Crab Cakes With Mango Sweet Chili Salsa

Crabmeat in various forms can be found around the world. It can be prepared in thousands of ways…think about the famous Asian chilli crabs, San Francisco’s Dungeness crab cioppino, New Orleans crab gumbo, and Maryland’s famous crab cakes.

Crab cakes are a regional favorite throughout the coastal areas of our country and are a favorite of mine. If I’m dining out and I see crab cakes listed on a menu, it is probably a good bet that I will be ordering them, especially as an appetizer. But crab cakes are so easy to prepare at home, that I don’t have to wait until I go out to a restaurant to enjoy them.

These crab cakes have a light crisp coating of Panko breadcrumbs that keeps them moist. The plump cakes are made with ingredients that don’t overpower the delicate sweet taste of the crabmeat. They are good enough to serve without any sauce but I served them with a mango sweet chili salsa and coconut rice for a tropical inspired meal.

Crab Cakes With Mango Sweet Chili Salsa

Crab Cakes With Mango Sweet Chili Salsa

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  • 8 oz. crab meat (I used jumbo lump)
  • 2 Tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce or to taste
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1/8  tsp.  each  of garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper  or to taste
  • 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh herbs such as parsley, basil, cilantro, or tarragon (which is my favorite with seafood)
  • 1 c. fresh bread crumbs, lightly toasted
  • 1/2 c. onion, chopped fine
  • 2 Tbsp. red bell pepper, chopped fine
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • Panko breadcrumbs to coat the crab cakes
  • peanut oil for sautéing

Sauté the onion and pepper in the olive oil until soft and let cool. Mix together the mayonnaise, mustard, Worcestershire, lemon, Tabasco, egg and seasonings.  Mix in the breadcrumbs, onions and peppers.

Gently mix in the crab meat. It is important to not overwork the crab so that the lumps don’t break up. Form the mixture into patties. (There is enough mixture to make four 3 inch cakes).  Coat both sides of the cakes with the Panko breadcrumbs, patting and shaping them into cakes. Once the cakes are formed, place them on plate, cover and refrigerate from 30 minutes to several hours to let the mixture set. This will keep the crab cakes from breaking while cooking.

Heat enough peanut oil on medium high heat in a large pan to come up the side of the crab cakes about 1/4 inch. When hot, pan fry the cakes until golden on each side. (I use two spatulas, one on top and bottom when I turn delicate items). Place on a rack on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about 10 minutes. This will ensure that the cakes are crispy and lets any excess oil drip out.

Mango Sweet Chili Salsa

  • 1 ripe mango, peeled and diced
  • 1/4 c. sweet red onion, diced fine
  • 1 or more jalapeño, seeded and diced
  • 1 tsp. grated ginger
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 Tbsp. chopped cilantro
  • 2 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 2 Tbsp. Thai sweet chili sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients together. Let sit for 30 minutes or more for the flavors to blend.

We all know that fresh and local is best. If you have a local market where you can buy fresh crabmeat, that is wonderful. But if you live in inland areas of the world, you can now find beautiful jumbo lump crab as well as claw meat sold in the refrigerated sections of your local grocery.

The sweet and spicy salsa goes so well with this dish. I have also served them with a harissa mayonnaise dipping sauce and a green salad with feta. Whatever you choose to serve with the crab cakes, I hope you enjoy them.

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

153 thoughts on “Crab Cakes With Mango Sweet Chili Salsa

    1. Hi Julie, Thank you for your comment and good luck finding the mango. The mango salsa goes very nice with the crab cakes.

  1. Hi Karen… Lucky me I’m sitting at the computer in the middle of the day! These crab cakes look delectable! And so crispy. I love mango and chili too… My lunch at this moment is mango, thai chili sauce and ground beef on endive. Will look forward to my friends crab traps overflowing this summer.. I like it when they are all crabbed out and giving it away!

    1. Hi Wendy, Thank you for your nice compliment. Your lunch sounds terrific. It is nice that you have friends with crab traps…I hope you get some of their catch.

  2. Thanks .. think this was the salsa I was after … wasn’t it???? Can eat crab cakes – but nothing I would do myself – love crab, but I don’t know why I don’t like crab meat when it’s cooked again. Same with prawns – love freshly boiled prawns/shrimps – but I don’t like when they go into an other warm dish. Only me – the photo wonderful again. The salsa is for me – just down my alley.

      1. You’re “my little chef” – would have loved having you in one of my teams. *smile
        Asked for one of your salsa a while back – have to check witch one it was I as after.

      2. We would have had a good time together! I did a similar salsa with peaches and kiwis last summer, maybe that was it.

      3. No .. it was about a month ago … 6 weeks, I think I saved it on file. You would had a great time with all the guys and me …

      4. It wasn’t salsa .. it was the chutney with your baked ham for St Patrick’s day – the one with the raisins.

  3. I really enjoyed crab meat and lobster while I was in New Hampshire. Here both are quite expensive and I don’t get to eat them very often. Your crab cakes brought to me many memories and they look so tasty with the mango salsa!

    1. Hi Katerina, Thank you for your comment. I’m happy that I brought back memories of you time in New Hampshire. We are lucky to have the availability of so much fresh seafood where we live.

  4. mmm mangoes. Love the idea of a savory mango salsa, it will be a welcome reprieve from my mango a day with raspberries and strawberries habit I keep all summer long. I see this with a lovely white fish- broiled halibut and the mango salsa. Yum!


  5. Crab cakes are a must whenever I find myself on one of our coasts, though I’ve never made one. This has to change, especially now that you’ve also shared such a great mango salsa recipe.

    1. Hi John, When traveling anywhere near the water, you know that you can get great seafood. I would hope that all my inland readers would be able to find crabmeat at their markets even if it wasn’t local product but was flown in.

  6. Mmmmmm, I’m with you. I will always order the crab cakes if they are on the menu. I love the addition of the sweet salsa.

  7. What a great idea to use panko. I’ve sometimes had problems keeping the cakes together, but a panko would make for a nice finish.

    1. Thank you, T.W., for your nice compliment. The panko gives a nice crunch to the crab cakes. Try refrigerating the crab cakes for awhile before cooking…that really helps hold them together.

    1. Thank you Mad Dog, for you nice compliment. The price of crab and lobster here in New England varies with the seasons. Right now the prices are good for all seafood.

  8. Great recipe and photos Karen! I’ve made mango salsa several times, but I like the addition of sweet chili sauce – I’ll have to try that next! Have a great weekend. 🙂

    1. Thank you Cher, for your lovely compliment. The sweet chili sauce adds a little spice and sweetness to the salsa which I like.

    1. Hi Tandy, The crab cakes really are easy to put together. I hope you will be able to find some crabmeat…I hope you will enjoy the recipe. Thanks for your comment.

  9. Karen, I make a very similar recipe to this one! I’ve never tried adding the sweet chili sauce to the salsa though, and I bet it would be just what I felt was missing! I wouldn’t have thought of it!

    Tarragon is also my favourite with seafood 😉

    1. Hi Tami, Thank you for your comment. I think the Thai sweet chili sauce adds just the right amount of sweetness to the mango…brightening its flavor.

    1. Hi Post Collegiate, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. The salsa goes so well with the crab cakes.

  10. I am seriously craving crabcakes right now. Usually we make them the traditional Maryland way, but this looks like a nice change of pace, especially with the mangoes.

    1. Hi K.M., I like Maryland crab cakes as well but as you say…it’s nice to have a change of pace. Thank you for your comment.

  11. You know, instead of telling you how good everything looks and how terrific your photos are, I’ll just take you on to cook at our house. So far, I’ve liked everything and would be very excited to try it all! Oh happy day!

    1. Hi Lulu, You really made me laugh. I guess if I’m going to be a cook at one of your houses can it be Maine is I won’t have to drive so far. All kidding aside, thank you for your very nice compliment.

    1. Hi Frugal, Thank you for the nice compliment. I’ve never heard of crab sticks but I’m glad you like crab cakes…I think you will like these.

    1. Thank you Tanya, for your lovely compliment. I have to say I have had good fish cakes and then some I didn’t like. I think it depends on the type of fish and the seasonings. I hope you will enjoy the crab cakes with the salsa.

    1. Hi Yvette, Thank you for the nice compliment. If you have never had crab cakes, then I think this is a nice recipe to start with. This is one of my favorite recipes. I hope you will give them a try.

  12. Hi Karen,
    Crab and mango. A wonderful combination. I have just cooked a prawn and mango curry (posting in a couple of weeks). Really delicious flavours.

    1. Thank you Larry. If you like crab cakes…I think you will like this recipe. The mango salsa goes so well the the flavor of the cakes.

  13. Looks like a good meal for summertime! 🙂 I am going to bookmark this.

    Although I might change it a little. I am one of those people who find cilantro to be extremely strong-tasting.

    1. Hi Ming, Thank you for your nice comment. I’m so happy that you like the recipe. I totally understand about the cilantro…either you love it or you hate it. When I’m entertaining and I prepare a dish that I normally would use cilantro, I leave it out and serve it chopped in a dish on the side. If my guests like it, they can add as much as they want.

      1. I like that! 🙂 Thanks for being considerate to us non-cilantro-takers, hehe.

        It’s widely used in Taiwanese cooking. My family often joked that I was not a true Taiwanese because I couldn’t eat cilantro.

    1. Hi Giovanna, I’m so happy that I can furnish you with a recipe that you will enjoy making at home. I think you will really enjoy crab cakes…they are one of my favorite dishes.

    1. Hi Laura, So sorry to hear that you are now allergic to crab. It must be so hard to not be able to eat favorite foods any more. I think that you could also use this recipe with shrimp or a mild white fish. The mango salsa is delicious and would be very good with chicken.

    1. Hi BJ, Thank you for your comment. I do like finishing crab cakes and many other items in the oven. It ensures a crisp outside that is not oily and an evenly cooked interior.

  14. These crab cakes looks delicious. I’ve never made them before (I do like to eat them, though) and your recipe is inspiring me to give them a try!

    1. Hi Marlene, If you enjoy crab cakes, I would encourage you to try making them. I’m happy you like the recipe…thank you.

    1. Hi Shelley, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. This is one of my favorite recipes. The salsa is a nice pairing with the crab cakes.

  15. Yum! I am in agreement with everyone else! The mango-chili salsa has to be a winner! I don’t eat a lot of meat, but I make exceptions for crab! I love crab cakes, and have never made them. These are definitely very tempting! 🙂 Debra

    1. Hi Debra, It appear’s that my mango sweet chili salsa is very popular. Crab cakes really are easy to make. Thank you for your compliment.

  16. i am most impressed with the mango sweet chilli salsa, this is what i want to try .. so next time i see a mango I shall be back for the recipe, it sounds like it has some pep to it!! c

  17. Mmm, crab cakes are on our menu for next week! It is such a quick and easy meal to make, if it were not for the expense, we’d have it more often. I agree, mango is a great complement for crab cakes!

    1. Hi Judy, Thank you for your comment. Crab cakes take no time to prepare and I love them. I am lucky to live in New England where the price of seafood is always reasonable. Enjoy your meal.

  18. I adore crab, but good quality crab meat is so expensive here I’d rather buy a crab and cook it than prepare crab cakes. I have tried with reasonably priced crab meat and the result was awful. These crab cakes are I’m sur made with excellent creab meat and must taste heavenly. I’m so glad you have served them with mango and chili sauce because hot mango sauce is my favourite with seafood (I preserve it in jars every year). Once more you have posted a dream meal I would love to taste.

    1. Thank you so much Sissi, for your lovely compliment. Since traveling in Europe, I do know that some ingredients are very expensive. I know your fresh crabs must come from France and England and when you can buy the whole crabs that is wonderful. Here in New England most of the crab has been steamed and picked out of their shells. It is perfect for the crab cakes.

  19. I love, Love, LOVE a good crab cake. But I’m pretty picky. These sound like ones I would really like…especially alongside the salsa and some coconut rice. Saving!!

    1. Hi Girl Chef, I thrilled that as a picky crab cake person. you like my recipe. The coconut rice was perfect with this meal. Thank you for stopping by to visit…I hope you come by again soon.

  20. Karen your recipes always speak to me. I think we must have very similar tastes. This looks fantastic and I love your choice of mango salsa. 🙂

    1. Thank you Kristy, for your lovely compliment. I think that we do have similar tastes. I know we would have a great time in the kitchen creating a meal. Thank you as always for being such a wonderful supporter of my blog and recipes.

    1. Thank you Bam for your nice comment. Panko breadcrumbs are terrific but I discovered they are not all the same. I found a good brand and I’m sticking with it.

  21. The sweet chili sauce sounds so good! I recently found Frank’s Sweet Chili sauce and have been having it on everything … I’m sure your version is so much better!

    1. Thank you Jane, for your nice compliment. When you make this recipe…you can use some of Frank’s as one of the ingredients.

    1. Thank you Smidge, for your nice comment. I think that the tips will help someone who hasn’t made them before. They really are easy to prepare.

  22. Finally! I’m so behind in reading my fave food blog posts. This looks so delicious I flagged it in my email box. Love the Mango Chile Salsa combined with the crab cakes. A perfect combination and one of my very favorite things to eat. My family used to tease me because everytime we went out to dinner I always ordered the crab cakes. 🙂 Have a fabulous week Karen.

    1. Hi Karista, I know what you mean about getting behind on reading our favorite blogs. Everyday life keeps us very busy…I understand and I hope all other bloggers do as well. Just know that I enjoy when you stop by and leave a comment. I’m glad you are a crab cake lover like myself. I think you will enjoy this recipe.

  23. I have yet to eat a good crab cake in Toronto. I like that this recipe doesn’t have too much filler and the Panko sounds lovely as a crispy coating.

    1. Hi Eva, Thank you for your comment. I think you would enjoy this recipe. I use just enough breadcrumbs to hold the cakes together.

  24. This looks soooo good! Crab cakes are my favorite! Is it hard to find crab meat where you are? I have a lot of difficulty finding it here unless I go to a speciality shop, which is expensive!

    1. Hi Ducky, It is easy getting crab here. Most of the crabmeat is from the Jonah crabs from Maine. I can also find crab in the fish department that comes in refrigerated containers or cans that is reasonably priced as well. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. Hi Nancy, Thank you for stopping by to visit by blog and your nice compliment. This is my favorite crab cake recipe. I hope you get a chance to try it.

  25. Wel, although I love Crab, I have to confess I have never been a fan of crab-cakes for some reason.. the Salsa looks terrific though. Is there a particular brand of Thai Sweet Chili Sauce you use? I don’t know if we have anything along those lines in the two stores that are accessible up here…

    1. Hi John, Thank you for stopping by and your nice comment. Knowing where you live…if you can find any brand of chili sauce, it will be fine. A little honey and red pepper flakes might be a good substitute. I would think that your greatest challenge would be the mango. I make a wonderful salsa with canned crushed pineapple when I can’t get fresh fruit. I would think that you would have wonderful crab available. I think too many people use too much filler and not fresh ingredients.

      1. Actually, Mangoes, for some reason, seem to appear here quite regularly (demand I guess). The honey and red pepper is a good idea… I have seen a numb of Thai sauces here but most include lots of other ingredients and I didn’t want to have them influence our recipe too much…

      2. It is so nice that you get mangos on a regular basis. Our food world keeps getting better and better. I hope you will enjoy the recipe.

  26. Crab cakes are a favorite of mine. I especially love your addition of all the herbs – not to overpower the delicate crab. Wish I’d been there for dinner.

    1. Hi Linda, I wish you could have shared the crab cake meal with us as well. The fresh herbs give a lovely taste without overpowering the delicate crab. Thank you for your nice comment.

  27. Yum. I like the idea of mixing a tropical fruit with crab cakes. Can’t wait to give this one a try, too.

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog!

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