Candied Flowers…Perfect For A Special Occasion

Hundreds of tiny inconspicuous wild strawberries and violets can be found at the edge of our apple orchard next to the surrounding woodlands. Their tiny blossoms are edible and make wonderful decorative Candied Flowers…Perfect For A Special Occasion. While not as showy or flamboyant as the apple and pear blossoms are during spring, these tiny flowers are what you might call the quiet side to spring. They can be totally overlooked unless you walk slowly and look down as they will be hiding within the grass and clover.

Wild Violets At The Edge Of The Woods
Wild Violets At The Edge Of The Woods
Wild Strawberries And Dandelions
Wild Strawberries And Dandelions

Candied violets have decorated little tea cakes in England since Victorian times. I think that they are perfect for decorating a dessert or garnishing a plate as they add a bit of elegance and romance to what you are serving. I have a special occasion coming up at the end of the month and decided to crystallize some of these tiny wildflowers. I’m looking forward to showing you how I will be using them but you will have to wait until my next post for that.

You only need a couple of items for this fun project. Once you have gathered everything together, all you need is a little time, and an out of the way spot for them to dry.

Let's Candy Flowers
Let’s Candy Flowers
Candied Flowers
Candied Flowers

Candied Flowers

To candy flowers, you will need a tray lined with parchment paper, nonstick foil or a Silpat and a clean watercolor brush that you only use for food. A pair of tweezers might be helpful if you are working with very small blossoms.

  • edible flowers *, that have been rinsed of dust and blotted dry
  • superfine sugar, caster sugar or regular sugar processed for about a minute until fine
  • 1 egg white mixed with a little water. ** If you are worried about using raw egg, you can use powdered meringue or powdered egg whites reconstituted according to the package directions, which is what I did. Mix until there are no lumps…you can pour the whites through a strainer to remove any remaining lumps.

Pour a little of the fine sugar onto a small flat plate. Using the paint brush dipped in egg whites, paint each side of the blossom. Place bottom side down into the sugar, using the  tip end of the brush, if necessary, to straighten out the petals. Sprinkle the top  with sugar. Grab by the stem and place on the tray to dry. Depending on how humid it is, it could take anywhere from several hours to a day or more for the flowers to dry to a brittle stage. Once the flowers are stiff and completely dry, store in an airtight container.

This is such an easy and fun project…I think you would enjoy giving it a try. I hope you will come back for my next post. I know you will enjoy what I have planned for the candied flowers…they are going to be perfect for my special occasion celebration.


*Of course you don’t have to search your yard for edible wildflowers, you can use edible flowers from your garden or buy edible flowers from your local market. One thing to remember is to only use flowers that you know have never been sprayed with pesticides and other chemicals and that have been identified as not being poisonous. Do not use flowers that grow along roadways, or ones that you might buy from florists and nurseries. If purchasing flowers to eat, they must be marked and certified as “chemical free and food safe.

Note: You should never, ever eat any part of a plant without positive identification as some edible plants look very similar to poisonous varieties. Also make sure that they have not been sprayed with any pesticides or chemicals. If in doubt, don’t use them.

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

211 thoughts on “Candied Flowers…Perfect For A Special Occasion

  1. I remember purchasing sweet candied violets years ago. They came in a pretty little box decorated in watercolored violets. I haven’t seen those delicate little blooms for sale in a long time. I look forward to seeing how you use your creations.


    1. Hi Bonnie, It seems that candied violets were very fashionable years ago and are making a reappearance on all kinds of desserts lately. I thought it would be fun to make some as they are in such abundance at the edge of our orchard. I think you will enjoy what I do with them in the next post. 🙂

  2. Finally, something I can do with all the strawberries and violets in the yard. I can imagine how cute they’d look on cupcakes. If anyone in our area needs some pesticide free specimens, I hope they call. I have plenty to share. 🙂

    1. Hi Judy, I’m glad you like the idea of what to do with all the strawberry and violet blossoms. I mowed our orchard but just didn’t have the heart to mow the violets down…they are so pretty. The candied flowers make a perfect decoration for the tops of cupcakes.

    1. Hi Paula, I’m glad you like the candied flowers…they did turn our pretty. I wish we were neighbors so that you could experience our orchard in person during spring. I just mowed it the other day and now it looks like a park.

    1. Thank you Mandy, I’m glad you like the flowers…they were fun to make. I think you are going to like what I do with them. 🙂 Have a nice day as well.

  3. I love this idea Karen. I remember when edible flowers were often used in salads and baking. A friend of mine used to use homegrown violas in a little cream filled roll that was her specialty. I can’t wait to see what you do with your blossoms.

    1. Hi Karen, There are so many wild violets growing on our property and I thought this would be a nice way of saving some. Then I got to thinking about all the strawberry blossoms and so it went. I hope you will enjoy what I will be doing with them next.

    1. Hi Tin Man, Welcome home…I know you had a wonderful time on your trip. Candied flowers are so easy to make and look so pretty as decoration on a dessert.

  4. This is a fun project. Beautiful collection of edible flowers, I never thought of candying dandelions, you make this weed very lovable. Looking forward to your next post.

    1. Hi Norma, This was a fun project. I’m chuckling about your comment as I guess I am making a case for dandelions. Since they were growing among the violets and strawberries, I thought I would candy them as well. I’m glad you are looking forward to what I am going to do with the flowers.

  5. How fun!!! Since I don’t bake I never think about candying flowers. I always think about adding edible flowers to salads or with micro greens as a garnish.

    1. Hi Richard, I thought this was a fun way to preserve some of spring’s blossoms. Flowers, whether candied like I did or used naturally make a lovely garnish.

    1. Hi Marie, I’m glad that you enjoyed the candied flowers. We know people make dandelion wine and eat dandelion greens so I thought it would be fun to candy some of the flowers. 🙂

  6. How pretty those little flowers look, so much nicer than the shop bought ones. Can’t wait to see how you use them.

    1. Thank you Barbara, Nature does give me beautiful wildflowers…especially in the spring. I think you will enjoy what I’m going to do with them.

  7. You’ve made candied flowers seem so easy, I just might give them a try. I know some of the same as you show will be in the yard and i’ll be looking in a couple of days. Can’t wait to see what you create.

    1. Hi Linda, I think you will find this is a very easy project. I know how much you entertain and a few of these flowers does add a little something special to a dessert. Have a safe trip up to Maine…it will be nice having you in the neighborhood. 🙂

  8. How lovely and pretty … I love flowers as decorations .. but only on desserts – most flowers is eatable – I don’t know if I would eat Dandelions – I know tulips are okay to eat, because I ate them as a child and I survived. *smile Violets and roses are eatable, and I suppose that strawberry flowers too. A beautiful post .. and great photos again. Strawberries are not blooming here yet.

    1. Thank you Viveka, I’m glad you enjoyed the candied flowers. A lot of flowers are edible but everyone needs to be certain the flowers they choose are safe. Most people would not candy strawberry blossoms because they would want the fruit. Considering that the wild strawberries carpet a large part of the orchard…it was an easy decision to candy some.

  9. WOW! I actually weed violets in my yard as they are taking over and of course the dandelions are always a battle in the lawn! As for strawberries – they have taken over a front corner of our house from a little bucket I put out there years ago!! Seems I should be making candied flowers out of these “pretty weeds!”

    1. Hi Carol, I’m very patient with the violets as they are in the orchard. I just mowed the entire orchard but left several large patches that were full of the violets…they are so tiny, pretty and give me so much pleasure. I’ll mow those area’s in a few weeks when they have stopped blooming. The strawberries cover a large part of the orchard but we have decided to just coexist. If you can’t bet your pretty weeds, just candy them. 🙂

      1. well no matter how much I weed, the violets manage to show up every where (but I secretly think they are pretty too) and the strawberries have yielded as much as a quart of berries so I don’t mind them either! but I am intrigued with the idea of candy-ing them!

    1. You are very welcome, Sam. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and now know how to candy flowers for decorating desserts, etc.

    1. Thank you Bam, I’m glad you enjoyed the flowers. I think everyone is going to be pleasantly surprised with what I do with the candied flowers.

    1. Thank you Carina, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post. I think we are very lucky to be able enjoy all of nature’s beautiful wildflowers.

  10. I’ve eaten candied flowers, but never made them — fun project! That dried egg white stuff is actually pretty good. We’ve been using it more and more. It’s no cheaper than using whole eggs and separating them, but you don’t have to go to the trouble of doing so, and you don’t have to figure out what to do with the leftover yolks (generally not a problem, but if you need just one or two whites it sometimes is). But the flavor is good, and that’s what counts. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll be doing with these candied flowers!

    1. Hi John, Candying flowers was an easy and fun project. I keep a can of dried egg whites just for such occasions when you only need a little bit of egg white. I also think that they are perfect for anyone that is uncomfortable using raw egg whites…that is why I wanted to feature them. I’m glad you are looking forward to the next post…I think you will like it.

  11. These are so beautiful – like jewels. I love candied violets in particular. My mother used to make this insane chocolate mousse cake for my dad’s birthday every year and decorated it with candied violets. I can’t wait to see what you do with yours!

    1. Thank you Siobhan for you lovely compliment. The candied flowers do look like little jewels. I’m sure your mother’s chocolate mousse cake was wonderful…something special for your father’s birthday. I think you will enjoy what I’m going to do with them.

  12. Ah Karen, I adore violets and in fact have always grown them in my gardens, but haven’t done this for years! The scent in that part of the woods at this time must be beautiful.

    1. Hi Lizzy, Violets are such a pretty little flower and yes, they do have a lovely scent. I thought the project was a fun one.

  13. Karen these are so very pretty. And so cheering and spring-like, they would enhance any cake or desert. I hope we get to see how you use them when your special celebration comes around.

    1. Thank you B, I’m glad that you like the candied wildflowers. Absolutely, I’m going to share how I use them on my next post.

    1. Hi Mary, Flowers do make a pretty decoration for plates. Nasturtiums and pansies would be perfect to crystalize…and easy since they are larger. Have fun with the project.

    1. Hi Angie, I’m happy that you enjoyed this post and the “how to” for candying flowers. It is a fun project that will dress up a dessert plate.

  14. I don’t have a flower garden per se but I DID have some pretty violets in among the weeds. Unfortunately, the weed whacker took care of them all. This is a lovely project and like the previous poster, I’m looking forward to see how you use your elegant results.

    1. Hi Boleyn, Violets do have a habit of popping up where you might not want them. I mowed our entire orchard but I just didn’t have the heart to cut down all the violets and left several big patches to enjoy. That is when I decided to candy some of the wildflowers. I think you will enjoy how I’m going to use them.

    1. Hi Fae, I’m glad that you enjoyed the tutorial on crystalizing flowers. I think you can find the powdered egg whites in most any supermarket…look in the baking aisle.

  15. These look lovely my friend, I can finally use flowers to decorate my cakes 🙂
    I love the gorgeous choices and innovation you have!

    Choc Chip Uru

    1. Thank you Uru, for nice lovely compliment. I know that you will find lots of ways to decorate you cakes with the candied flowers.

  16. What an informative post, thank you Karen, I had no idea you could eat those beautiful violets…I have so many of them in my garden right now. I can hardly wait to see what you will do with them.

  17. Oh what a fun & beautiful project. I’m going to have to get out in the yard to see what I have left of my little flowers – the hail storm yesterday hopefully didn’t wipe them all out.

    1. Thank you Diane, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post on candying flowers. We are close to you and have had stormy weather too but no hail. Hopefully the hail didn’t get all your little flowers. It’s not going to be a very nice holiday weekend…normally we would be in Maine by now and the tomatoes would be planted.

  18. Those wild violets are beautiful. I’ve always thought it would be difficult to make candied flowers, but your instructions make it sound easy enough – I might just give it a go!

    1. Hi Sarah, Don’t you just love the wild violets. They always make me smile as I walk through them. It is really very easy to candy flowers…I hope you will give it a try.

  19. How lovely to be able to forage for these pretty flowers yourself. I love candied violets. I have never candied my own. I can imagine it being a little time consuming but well worth the effort xx

    1. Hi Charlie, I do love having so many pretty flowers available to candy. You would be pleasantly surprised…it doesn’t take that much time to do this project. The larger the flower petals, the easier it is to do.

  20. I yet have to try to make these…I love this edible flowers, therefore have been growing them just so I can have it when I want. Thanks for the recipe for the candied flowers.
    Hope you are having a great week Karen 🙂

    1. Hi Juliana, I’m happy that I was able to show you how to candy your edible flowers…it is very easy. I hope you are having a lovely week as well.

    1. I’m glad that you enjoyed the post, Danielle. The candied violets would make a pretty topping for a cupcake and they are easy to make.

  21. Not only did I always pick some violets and primroses, especially the white ones, in spring I used to love gorging on wild strawberries and blueberries in late summer. Always an absolute give away were my blue lips, fingers and tongue!
    Looking forward to your special ‘occasion’ post.

    1. Hi Johnny, I loved your comment about your blue giveaway. I love blueberries but they do make your mouth turn blue…especially my teeth. I hope you will enjoy my next post.

  22. A delicious way to eat edible blooms, (in fact) I’ve just planted a crop recently to ensure I have mine for salads when springtime rocks around. I love foraging, often or not it’s in my parents (or the inlaws) backyard! When I was working in Broome, I used to go on bush tucker walks and our guide used to call those trails her ‘supermarket!’

    I think of your forest walks & trails in the same way, a place to find delicious accompaniments and enjoy what the land has to offer. Looking forward to reading of your ‘special occasion’ soon!

    1. Thank you Alli, for your nice comment…I’m glad that you enjoy my posts about the walks through our property. There are so many plants that grow in our surroundings that are edible…we just have to be educated what we can and cannot eat. I hope you will enjoy the “special occasion” post.

  23. These are really beautiful! Knew one could do this but have never tried . . . if one eats cake and/or dessert they would really make them look special! I so love wild strawberries that I would probably wait until the actual berries were ripe and make a mad dash to collect each and every one. Pick the wild violet plants when I see them and grow them on the sides of many hanging baskets or pots . . .

    1. Thank you Eha, for your nice compliment. Candied flowers do make a dessert special. I have thousands of wild strawberries growing in the orchard so I don’t have to worry about picking the flowers. I’m glad that you love wild violets as much as I do and use them in your hanging baskets.

    1. Thank you Mad Dog, I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I was in Fortnum and Mason years ago and the candied fruit was amazing…actually the whole store is.

  24. I bought extra pansies and nasturtiums to plant in containers this year for supplying salads! My son had the prettiest (and reportedly tasty — he did not share!) wildflower salad when we were on college visit trips in Ohio.

    1. Hi Georgia, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice compliment. This is a fun project and the end result is pretty.

    1. Hi Jessica, I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post. Candying flowers is a fun project…I’m glad you are going to give it a try.

  25. Karen, you put me to shame. I had great thoughts about this same thing a few weeks back when the violets were overtaking our yard. But I found that I was not quite as meticulous as I thought I was. I lost patience way too quickly. Your candied flowers are beautiful!

    1. Thank you Michelle, for your nice compliment. I think you should give this project another try…perhaps using a flower with larger petals. 🙂

    1. Thank you Lorraine, for your lovely compliment…I’m glad that you enjoyed the tutorial. Violets are such a pretty little flower…it was fun candying some of them.

  26. I want to try this with fructose! And this is the first time on a blog I have seen egg white powder and the second time ever I have seen it. It is a great stabilizer I believe? Have a super day 🙂

    1. Hi Tandy, I wanted to use egg white powder because many people are afraid of raw eggs nowadays. You are right, egg white powder is often used as a stabilizer in many recipes.

    1. Thank you Katerina, for your nice compliment…I’m glad you enjoyed the post. The little wildflowers are pretty and sweet. They would be beautiful as a decoration on a birthday cake.

  27. Karen, candied flowers add such a pretty and delicious touch to so many cakes, desserts and other dishes – I adore them, my personal favorite are candied violets!
    Have a fabulous Thursday!

    1. Hi Andrea, I have to agree with you…the violets are so pretty and delicate. The really are a nice way to dress up a dessert. I hope you and your family have a nice weekend together.

  28. I’ve seen directions for candying violets in old cookbooks, but never was quite sure what was involved. This post is wonderful–and really motivates me to try candying some flowers.

    1. Hi Sheryl, Thank you for stopping by for a visit. I’m glad that my post has inspired you to try candying flowers…it is a fun project.

  29. Karen, this is amazing! I never knew we can turn flowers into this. Can’t wait to see how you will use them in your next post. Thank you for sharing. I’ve learnt something new! ….danny

    1. Hi Danny, I happy that you enjoyed the post. Candying flowers is a nice way to dress up a cake, etc. I’m hoping everyone will enjoy what I’m going to do with them in the next post. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. Hi Southern, Would you believe that we don’t have rabbits around our orchard…lots of other critters, though. I’m looking forward to the second half of the project and hope you will enjoy it as well.

  30. Your little candied flowers are the cutest! I could just imagine them on little cupcakes… I’ll have to pick some wild flowers at our cottage in the country. I don’t think I’ve ever seen powdered egg whites. This calls for a trip to Burlington or Plattsburgh! Or I’ll just use egg whites…

    1. Thank you Lidia, for your lovely compliment. Don’t make a special trip…regular egg whites is what most people use. I just wanted my readers to know there are other options if they are worried about using raw egg whites. If you want to use the powdered egg whites, look in the baking aisle of your grocery store.

    1. Hi Jeannee, I’m happy that my post was timely. I think it is a lovely way to save some of the pretty flowers in our gardens and meadows.

  31. A delightful post Karen, I have just planted a dark leaved Viola and I’m looking forward to seeing the flowers. And I would never have thought to do this, but thank you for sharing, such a treat and now I know how too!!

    1. Thank you Claire, for your nice compliment. I’m happy that I could give you an idea of how you can save some of your viola’s…they would be beautiful candied with some of their leaves.

    1. Thank you Judy, for your nice compliment. I appreciate that you are going to be adding this to you Pinterest board…how nice.

  32. Oh how lovely! I have wild violets growing in my front yard – I dug up my Nana’s wild violets when she passed away and we sold her home. I have dug and replanted them every place I have lived since. I used to pick them and jam them into an old baby food jar which Nana proudly displayed on her dining room table. now I can decorate with them!!

    1. Thank you Kelli, I’m happy that you liked the post. I enjoyed your lovely story about having taken your Nana’s wild violets to each of your homes. I’m sure she smiles down on you with great love. Yes, now you can preserve some of them to decorate with. 🙂

  33. I live in a condo but I always buy violas and nasturtiums to grace my deck and my salads. Of course they are beautiful candied on petit fours or even perhaps Opera Cake.

    1. Hi Bellini, Violas and nasturtiums are such pretty flowers to enjoy not only on our decks and gardens but also when we want to decorate a plate. Thank you for your comment.

  34. So beautiful Karen! I have little “johnny jump-ups” in my garden that might do well candied. I will definitely try this! Thank you for the recipe!

    1. Thank you Tessa, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post. Your Johnny jump-ups will be perfect for candying. I’m glad that I could share how to do this project with you.

  35. Oh what fun! I really need to give this a try! I know mine would never look as good as yours, but it sure looks like a fun thing to do. Very clever!

    1. Hi MJ, Of course you can do this project and your candied flowers will turn out terrific. It is really an easy and fun project. Not much involved and the end result will give you a lot of pleasure. 🙂

    1. Thank you Laura, for your nice compliment…I’m happy to know that you enjoyed the post. Yes, candied flowers are a perfect way to top a cake.

  36. The candied flowers are so pretty! I have never tried to do this before, but it’s such a great idea. I may have to plant some pretty little flowers so I have something to work with! 🙂

    1. I’m glad you like the candied flowers…thank you, Debra. I’m sure that you might already have some flowers in your garden that would be edible and perfect for candying. Just check on the internet or with you agricultural agent.

    1. Thank you Suzanne, I appreciate your compliment. This is a fun project and yes, the tiny wild violets are delicate to work with.

  37. I am a couple of days late seeing this post. Your flowers turned out wonderfully. I am also happily surprised to see just how many comments you have. Bravo and proof of how awesome your blog is 🙂

    1. Hi Anna, I always enjoy when you have a chance to stop by. I’m happy that you liked this post about the candied flowers. I appreciate your kind words about my blog…I actually think it is my readers who are awesome. 🙂

  38. I love wild violets! I remember as a little girl, walking home from elementary school with my best friend, Lesa, and stopping at our usual spot to pick a bouquet of violets. (I always felt she made a better bouquet than me!) The violets still grow at that same corner and I have since moved back to the same neighborhood years later. I haven’t picked any lately, but now I have a reason to! These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

    1. Thank you Julie, I’m happy that you enjoyed the post. I liked your story and isn’t it nice that you are back in the neighborhood and the violets are still growing there.

    1. Hi Geraldine, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your nice comment. I’m happy that you enjoyed the post. The candied flowers are perfect for decorating homemade cakes.

    1. Hi Carolyn, Candying flowers really is easy and I loved the way they turned out. I hope you will enjoy how I use them in the next post.

  39. These are absolutely gorgeous. And I think they are really fun to eat or to decorate desserts. 🙂 Hm…perfect for a tea party, I say. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thank you Amy, I’m happy you enjoyed the candied flower project. You are right, they would be a lovely way to decorate some little sweets for a tea party.

  40. Beautiful post and lovely blog!
    I discovered your blog by chance and took a quick look, but I’ll be back soon and I’m sure I’ll lose myself among these wonders!
    Complimenti, a presto.

    1. Ciao Gabriella, Thank you for stopping by for a visit and your lovely compliment. I’m happy that you enjoy my blog and this post. I look forward to your return visit.

    1. Thank you T.W., for your nice compliment. My husband said the same thing when he blew up the photos on his large computer screen.

  41. Magical post, Karen. I have never tried making candied flowers, but I remember eating amazing candied violets once. Thank you for such an inspiring recipe.

    1. Hi Maureen, Candied flowers are fun, aren’t they. I guess you might say that working with the tiny violet petals was a bit fiddly but the strawberry flowers were so easy. The bigger the petal, the easier it is to do. I think you would do just fine. 🙂

    1. Hi Raymund, I’m glad you like the candied flowers. They are indeed very pretty but they are also sweet, crunchy and delicious. 🙂

  42. Let’s candy flowers, why not? I love to eat them & they are so decorative in smoothies, on top of cupcakes, on top or in muffins & in a fresh glass of homemade ginger ale,..;Lovely!

    1. Thank you Jasline, for you nice compliment. I’m glad that you like this project…candying the flowers was fun and the end result is so pretty.

    1. Hi Afra, I’m glad that you enjoyed this post. It was so fun preserving these delicate flowers. Thank you for your nice compliment.

    1. Hi Ann, Thank you for stopping by and your lovely compliment. I’m happy to know that my post brought back memories of your mother using candied flowers to decorate her cakes.

  43. This post is looking beautiful capturing the blooming nature at its best !
    The write up is amazing and inspiring.Have a wonderful day !
    Regards, Sonia

    1. Thank you Sonia, for stopping by for a visit and your kind words…they are very much appreciated. I’m happy that you enjoyed this post. I loved preserving the dainty little flowers and I’m glad that the project has inspired you.

  44. How pretty! In Toulouse they make lots of violet candies and things… mmmm! I don’t candy them, but rosemary flowers, sage flowers, and Mexican oregano flowers are great on salads, pretty and yummy.

    1. Thank you Rachel, I’m glad that you enjoyed the post and that it reminded you of Toulouse. We will be heading to Maine soon and I’ll have lots of flowers from herbs…chives would be delicious candied. I love to use fresh flowers to decorate plates.

    1. Hi Cathy, I’m happy that you liked the candying project…it was a lot of fun. These lovely little flowers would be absolutely beautiful on top of petit fours.

  45. These are so pretty! I’ve never seen a lovelier dandelion 🙂
    for some reason, I stopped getting your posts by email so thought you were taking a break. Sorry for my absence!

    1. Thank you Susan, for your nice compliment. I love dandelions and crystalizing them was so much fun. I think that there has been some kind of a glitch as several people have not received emails on my posts. I always appreciate when you stop by and your nice comments.

  46. What a fun project for sure. I plant nasturtiums every year because they make such a beautiful addition to fruit dishes and salads, but never thought to candy them. Thanks for the inspiration and tutorial. I can’t wait to impress my friends with this!

    1. Thank you Kay, I think you would enjoy this project. It is easy, the flowers make a pretty decoration and they add a nice sweet crunch to a dessert.

    1. Hola Rosita, Gracias por su visita y por los comentarios. It is nice to know that you enjoyed the post. I appreciate your compliment.

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