Arroz Con Pollo “His Way”

Arroz Con Pollo is one of the most popular chicken dishes in Cuba, Latin America and Spain. The flavorful rice is the star ingredient and is allowed to take prominence over the chicken in this traditional meal. While there are many very good versions of arroz con pollo prepared at home, if ordered in a restaurant it can often be bland and boring with gummy rice, overcooked chicken and dried up peas. Not so…the way my husband cooks arroz con pollo, “his way”.

Arroz Con Pollo, Delicious Rice With Chicken
Arroz Con Pollo, Delicious Rice With Chicken

“His way” of cooking is not to measure anything…he just adds a pinch of this and a little of that. I love his version of arroz con pollo because it has more kick than what I’ve tasted in many of the Cuban restaurants in South Florida where we once lived. He has made this meal for me for years and it is a real favorite of mine.  I asked him if he could pass along how he prepares his quick and easy version of arroz con pollo.

Arroz Con Pollo

This recipe serves two, adjust accordingly.

  • One (3.5 oz.) bag of Success Boil-in-a bag rice *, which makes 2 cups of cooked rice

*Success Rice is a boil-in-a bag rice that can be prepared either on the stove or in the microwave. Cooking times and the amount of water you need to use can vary slightly, depending on the brand. Using less water and reducing your cooking time will result in a firmer rice. If you want a soft rice, add more water and increase the cooking time.

  • 3 large boneless, skinless chicken thighs cut into bite size pieces (1 large breast cut into pieces may be substituted)
  • garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper to taste for seasoning the chicken
  • 2 Tbsp. more or less of olive oil
  • 1/2 onion, minced
  • 1 – 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 c. more or less of chicken broth
  • 1/4 C. or to taste of Goya Mojo Criollo (You can find my recipe for mojo here)
  • juice from 1/2 lime
  • a couple of shakes of Tabasco or to taste
  • approximately 1/4 tsp. each of garlic powder, onion powder, and dried oregano
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 packet of Goya Sazón Azafrán Seasoning
  • 1/2 c. frozen peas

Prepare rice according to package directions except cook it for only 6 minutes. While the rice is cooking, season the chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a sauté pan over medium high heat, and cook the chicken pieces until brown and almost done, about 2 to 3 minutes. Be sure to not overcook at this point as the chicken will be cooked more later on. Remove from the pan and set aside. Add the onion and peppers and cook until soft, add the garlic and cook for about 1 minute. Add the chicken broth, mojo, lime juice, and Tabasco. Season with garlic powder, onion powder, oregano and salt and pepper to taste. Cook for about 5 minutes, until slightly reduced then remove pan from heat. Once the rice is ready, return the pan with the vegetable mixture to the heat, add the chicken back to the pan and cook for about a minute. Add the rice, sprinkle with the Sazón seasoning and frozen peas,  mix well and cook a few minutes more. If it looks a little dry add more broth, if it looks soupy, cook for a few minutes more. Taste and adjust for seasoning, if necessary. When serving, you can garnish with chopped cilantro or parsley and serve with lime wedges on the side.


My husband says this is a quick and easy recipe and wishes you good luck if you try it. Since he doesn’t measure, he wanted to let you know that he gave me this recipe from memory and the ingredient amounts are approximate. He is sure that if you taste your dishes as you are cooking, you should be able to prepare a good version of arroz con pollo or a reasonable facsimile thereof. 😀

I’ve always considered it a special treat when my husband says he would like to prepare our evening meal. With my broken foot, I can no longer cook so he is now in charge of cooking all our meals. While I’m not happy about being in a cast and on crutches, I have to say that I’m very happy to be eating the delicious meals he has been putting on our table each night. If you get a chance to prepare arroz con pollo his way, I believe you will agree with me that I’m a lucky woman to have a sweet husband who is also a good cook.

**This is not a sponsored post and I am not being compensated in any way for mentioning specific products in this recipe. They are just products my husband likes and finds convenient for many recipes.

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

157 thoughts on “Arroz Con Pollo “His Way”

  1. Scrumptious I say. Love that your hubby uses chicken thighs and just like my Pete who never measures anything, always produces a magnificent meal.
    Hope the crutches aren’t too bothersome Karen.
    Have a wonderful day.
    🙂 Mandy xo

    1. Hi Mandy, For years I wouldn’t eat chicken thighs until my husband convinced me that they cook up much juicier than the breasts. I believe they are perfect in this dish. I think our husbands are a lot alike and we are lucky gals.

  2. Delish! My daughter-in-law taught me how to makes this Colombian-style. Relies more on potatoes (but still has rice) and corn. It’s yummy.

    1. I agree with you Judy…it is a VERY good think indeed. I return to the doctor for more X-rays on Friday. So far no signs of healing and one of the bones has moved a little but the doctor is still positive. Thank you! 🙂

    1. Hi Tanya, I’ll happily pass on your comment. I think when we enjoy cooking we do become intuitive on what works flavor wise.

    1. I had to laugh Katerina about your Mom’s cooking not being the same way twice. That is why my husband wanted me to add the note about tasting as you are cooking…a dish may turn out a little differently each time you make it. 😀

    1. Hi Donna, I agree with you about how our spouses prepare meals differently than how we do. My husband and I could have the exact same ingredients and would probably make two entirely different tasting meals. It is a yummy dish.

      1. BTW … The recipe looks tasty, but possibly a bit too spicy for my taste … but hey … there is a foundation here. 🙂 Thanks.

  3. Oh, how I’d love to be spoiled like that! My husband just might cook for me: It would either be scrambled egg or it would be several trips from the kitchen with questions, “Where is the . . . ?” or “How do I . . . . ?” Worse, it would be yelling from the kitchen! Your husband’s chicken sounds great; I much prefer thighs, too.

    1. Your comment gave me a real chuckle, Rosemary. My husband knows his way around our kitchen completely but I’ve gotten a few questions since he is now also in charge of the laundry. 😀 I’ll pass along your compliment to him.

  4. Arrox con pollo can be a magnificent dish, but you’re right that too often restaurant versions lack flavor. Weird, because it’s a dish where you can really kick things up! I cook like your husband a lot — never measure. So writing recipes can be a chore! So I’ve had to learn to measure. But really, in most dishes, you can easily alter measurements (or even substitute ingredients) to suit your own taste. Glad there’s at least one upside for you of having a broken foot!

    1. Hi John, I totally agree with you that a it is hard to write a recipe when you are used to cooking without measuring. Once you are a confident cook you can easily adapt recipes to your own taste. I’m happy that my husband is such a good cook, it certainly has made coping with my broken foot a lot easier.

  5. I like his way…so delicious and fuss free! My husband can’t even tell eggplant from avocado, let alone to cook. Lucky you, Karen.

    1. Hi Angie, The comment about your husband gave me a real chuckle. Thankfully my husband is a real foodie and is in well versed in knowing his food ingredients. I’ll pass on your compliment.

  6. It’s good to hear that you are getting something out your injury. The arroz sounds excellent – I’ve heard several chefs say that when it comes to writing books they have to work out how much they put into things, because it’s mostly done by instinct 😉

    1. Hi Mad Dog, I’m extremely thankful that my husband has taken on doing everything for me but I hope I don’t wear him completely ragged. I’ll be sure to tell him that you like his dish. I can understand how chefs have a hard time with recipes for books. When you see them on TV, they never measure a thing.

  7. How wonderful to have husbands that take care of us and can produce a tasty meal like this. Tell your husband I will try his recipe soon, it looks delicious. Karen, I hope you get better soon.

    1. I totally agree with you Gerlinde, we are indeed lucky to have such great husbands. I’ll be sure to tell my husband that you will be trying his recipe. Thank you for your wish, I return to the doctor this Friday to see if there has been any improvement at all.

  8. I am so glad your husband is taking good care of you, Karen! And I think Arroz con Pollo has definite healing properties, too! Take care!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, David. If arroz con pollo has healing properties, I better start eating it more often. 😀

    1. Hi Darryl, With all the questions I kept asking my husband, I’m sure he wished I would write a post about something else. I think most of you men must think about measuring the way you think about asking for directions. 😀

  9. This dish looks really delicious, and quite frankly, inspires envy on my part. I wish my husband would feel inspired to cook. He’s great with a grill as long as I prep, to be fair. How wonderful that your husband is cooking for you, and such a lovely dish, when you’re unable to do so!

    1. Hi Betsy, I don’t know why my response to your comment isn’t showing…must have been a glitch. I truly am lucky that my husband enjoys cooking, it has always been a treat when he makes us a dinner when I’ve had an especially busy day. Now I’m relying on him for all our meals. I’ll pass along your lovely compliment to my husband. 😀

  10. You’re a lucky lady to have such a creative husband in the kitchen. I guess quick and easy is a relative term based on what you’re used to. 🙂 Take good care of your foot and I hope you’re up and running err… cooking soon.

    1. I really am lucky Boleyn as my husband is a terrific cook. You made me smile about the quick and easy part…I’m sure it would take me longer to prepare this recipe than it does for my husband to make it. Thank you…I want to be out of the cast so bad but I think it is going to take a long time for that to happen.

  11. Looks delicious! My husband is the chef of the house and I recall once trying to recreate one if his dishes (all of which are made without measuring…I skill I do not have.) It was hilarious how my version turned out! Thankfully he was able to come in, add a little of this and a little of that, and save dinner. I hope your foot is healing well.

    1. Hi Plumdirt, You are a lucky lady. I loved your story…a little of this and a little of that works wonders sometimes. Thank you for your wish, I head back to the doctor on Friday.

  12. I feel very fortunate that my husband, too, likes to cook. It was a real boon when I had a fractured wrist a few year’s ago. This recipe sounds delicious and I always embellish most dishes to our taste. Hope your foot will be back to normal soon. A move is difficult enough in the best of circumstances.


    1. Another lucky lady, that is for sure. I think most of the people who read food blogs can be inspired by recipes that we post but are comfortable enough to adjust a dish to their own taste. Thank you Bonnie for your wish about my foot. I go back to the doctor on Friday for more X-rays as there has not been any sign of healing so far. 😦

    1. Hi Jane, I really am lucky that my husband enjoys cooking…I’ll let him know you like the recipe. I know that “The Husband” mans the grill for you in the summer and that is always a good thing. 🙂

  13. My husband cooks the same way, no measuring! It results in some scrumptious meals. This looks delicious. If you can’t cook for now at least you have a husband who is able to prepare such delicious meals.

  14. Hi Gretchen, I’m glad to know that your husband creates great meals for you without measuring as well. You are right, I’ve very grateful that my husband has taken over all that I normally do in our home and I’m really enjoying all his meals. 😀

    1. Hi Sylvia, This is good, one of the favorite dishes that my husband makes. Thank you for your wish, I go to the doctor again tomorrow for more X-rays.

  15. I love that your husband is cooking for you while you are laid up and I love it even more that he’s a great cook too! This dish sounds fantastic. I would love it – particularly his not bland version! I hope you’re recouping nicely.

    1. Hi Kristy, It certainly is nice and I’m afraid I’m getting very spoiled with his delicious dinners each evening. I’m hoping that the next X-rays will show some improvement…thank you for your wish.

  16. Ha! Your husband cooks like mine – infrequently, interestingly and experimentally! Wish I could be so brave 🙂
    I love Arroz Con Pollo, but mine is an inferior cheat’s version with leftover roast chicken. Very keen to try your man’s recipe and also your home-made Mojo, which sounds zesty and fantastic (I’m thinking the excess could be frozen too). Great post! Hope your foot is on the mend.

    1. Hi Saskia, I bet your version using leftover roast chicken makes for a very good and time saving meal. I hope you enjoy my husband’s version and my mojo recipe. I think you are right about it freezing well.

  17. I just bought my first package of skin at Costco..and I love them.
    Great little recipe on the grill from one of our daughters.. are YOU?
    And the house selling?

    Inquiring minds…

    And all the APPLES!

    1. Hi Monique, Don’t you just love boneless, skinless chicken thighs, they are a real time saver. As to me…I go back to the doctor tomorrow for more X-rays. Last week there was no sign of healing and one of the bones had moved some. 😦 The potential buyer is having a home inspection today and then hopefully we will finally get a signed contract in the next few days. Our apple trees are loaded with really nice looking apples that are starting to get big…the best crop in years. Inquiring minds, I love that you want to know how life is going. Thank you! 😀

  18. I love his recipe. My hubby does the same thing with recipes. He wings it, but I have finally realized that it is in my best interest to stay out of his way when he is cooking. It is always good. We are lucky to have men who love to cook. I hope you heal soon Karen. My thoughts are with you. Give your husband a high five from me.

    1. Hi Penny, That is the expression my husband uses all the time “he wings it”. We are really lucky that our husbands enjoy cooking and that they create good meals. I’m sure my husband will enjoy your comment. Thank you for your kind thoughts, they are much appreciated.

  19. Karen-what lovely timing on this post. I’m reading a fascinating book about how “poor” our tastes have become and that true cookery is done by taste, not measurements. How wonderful that your husband can (and does!) cook. You’re a special lady and I’m so glad he takes such good care of you.
    Hope all is healing nicely and that you’ll be up and about soon.
    Have a nice summer, Karen

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Sue. It does sound like this post relates to what you are reading. I truly am lucky that my husband takes such good care of me, he is a real treasure. I’m looking forward to when the doctor says that I can at least start putting some weight on my foot. That will really help, there is so much I need to be doing to get ready for our move.

  20. Ugh, I just saw that you have a couple broken bones in your foot 😦 I’m so sorry. But at least your dear husband knows his way around the kitchen. What a wonderful chicken and rice dish done his way—yum!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Liz. It will be three weeks tomorrow and unfortunately I’ve got a ways to go yet. My husband enjoys cooking…thankfully. This dish is one of my favorites that he makes.

  21. Hi Karen, I broke my foot a couple of years ago and my husband cooked by picking up food. Not only did I have to do rehab on my foot I had to diet at the same time. Your husband is so sweet for cooking. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Hi Cheri, Your comment gave me a real chuckle. Our husbands help however they can and I’m sure that picking up food for your meals was very welcomed. 🙂 Thank you for your wish as you know what I’m going through.

  22. Dear Karen, how good to know that your darling husband is taking the best care of you possible. Just by reading through the recipe and looking at your picture, I can just imagine how aromatic his Arroz con Pollo must be! All the best! Andrea

    1. Thank you Andrea, I truly am getting the best of care from my husband. I believe that both you and I are very lucky in that regard. I’ll pass along your compliment about his dish.

  23. What a wonderful cook your hubby is! And what a good man to look after you so deliciously and so well. 🙂

    1. Hi Krista, My husband does enjoy cooking and what he makes really is good. I know that we both very lucky to have husbands that take good care of us when needed and that is wonderful. 🙂

  24. My husband cooks too, he’s got a few specialties that he is very good at as well. On the days that I’m out of the house on site food styling, I always know that my sweetheart has prepared a delicious meal to come home to. Lucky indeed, many a husbands just come home and turn on the boob-tube.
    The dish sounds lovely. I keep dehydrated onions and garlic on hand too for dry rubs; I use a similar one for chicken thighs in my paella with smoked paprika, it’s TDF, so I know I’d love the flavours in this too.
    Hope your foot is on the mend.

    1. Hi Eva, Isn’t it nice that when we’ve had a busy day that our husbands come to the rescue by preparing a meal for us. As you say, not every husband does so some of us are more lucky than others. Thank you for your wish, I go to the doctor tomorrow to see if any healing has started.

  25. Oh dear. Am so sorry, Karen. I’ve been in those shoes (boots, I should say) twice and know how miserable it is. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, even though I was hard pressed to find it once in a while. 🙂 You have a caring husband to keep your spirits (and dinners) up. The rehab is never fun, but rewards worth it.
    This is a super recipe…love that he used thighs, so much more flavor, I think. The rice looks perfect. This is a must try recipe. Kudos to you for getting it down on paper. Was so difficult getting my mother and grandmother to measure anything!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts Barbara. You definitely know how I feel and that some days can get you down. I’ll definitely be happy to know when I’ve healed enough to start rehab. I know it is hard but in the end it helps us get back to a normal life. I’m glad you like my husband’s dish…I read your nice comment to him. 🙂

    1. Hi Kelli, I believe you would really enjoy this dish…it is one of my favorites. Success rice does make life easier…we think it is a good product to use for lots of recipes.

  26. If this recipe is any indication, it sounds like you’re being well-fed indeed during your recuperation! I hope it’s going well and you’re able to keep yourself entertained.

    1. Hi Marlene, I’ll be afraid to get on the scale when my cast comes off as my husband really is preparing the most delicious meals. 😀 I hate that I have to sit around all the time but it is giving me a chance to go through old files that we won’t need to move to Florida.

  27. Now, I am envious. My husband cannot cook. Even that one (only one) dish he can cook, he made it 9 years ago. This arroz con pollo sounds very delicious. With USA/Cuba relations opened up, I’d love to learn more about Cuban cuisine. 🙂

    1. Hi Fae, I think that your husband just enjoys all the great dishes you make and doesn’t want to compete. 😀 We used to eat lots of Cuban food when we lived in Miami where there is a huge Cuban community.

  28. It’s such a treat to have someone else cook for us. You deserve a bit of pampering while you are on the mend! And this wonderful Arroz and Pollo is just what you need!

    1. Hi Deb, It really is a treat to have others cook for us…be it a restaurant, a friend or family member. I’m being very spoiled by all the good food my husband is making for us.

  29. The worst thing about being on crutches is that you can’t do all the things you normally do and you have to get others to help you. I do hope you get your independence back quickly. I haven’t heard of this Cuban chicken dish but it looks really yummy and I love all the flavours. I would definitely top it with chopped coriander (cilantro) xx

    1. Thank you for your wish Charlie, I know that you can appreciate what is happening in my husband’s and my life right now. You have been the care giver for your daughter just as my husband has been mine. I know that it can be exhausting but do know we both appreciate all the help. 🙂 I’m glad that you like my husband’s dish and yes, we like sprinkling fresh chopped coriander on top for additional flavor.

  30. You sure are a very lucky lady!! This arroz con pollo looks delicious. I know it’s not fun being laid up, but enjoy your time! You are being pampered 🙂
    There have been many times that I’ve been bed ridden because of my RA and I’m lucky to have a hubby who can also cook if needs be. He, and the kids, would much prefer a pizza though! He does a good job with chilli and pot roast, and breakfast, he’s good with that 🙂
    Hope you’re feeling better, Karen xx

    1. Hi Nazneen, It is very hard not being able to do much with our big move ahead of us. At least my husband has taken on all of the responsibilities until I’m able to help. I think we are both lucky to have husbands that are willing to do the cooking. And yes, I can understand that they might prefer pizza…we all love it. Thank you for your kind thoughts and I’ll pass along your compliment.

  31. Good Morning Karen, I thought I would pop over and visit you to see how you were doing and discover you have broken your foot and that you are in a plaster cast. I am so sorry to hear this news.
    It is marvellous that you have a husband who is a dab hand at cooking and this dish you have shared with us sounds lovely and one I am certainly going to try. Don’t worry about precise measurements, as to be honest this is how I cook on a daily basis. It is only when I am cooking something for my blog, that I take the time to measure everything.
    Take care of yourself and I hope it is not too long before you are up and about again.
    Best Wishes to you.

    1. Hi Daphne, Unfortunately I did break my foot three weeks ago. I’ve got a long way to go but I’m very lucky for all the good care I’m getting from my husband. I’m glad that you like this dish. I think a lot of us tend not to measure unless we want to share a recipe. I appreciate your visit and your kind thoughts.

  32. Ho Joanne, A good version of arroz con pollo is easy to prepare so I don’t know why there are restaurants that serve such terrible versions of the dish. Home cooks can really make it shine…perhaps because we take pride in what we serve our families.

    1. You gave me a real chuckle, Maureen. Well, I bet your husband is at least a connoisseur of take out. 😀 I’ll pass on your compliment to my husband.

  33. It sounds delicious and it reminds me of what we used to call at home ‘arroz con cosas’ (rice with things). Anything goes, but we always added prawns too.

    1. I know my husband will appreciate your compliment, Fatima. I’m going to pass on your suggestion to add prawns the next time my husband makes this dish.

  34. I love arroz con pollo and “his way” looks amazing. Perfectly flavorful! That’s one of those dishes I love because every family, every cook, and every restaurant does it a little bit differently. =)

    1. Hi Amy, I’ll happily pass on your compliment to my husband. You are correct, I do think everyone makes this dish a little differently.

  35. Way to go, Karen’s hubby!!! This sounds delicious, I love all the spiciness and have to give it a go. What Cuban food I’ve had has been delicious, but sadly not much around these parts. Hope you’re mending well Karen, but I’d definitely milk it for what it’s worth, his good cooking!

    1. Hi Pam, I read your comment to my husband and it gave him a big laugh and he said thank you. Unfortunately, I think he is going to be cooking for quite a while. After 3 weeks there has been no bone healing yet…I’ll be non weight bearing for at least another two weeks and then I’m scheduled for more X-rays. 😦

  36. I love this dish, and thank you for the reminder to make it. It’s been awhile for me. And yes, I agree, always a different version and always delicious.

  37. Yum! Strange coincidence: when my older brother started to live on his own, this is the first dish he learned how to cook (other than Kraft dinner). Whenever I visited him for dinner, we had either pizza or arroz con pollo.

  38. Wow, a broken foot! So sorry to hear this, I know this really slows you down, that really stinks! But how fun to have your husband cooking for you. If this is any example, it looks like you’re in great hands!

    1. Hi Chris, I appreciate your nice thoughts, thank you. I really am in good hands. My husband has been terrific, taking over all my chores including the cooking. 🙂

  39. Dear Karen, I’m sorry to hear about your foot, but what a great way to get waited on 😉 – just kidding! I hope you are up and about very soon!

    Your hubs dish looks delicious, maybe I can get my hubs to give it a whirl – but he’s on the mend too! He had a minor accident 5 weeks ago (long story – short.) Separated shoulder and 3 broken ribs, black eye and assorted bruises. After some PT which behind this week, he’ll be “right as rain.”

    1. Thank you for your wish, Mary. I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s accident…I hope the PT gets him back into good shape. Four weeks today since I broke the bones in my foot but the X-rays don’t show any mending yet. Thank goodness my husband has taken over my chores, including the cooking. I’ll let him know you like his dish. 🙂

    1. Hi Ksenia, I totally agree with you on both counts. Thank you for your wish, unfortunately the healing is going slower than normal but hopefully I’ll get a good report soon. 🙂

    1. Hi Susan, I do have to agree with you…thankfully, my husband is a good cook. I think you would like his arroz con pollo, it is one of my favorite dishes he makes.

  40. Sorry to hear about your broken foot! 😦 I hope you recover soon. This dish looks delicious and the added bonus that your husband made it for you makes it all the better! It’s such a treat when someone else cooks!

    1. Thank you for your nice wish, Amy. You are right, it really is a treat for us to enjoy someone else’s cooking. I’ll pass along your compliment to my husband.

  41. I’m a little late to read this, Karen, but I’m so glad I did. I love Arroz con Pollo, but I’ve never cooked it. There are some spices here I don’t know, but it would be fun to find them. Your husband is taking good care of you. I think if it were up to my husband to take care of the meals there would a LOT of take out. 🙂 I hope you’re getting along as well as can be expected, and one of these days we’ll hear this whole episode is in the past. May that be soon!

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Debra. My husband really is taking great care of me, taking on all of my daily chores. So far he hasn’t relied on takeout once and it was a month yesterday since I broke my foot. If you like arroz con pollo, then I think you would enjoy my husband’s version.

  42. The first thing I would like to say is how sorry I am to read that you broke your foot. I know how painful that is and how cumbersome it is to hobble around on crutches. You are indeed lucky to have a hubby who prepares lovely meals like this one. I do like that dish and look forward to trying it his way. Hope you recover quickly.

    1. Thank you Cathy, for your nice wish. You are right, a broken foot certainly does interfere with daily life…especially when you have to navigate on crutches. I’m glad you like the recipe, it is one of my favorite dishes that my husband prepares.

  43. Thank goodness for a good man that also knows how to cook. My husband doesn’t measure either, but his dishes are always delicious. The Arroz con Pollo sounds fabulous and he even knows how to plate the dish beautifully. Cheers to him.

    1. Hi Sam, I do think that we are both very lucky. I know Meakin enjoys cooking just like my husband does. I’ll certainly pass along your nice compliment. 😀

    1. Hi Southern, We truly are lucky that our husbands are good in the kitchen. Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I head back to the doctor this coming Friday. So far my foot has not shown signs of healing.

  44. You are lucky to have a husband who cooks well. That arroz con pollo looks succulent. I’ve never had this in Spain, or at least not that I remember, And the best rice I’ve had was by a Brazilian friend of my sister (when we all lived in London). So simple, apparently, but incredibly delicious.
    – Hoping you’re not too frustrated with not getting around as much as you would like. And that your foot is healing well. Just remember, you need that foot for a while! Don’t rush the healing process.

  45. Hi Johnny, Thankfully my husband enjoys cooking and is quite good like yourself. I’ll let him know that you like his arroz con pollo. You are correct, our feet are very important and I certainly won’t do anything to complicate the healing. I’m hoping that when I go back to the doctor this Friday that the X-rays will show that my foot has finally started to show signs of healing. Thank you for your kind thoughts.

  46. Oh, Karen! You have had a long month in a cast! Hope the next x-rays show that the healing is underway. Your husband is taking extra good care of you. Some day you will be able to look back on this challenging time…. from your new Florida home. Sending hugs! ♡

    1. Thank you so much Dawn, I’m so hoping that there will be signs of healing when I go back for more X-rays. With my husband’s help and the thoughtful wishes of friends like you, it does lift in spirits. I’ve got a long way to go but as you say, this challenge will one day just be a memory. 🙂

  47. I love the way your husband cooks! It’s a lot like me. 🙂 I never measured anything until I started my website, and even now, I only measure when I’m finalizing a recipe. So I can see me making this dish just like your husband – a pinch here and there. And I can definitely see me making this dish! Thanks to you and the husband for sharing this!

    1. You are most welcome, MJ. I’m glad you like the arroz con pollo and I too can see you making this dish…it is all the flavors you like. I’ll pass on your compliment to my husband.

  48. Karen, this dish looks delicious! I love the way your husband cooks. It’s the same way my mother does – no measuring just tasting as the meal is prepared! Thank goodness you are in good hands. I can only imagine how anxious you are to get moving at your own pace again. Try to enjoy the slower pace, but get well soon. 🙂

    1. Hi Sandra, My husband has been creating the best dinners…I’m getting very spoiled. You are right, I’m very anxious to get back to a normal life. I return to the doctor this Friday for more X-rays, hopefully after five weeks he will see some bone growth. Thank you for your nice wish and I’ll pass along your compliment. 🙂

  49. This looks hearty and delicious, Karen! You are indeed fortunate that your husband is a good cook. I’m sorry to read about your injury in your prior post! I broke two bones oin my foot about 6 years ago and so I know what you are going through. Foot bones take a long time to heal so it is important to keep pressure off them until they do. Perhaps you can use a knee scooter instead of the crutches? Here is a link that shows one: They are easier to use–ask your doctor if you can use one.
    Best of luck with selling the NH house–it is a beautiful property and I hope soemone who tresures it will buy it!

    1. Hi Pat, I agree with you that I’m lucky that my husband is a good cook, he has been making me the best dinners for the last five weeks. I read about the knee scooter but it really won’t work in our old colonial home. You definitely know what I’m going through and you are right about the foot bones taking a long time to heal. I’m just hoping that my doctor tells me I can start walking in my cast soon. We have a contract on our home but it is contingent on the couple closing on their house first…we have our fingers crossed. I appreciate your kind thoughts…thank you so much.

  50. What an amazing couple you are! It’s rare to see a couple where both people cook excellent food and you seem to be one of these exceptional cases. This Cuban rice looks fantastic. I’ve never had this dish and would love to try it one day. I hope you’ll no longer need crutches soon, but I guess enjoying your husband’s cooking is one of the good sides of the whole situation…

    1. Thank you for your lovely compliment Sissi, it is much appreciated. I think I’m very lucky that my husband enjoys cooking and creates such good dishes. Even if I’m the one preparing a meal, he always offers to do a lot of my prep work for me. I feel like a chef with my own sous chef working beside me. I go back to the doctor on Friday. Hopefully after five weeks he will see some healing and I can start walking on my cast. I’ll definitely be happy to get rid of the crutches as soon as possible. 😀

  51. Growing up in south Florida (I read you lived there too) I ate some of the best arroz con pollo. The dish is soulful and comforting. Love, love it! Your husband did an excellent job. No doubt it is divine.


    1. Thank you Velva, I’ll pass on your lovely complement to my husband. Yes, we lived in Coral Gables and Key Largo, Florida before moving to New England. You are right about arroz con pollo being a very comforting meal…it is so full of flavor.

    1. Hi Lorraine, I don’t know why this dish is so hard for some people to get right. I think it is all about caring about food…when made with love, it is always good.

    1. I totally agree with you Barbara, I think I have the best husband. He loves cooking and always gives me a helping hand in the kitchen. I’m lucky that he could take over our kitchen on a daily basis and has been making terrific meals…five weeks and counting so far. Since cooking mostly for the two of us, the recipes given here are usually for two but they can easily be multiplied for a family or when entertaining. I’ll let my husband know about your lovely compliment…thank you.

  52. I have to admit that when I returned from a holiday to Cuba years ago I couldn’t see a chicken&rice anymore. But now looking at this recipe makes me go all nostalgic. ….. Get well soon!!!

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