Four Cheese & Béchamel Lasagna, Italian Comfort Food

four cheese lasagna

Take the time to prepare this lasagna, layered with creamy béchamel sauce, four kinds of cheese and a flavorful tomato sauce. Classic Italian comfort food at its best, this light and luscious recipe will become a favorite with your friends and family.

four cheese lasagna
Four Cheese Lasagna With Meatballs And Sausage

Popular around the world, lasagne is great anytime of the year and can feed a crowd. It is relatively easy to assemble and bake a lasagna with just a few store bought ingredients. However, if you want to serve something really outstanding when you are entertaining then take the time to prepare my four cheese lasagna recipe. I think you will discover that my lasagna is worth the extra work when you start receiving compliments from all your dinner guests.

One of my friends who had my lasagna last year called me recently saying “you don’t have your cheese lasagna recipe on your blog, just one for lamb lasagna“. She was having friends for dinner and wanted to make my recipe. I told her how to prepare it. Now her dinner guests want the recipe and she asked if I could share my recipe here on the blog. I’m happy to oblige Barbara and thank you for being a fan of my recipes.

four cheese and béchamel lasagna
Four Cheese & Béchamel Lasagna Hot Out Of The Oven

I believe what makes the lasagna special is mascarpone cheese and béchamel sauce giving the lasagna a light, creamy texture. I also believe that using a good homemade tomato or “Sunday sauce” is very important. I like to add meatballs and sausages to my tomato sauce while it cooks for a complex, flavorful sauce but that is entirely up to you, a good marinara sauce will do.

Four Cheese & Béchamel Lasagna (Quattro Formaggi Lasagna)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

Recipe serves 12

  • 8 oz. box of oven ready lasagna (I used Barilla)
  • 1 c. freshly shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 16 oz. ricotta cheese (2 cups)
  • 8 oz. mascarpone cheese
  • 1/4 c. grated Locatelli Romano or Parmesan cheese
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 6 c. more or less, homemade Sunday Gravy” or your favorite tomato sauce (more if you want additional to serve on the side)
  • Béchamel sauce, recipe below
  • basil leaves for garnish, optional

Prepare the Béchamel 

  • 2 1/4 c. milk
  • 3 Tbsp. butter
  • 3 Tbsp. flour (I used Wondra)
  • 4 Tbsp. grated Pecorino-Romano or Parmesan cheese
  • a pinch of nutmeg
  • salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a sauce pan on medium heat. Sprinkle in the flour and whisk until smooth. Slowly add the milk, continuing to whisk until thickened. Add the seasonings and cheese and whisk until cheese melts.. If the sauce gets too thick, add a little milk.

Prepare the cheese mixture 

Combine a 1/2 cup of the mozzarella, ricotta, mascarpone, and locatelli cheese in a bowl. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper then taste and adjust seasoning, if necessary. Add the beaten egg and mix well.

Assemble the lasagna

Start with a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of a 9 x 13 x 3 inch pan then place 3 pieces of pasta on top. Dollop on a 1/3 of the cheese mixture, top with tomato sauce then drizzle on some of the béchamel. Continue this layering process two more times then end with layer of pasta. Spread the last of the tomato sauce and drizzle with the remaining béchamel sauce. Finish with the remaining 1/2 c. mozzarella cheese. Cover with foil and bake for 35 minutes. Uncover and bake until the top is golden about 10 more minutes. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes before cutting so the lasagna firms up.

To make life easy, you can prepare all of the components of the lasagna ahead of time and refrigerate until you are ready to assemble your lasagna. Once assembled, you can cover and refrigerate or freeze until ready to bake.

If you are freezing the lasagne, use parchment paper between the lasagna and aluminum foil as the foil can react with tomatoes.

You can add well drained, chopped spinach or any other green to the cheese mixture if you wish.  

notes from the kitchen


When entertaining friends. I like to serve crowd pleasing comfort food and this lasagna is a standout. Start with an antipasto then serve the lasagna along with meatballs, sausage or other meats that simmered in the tomato sauce., crusty bread and a bottle of your favorite Italian red wine..

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I travel the back roads of the world, sharing great food and interesting places and enjoyable pastimes.

69 thoughts on “Four Cheese & Béchamel Lasagna, Italian Comfort Food

  1. Karen, lasagne is the perfect comfort food for a winter dinner. Bechamel is a favorite with my family. Thank you for sharing your wonderful recipes!

    1. Hi Mad Dog, I don’t think I could make lasagna for my husband without the meatballs and sausages. He loves the meal and I think you would as well.

  2. I love that you include mascarpone — I can just imagine how smooth and silky that makes the filling. This is my favorite kind of lasagne — with the béchamel sauce. I’ll need to plan a party so I can make this!

    1. Thank you for the compliment David. I believe the mascarpone and the béchamel are what make this lasagna so good. If you have a dinner party, I hope you and your guests enjoy it.

    1. Thank you Jo and you will be happy to know that the lasagna has four different kinds of cheese plus béchamel and a delicious tomato sauce.

  3. Mmm… lasagna is one of those ultimate comfort foods and the richness of yours Karen would indeed be extraordinarily comforting.

    1. Thank you (I believe this is Larry-thanks for letting me know you are having problems with comments). The lasagna is terrine during cold weather evenings.

    1. Hi Susan, I’ve made a lot of different lasagnas over the years but this is my absolute favorite. Thank you for your nice compliment about the recipes.

  4. I’m not a person that craves pasta of any kind but the other day it was so cold and rainy here that I said aloud I wish I had a good lasagna recipe because it always feels like the perfect comfort food! This recipe looks amazing and I love that it doesn’t have meat as a lot of traditional italian recipes do. Thanks so much for the recipe, I’m so excited to try it! Hugs, CoCo

  5. a delicious and hearty meal to serve one’s family or guests. We don’t eat pasta these days so lasagne is not for us, but i do appreciate the flavours. Mascarpone makes anything delicious I think!

  6. This lasagna recipe is like a warm hug on a cold day, wrapped in a blanket of gooey cheese and smothered in sauce. I’m calling it now: this is gonna be your new go-to crowd-pleaser, Barbara and beyond!

  7. Lasagna has to be one of the all-time best comfort foods! I do agree that your combo of mascarpone and béchamel would make for one heck of a delicious lasagna. Now I’m craving this one. Hanging on to this recipe for sure!

  8. Karen, this lasagna looks absolutely delicious and yes, as you said, comforting. Although we had a brief few days of balmy 60 degree weather, it has been so cold here, very rainy, and just the type of weather that a serving of lasagna is perfect for.
    Thank you for sharing the recipe!

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