

    1. Isn’t that the truth Grace, we come a long way in how we get our laundry done. It sounds like you got a convenient laundry room.

  65. Dear Karen, what a sensational looking laundry room – so very pretty and I totally adore the antique racks and things – just stunning! My laundry room looks nothing like yours but it fulfills its purpose so to speak!
    Fabulous idea for a post, great pictures and wonderful tips for all of us!
    Have a lovely Sunday, dear friend!

  66. Hi Andrea, I’m glad that you like the antique laundry memorabilia and my laundry room. Thank you for your lovely compliment about the post, I’m happy that you enjoyed it. I hope you are having a nice Sunday as well.

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Beth. We all spend a lot of time doing laundry so I believe that if we make the area where it is done look nice, it makes the chore a little less of a chore. 🙂

  67. Karen my sweet friend, it’s BEAUTIFUL!! I love antiques, I truly do. I am not a hoarder by any means, just a few sweet things here and there. I love, LOVE your decorating style and functionality all while bringing in that cherished memorabilia!! Kudos my friend, 5 star!!

    1. Thank you very much Didi, for your very kind words. I’m happy that you like how I’ve decorated my laundry room. I’m with you, I love antiques and although I sold most of my collections when we moved to Florida, there were some things like part of my laundry memorabilia that I just couldn’t part with.

    1. Thank you Jean, I’m glad you like my laundry room. Isn’t that “laundry rules” just the best. Thank goodness getting out stains has gotten a lot easier since that was first printed.

  68. It looks like you have a wonderful laundry room. I have a laundry room, but it not large enough. But I do think that a laundry room is a must have when you have a house.

    1. Hi Dawn, Yes…I’m very happy with my laundry room, thank you. I think that there are times we are would like a bigger room but whatever the size, I agree with you about it being a necessity.

  69. Laundry rooms may be a luxury but it’s one that I love. Having had to go into the garage for years to do laundry, I’m in heaven. My laundry isn’t as big or as nice as yours but I still consider it a luxury. Wish I had that list of Laundry rules. Love that! As far as dirty clothes, some in the hamper and some thrown over the chair. 🙂

    1. Hi MJ, A luxury that we love, that is very true. My “laundry rules” list just shows how far we’ve come over the years in getting stains out of our clothes.

  70. Damn…. I am soooo freakin’ JEALOUS!! I’m happy to have a small area off the kitchen so I don’t have to go into my VERY OLD cellar every time I do laundry, but to me your laundry room is fabulous. When we lived in Villanova we had a sink in the laundry room and I just loved it for soaking things like dirty football shirts etc.
    And I’m soooo jealous of the cabinets. My brother-in-law installed shelves in the laundry area to give me a place to put large bowls etc. As you so well know, old farmhouses do NOT have lots of storage space.
    You did a wonderful job, as always, of decorating. I noticed the old fashioned laundry rack right away – it’s both useful and attractive. And the painting, which used to be at your place in Maine, looks great there – as well as the runner/rug!!
    I’ve always got a kick out of how things would end up looking so good in totally different areas after we’d moved into yet another place. It’s fun, isn’t it?!! ; o )

    1. Thank you Cecile, I appreciate your kind words about how I decorated the laundry room. I find a little imagination and experimentation helps to get a look you like when decorating a room. I was happy that I could have the wool carpet cut and bound to fit the room and the painting carried out the bright colors. I do understand about storage space in an old farmhouse but it sounds like you’ve made your situation work…way better than going down into an old cellar.

      1. You know how little things make us happy – well, I just found room in my pantry for my breadmaker….and I’m very pleased I won’t have to go down into The Dungeon every time I want it !! ; o )

  71. I have complete laundry room evny right now! How I miss having a dryer. It’s something I never really thought of lacking and now appreciate much more. I will never take my laundry room for granted again. 🙂 And your design skills are unbeatable Karen. I always love how you create a home. Even your laundry rooms are somewhere I’d love to spend time (and I hate doing laundry!). 🙂

    1. Hi Kristy, Not having a drier is pretty common in Europe. It must be a challenge for you and the family while you are in Poland. Thank you for your lovely compliment about my decorating our home, it is much appreciated. A pretty room can often make a chore a little easier. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Amy. I’m glad you like my laundry and the antique “laundry rules” list. Haven’t we come a long way in how we treat stains we get in our clothes and yet some remedies still work well. 🙂

  72. Karen, only you can make laundry room that inviting…I love the white color…indeed a nice and fresh looking…
    Thanks for sharing these nice pictures…
    Have a wonderful week 🙂

    1. That is so kind of you Juliana, thank you. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and photos of my laundry room. I’m real happy with the white cabinets, they make the room feel light and bright even though I don’t have a window in the room.

  73. The old picture and laundry rules are wonderful. It’s hard to imagine how complicated and time-consuming it was to wash clothes in days gone by.

    1. Hi Sheryl, I’m glad you like the antique “laundry rules”. I collected laundry memorabilia when we lived in New England. As you say, doing laundry was a hard chore and I thought my collection would remind me of how far we have come.

  74. Your laundry room looks great! And the grass is always greener…. because your laundry room isn’t small, it’s huge! 😉 Living in a apartment most of don’t have washing machines so I always get a bit green with envy seeing rooms like this! Wash your heart away!

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Pamela. While living in New York City is a dream for many of us, an apartment there is costly and probably won’t have the amenities a new house in the suburbs has. As you say, the grass is always greener. 😀

  75. Your laundry room looks very pretty, as well as functional, Karen. Mine is similar in size and shape, except I purchased a top loader water saver washing machine. I was used to using that style and went with the familiar. I like your antique drying rack! I have a hanging rod over my washer dryer and there is a window in my room so I’m short on wall space to add decorations, but your colorful runner is something I will try to replicate. Nice idea!

    1. Hi Pat, I’m glad you like my laundry room, thank you. I looked at the top loaders as that is what I’ve always had as well. Since I’m only 5 ft. tall, I had a hard time reaching down into the bottom of most of the new machines where the inevitable last sock always wants to hide. 😀 I’d give up some of my wall space for a window, they are a nice feature. I’m happy you like the idea of using a runner in the room for color.

  76. I love that antique drying rack! I love my laundry room because it was between the garage and the back door. When my snowy children came in I could just put everything right into the dryer. My mom’s laundry room was in a spooky basement and freaked me out going down there!

    1. Hi Julie, It seems everyone likes my drying rack, it is very useful. No, I wouldn’t want to do laundry in a spooky basement either. It works out well when a laundry room is close to where you enter a home so that dirty or wet items can be handled quickly.

  77. Your laundry room is beautiful Karen, I love that you have a painting in there 🙂 Raising 3 children, I was in the laundry room all the time and had a small TV in mine! Jenna

    1. Thank you Jenna, for your nice compliment. A TV is nice addition to a laundry room to help make the chores a little more pleasant…especially when doing the ironing.

    1. Hi Tandy, I wasn’t sure what you were referring to when you mentioned the scullery. I googled it to find that is was a room that houses the washer, dryer, dish washer and kitchen sink. That is what I’ve enjoyed about this post, I’m learning how laundry is handled in different parts of the world. Thank you for your interesting comment.

    1. Hi Laura, So you are one of the many wishing for a dream laundry. A small laundry room does make it harder to do the laundry…I’ve had too many that were actually just a closet. A room was a priority when we were looking for our new home as well.

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Jasline. Yes, I really do enjoy the convenience of having a nice deep sink in the laundry room for hand washing and soaking large items.

  78. Hi Julie, Yes laundry is something we all have to deal with whether we like it or not. At least the chore is a lot easier than it used to be and for that, I’m grateful.

  79. I love the way you take care of details and this will surely make a difference. I’d like to sort my laundry room like you did with yours. I don’t have a big problem with the washing and drying as I already separate by colour and textile type before… my big issue is ironing. To forget what I’m doing, I usually take my computer and watch some documentary.

    1. Hi Didi, I’m glad you like how I’ve decorated my laundry room. Watching your computer while ironing must help make the task go by quickly. 🙂

  80. Our washer and dryer are in a closet, and it’s one of the things I want to renovate in this house, because I would LOVE to have a spacious laundry room! Loving all your tips and the attention to detail! Want to come design ours? 😉 Cheers, friend and thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Cheyanne, I’ve had many homes with the washer and dryer in a closet just like you. If I was living nearby, I’d be more than happy to help you design a space for a nice laundry room. When we restored our farmhouse in New England, we converted a very small bedroom into a laundry room…the biggest concern is the plumbing.

    1. Hi Mél@nie, I’m glad that you enjoyed my post, thank you for your nice compliment. I liked your post with the photos of laundry hanging out to dry. 🙂

    1. Thank you for your nice compliment, Nancy. I kept my two favorite washboards from the collection I had in New England for our new house. They remind me of how much easier it is to get our clothes clean…years ago, it was a big job that took all day.

    1. Thank you Sarah, I’m glad that you like how I designed my laundry room. Since the laundry room is right off my foyer, I thought it was important that it look nice so that I wouldn’t have to keep the door closed all the time.

    1. Hi Rebecca, I’m happy that you like the room. I’m real happy with my choice of machines, they have lots of terrific features that I’ve never had before.

    1. Hi Caroline, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice comment. I do hope that you get a laundry room in the future. It definitely helps with a chore that all of us are faced with.

  81. Such a bright and cheerful laundry room! The decor is perfect, and I like how it’s given the same care and attention as any other room in the house. After all, important work is done in there, not to mention yours is a ‘thoroughfare’ to and from the garage. In my current home, the laundry room is also the ‘mudroom’ at a secondary entrance to the house. I don’t have quite as much room as you do, but I do have a counter over the washer and dryer with a large sink in between, plus storage for coats, shoes and sundry items on the opposite wall. My laundry room is painted a shade of turquoise in keeping with the overall colour scheme of the house, and I have a colourful poster on board of a mermaid from — where else? — Florida. So, like you, I am able to do my laundry in a pleasant and airy feeling room. The only thing that’s missing is a place to hang clothes to dry. I keep a large laundry rack in the spare bedroom that serves as my sewing room, and that’s where most of my clothes complete drying after a brief spin in the dryer. (I know, I’m fussy about that!)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Marlene, they are very much appreciated. It sounds as though your laundry room/mudroom is well thought out and pretty as well. That’s nice!

  82. Hi Amy, Thank you for your nice compliment. I’m glad you agree about having an organized space…it certainly does make our laundry chores a little easier. I’m sure you will enjoy your new home with its nice laundry room for years to come. 🙂

  83. I have to agree with you that finding a way of making laundry more pleasant is a good thing. Not far from where I live, there’s a half-laundry, half-bar that – if I didn’t have my own washer and dryer at home – I’d visit weekly.

  84. I must confess to feeling extremely envious 🙂
    I’ve always longed for a dedicated laundry room (ours is a stacked dryer/machine and tiny sink in a cupboard in the bathroom). *sigh* Absolutely LOVE your vintage drying rack, and framed rules. Those little touches would make doing the laundry quite a pleasurable experience.
    PS. What’s an iron?

  85. Your laundry room is bright, cheerful, functional, and full of interesting objects. You do everything with such style and grace. We live in a house built before laundry was done in machines and haven’t gotten around to making many changes to the house. The laundry, thrown haphazardly into a hamper in the bedroom, is carried up a long hallway, down a flight of stairs, through the dining room, butler’s pantry, kitchen and down another flight of stairs into the dark basement where the washer, dryer, ironing board, and a table share one of the rooms with my glass kilns and storage shelves. Sometimes a nice new smaller home with only one level sounds dreamy.

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